CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #7

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Big news!

This article says that the adult siblings are going to be moving into an assisted living community. The minor children are going to be living in foster homes:


Now that these children are all safe and receiving medical care, my greatest concern for them moving forward is exploitation. The Dionne quintuplets come to mind. I hope they will have a conservatorship to insure that donations are managed properly, and that they aren't turned in to a circus act.


I was a bucket of tears in the courthouse yesterday watching my child.
I couldn’t fathom smiling like this if I was the one being charged with these horrific charges.
I just don’t get it. Simmer down smiley pants.

Jmo. Catching up now have a million posts to read. Thanks for keeping us all
up to date WS peeps!

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I was a bucket of tears in the courthouse yesterday watching my child.
I couldn’t fathom smiling like this if I was the one being charged with these horrific charges.
I just don’t get it. Simmer down smiley pants.

Jmo. Catching up now have a million posts to read. Thanks for keeping us all
up to date WS peeps!

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Oh my!
What is wrong with her?!
She looks completely maniacal...

They are exactly the same - psychopaths. They have 'crazy eyes'.

I don't think DT has crazy eyes, he looks like he completely understands that he is in very deep doo doo. He is aware that what they have done is criminal. She doesn't get it yet. This is all an adventure for her.

And I don't think her attorney was looking at her adoringly, he was just smiling at her because lawyers are nice to their clients, no matter how despicable the client's crimes or personality may be.

Neither of them even batted an eye when they were told that they would have NO contact with any of their children for at least 3 years. They can't see them, talk to them, touch them, write to them, know where they live, know their contact numbers or be within 100 feet of them unless in a courtroom when the children testify. Blank stares, although LT was about to open her mouth, then just closed it.

I've got some legal folks in the family. This is true. These lawyers may not like the Ts, but they must defend them, and do so zealously, within the confines of the law.
Following your line of thought. She could have had a picture of each of the 12 shackled.

Maybe that is why it took 2 years. They could only gather evidence when they were not chained to a piece of furniture. Charging it to take the photos would be dangerous and time consuming. The camera makes noise too. Oh, I got chills.
Wow... she is smiling again. WTF???

The police officer behind her is REALLY giving her a dirty look.

Her poor lawyer. His smile looks like, Well $h*t. I just had to pull the short straw.
It's interesting you say this. I hadn't seen this photo before, but yes. I'm in no way saying this horrid treatment of the children didn't happen for perhaps decades, but I think the charges are as of 2010? They definitely appear a bit healthier in this photo, this was before the second bankruptcy wasn't it? Either way, seems like the treatment has occurred over random periods of time since the birth of first daughter. So very sad!
In a case like this with two defendants accused of the same crimes (although DT does have the lewdness charge to boot) do the attorneys collaborate with each other on how they intend to defend their clients or is it each man for himself. Is the trial conducted as one trial with everything being presented one time from the prosecution but each defending attorney gets a chance to cross examine and present their own defense? I apologize if my questions are too basic. It’s just after seeing the very different countenances on the two of the defendants faces I kind of wondered. If I was DT I’m not so sure I’d feel like LT was taking this whole thing all that seriously!

No collaboration. The attorneys' job is to zealousy represent his/her own client and it is every man for himself. Each lawyer gets to know what the other will present at trial, in order to prepare a defense. Yes, each attorney gets to try his or her case.
I have wondered about the silence from his coworkers or even an official statement. The reports confirmed he had been transferred to OK and also his income was stated when he was arrested so I do believe he was employed.
I also wondered how they bought homes after bankruptcy but I guess with his income he qualified.

My place of employment most likely would not have made a statement, and they'd likely have asked that the employees not make them either, just in case any of them are called to testify for any reason. Employers don't want this kind of press. Unlike LT's family, if this were my family, I'd not be on talk shows, nor standing around talking to reporters either.
Now that these children are all safe and receiving medical care, my greatest concern for them moving forward is exploitation. The Dionne quintuplets come to mind. I hope they will have a conservatorship to insure that donations are managed properly, and that they aren't turned in to a circus act.

You reminded me of this roses, a bit off topic, but in terms of what happens next for them.

Thank you!! I get a bit bristled at the age thing too. There was close to 20 years between my paternal grandparents. My first husband was 13 years older than me and we were married for 13 years. I married right out of h.s. We had some bad times but they weren't all bad and I'd take nothing for our children. We didn't have our first child til we'd been hitched for five years, so it wasn't a "have to" shotgun wedding, case. My second spouse is ten years old than me. I've never dated anyone, seriously, who was my age, or younger. I've just no interest.

He took her out of high school. Not ok in my world.
Hi all! Newbie here : ). I've read here for years and decided to sign up so I could comment on DT/LT and all those brave children.

Anyway, on to LT, the Turpins neighbor in Fort Worth stated that they didn't have a garage door opener and when LT pulled into the garage the kids were supposed to have that door opened the minute she pulled in or she would start honking the horn, etc. And another neighbor said that the yard was overgrown and filled with weeds, they were given a complaint, then a few of the children were out there working on the yard/weeds.
Now there is nothing wrong with kids doing yard work, chores, helping out Mom, but it just gives me the feeling that she had them so terrified, so traumatized and afraid for their life for a long time.

The woman doesn't clean, or cook (much), probably had the kids doing housework and child care for her. She wasn't keeping up with the homeschooling from what has been reported. Probably because she doesn't want them to gain knowledge and perhaps become smarter than her. This was completely about power and control. I do believe she thinks she's a princess of sorts. What did this woman do with her time? What woman in their forties, (especially a homemaker, *insert sarcasm* with kids) doesn't know at least how to run a household? I have no doubt she is going to put all the blame for her "punishments" on the children.
In all these photos I have never seen her in a loving embrace, even a touch, with any of the kids except the baby.
I'm just so sick about the children, what they've had to endure, the scars that can't be seen, and my heart breaks.
I've been looking for him for such a long time... He was on a talk show with Dave Pelzer talking about the abuse,and I could never find him .Dave Pelzer wrote book about his childhood and all the abuse he suffered at the hands of his mother. .A Child Called "It". Just as bad and called a thing.

rosemaddrerlake Faber Castells?

I have that book. Tough read.
In bankruptcy papers, it stated LT made $10,000 at a job,

I wonder what that could have been
Investigators have learned that the children were isolated from each other and locked in different rooms in small groups, Hestrin said.
The children did not have access to televisions or radios but were able to read and write and expressed themselves in hundreds of journals that were seized from the home, the district attorney said.
"It appears to me that they lacked any kind of understanding about how the world worked," Hestrin said.

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Another question I had...why 4 cars? And the neighbor in Ft. Worth said that they had a new Mustang every year or two. It's not like they were a normal family who had young adults driving to jobs, etc. was this another way to make things look more normal as the kids got to driving age?
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