OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #3

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So according to records Clint and Meredith say after Brian spoke to the girls he came back in and said he was going to speak to the band. LE ask the band, the staff, and many many other people if they can recall seeing Brian back in the bar after 1:55am and no one else can put him back in the bar.

Why would anyone who didn't know Brian be able to put him back in the bar? The two people who knew Brian say they know he went back into the bar. All the other people in the bar were doing their thing, not looking for Brian Shaffer.

The detective suggests that Brian was in the construction area, and then 'got exited' out of it (presumably the reason he thinks Brian made it out is not because there was every any subsequent sign Brian was alive, but because they didn't find him there. And then he was never heard from again.

I personally think it far more likely that if he was in the construction area that morning, he didn't make it out, searchers failed to find his body, and his remains are still there. In other words, if Brian was in the construction area that morning as the detective suggests, it seems far more likely to me that the reason Brian was never heard from again is because he died there, and not because he inexplicably and miraculously successfully executed a plan to vanish and start a completely new life in a new place.
2) Everyone and I mean everyone involved in this case believe with 100% certainty that Brian got out of the Ugly Tuna Saloona.

Well, duh. Of course he got out of the bar. Absolutely no one would dispute that. Can't hide in a bar for 12 years. If I understand correctly, the detective suggests in your podcast that, yes, Brian got out of the Saloona. And then, per the detective, he seems to have entered the construction area also within the complex housing the Saloona. Right?
Let me tell you when I began this project I was just like you guys. We can literally argue every theory in Brian’s disappearance and have valid points. That is why this case is both confusing and intriguing to me. We have been told by numerous people that in order to investigate this properly we have to forget everything we think we know and start fresh and in some times we have to “be” Brian. There is so much false information out there for us to research down to Brian’s birthday. What I can say without giving anything away about future episodes is.....

1) The family dynamic wasn’t exactly reported accurately.

2) Everyone and I mean everyone involved in this case believe with 100% certainty that Brian got out of the Ugly Tuna Saloona.

3) You will learn exactly what was going on with Brian and the Girl and the conversation they had. (This was not the only time they spent together that evening)

4) You will learn more about Brian and his personality. This man was a free spirit that wanted to do things his way!!

5) Brian was a drastic changer from one extreme to the next.

And now one last tidbit (only because it comes out in Episode 3 either tomorrow or Tuesday lol). What if I told you Brian was an hour late to his own moms funeral whom he loved very much! And the whole funeral was put on hold until he arrived!! When he did he gave the excuse he overslept and no one believed him!!!!

Said it before and will say here again great job you guys are to be commended for your in depth work you do on this case.

Just some randoms thought no need to respond. I've been following this case prob since around 2007ish. Good accurate information is hard to come by and there is a lot of info that is incorrect as you say. As I mentioned before something as simple as the bars hours have been inaccurately stated for years.

I never thought that Brian got a long all that well with his Dad. Some little things that Randy said I picked up on that makes me believe that.

I think Brian's mom dying was the straw so to speak that pushed him to leave. I also think that Brian was seeing someone else. Brian reminds me of a current day hippy. The free spirit comment is spot on as to how I see this guy.

I also see a lot of outspokenness in him and a good layer of sarcasm that goes along with it and this could rub people the wrong way at times.

Funny how you mention everybody (involved) believes Brian go out of there alive. Everybody means everybody so I will spare you the questions like but do you mean this guy too? lol This tells me that there is to some degree off the record talk.

I also find it interesting that Brightan Zatko is petitioning through change.org to have Brian's reward money reinstated for another year. Interesting as in why now, how well did she know Brian and after all these years still care enough to try and help. Also is this reward money for finding him regardless if he ran off of his own accord and is it open to anyone. ;)
Let me tell you when I began this project I was just like you guys. We can literally argue every theory in Brian’s disappearance and have valid points. That is why this case is both confusing and intriguing to me. We have been told by numerous people that in order to investigate this properly we have to forget everything we think we know and start fresh and in some times we have to “be” Brian. There is so much false information out there for us to research down to Brian’s birthday. What I can say without giving anything away about future episodes is.....

1) The family dynamic wasn’t exactly reported accurately.

2) Everyone and I mean everyone involved in this case believe with 100% certainty that Brian got out of the Ugly Tuna Saloona.

3) You will learn exactly what was going on with Brian and the Girl and the conversation they had. (This was not the only time they spent together that evening)

4) You will learn more about Brian and his personality. This man was a free spirit that wanted to do things his way!!

5) Brian was a drastic changer from one extreme to the next.

And now one last tidbit (only because it comes out in Episode 3 either tomorrow or Tuesday lol). What if I told you Brian was an hour late to his own moms funeral whom he loved very much! And the whole funeral was put on hold until he arrived!! When he did he gave the excuse he overslept and no one believed him!!!!

Ah Ha! That’s what I’ve had in the back of my mind for quite some that feeling that Brian was a free spirited person... that perhaps while his mother was alive, he tended to temper this part of his personality a bit more just to try to please her. Especially while she was so sick with a terminal illness.

I also have wondered if he tended to be a people pleaser, at least concerning his parents. Perhaps he was not happy with medical school or medicine as his chosen profession, but tried to stick with it so as not to disappoint his mother. Perhaps he wasn’t ready to be tied down with marriage, maybe he felt he had lived his whole life trying to live up to others expectations.

Perhaps when his mother passed on, he decided it was finally time for him to be himself and the only way he felt he could do that was to leave everything behind. JMO
Why would anyone who didn't know Brian be able to put him back in the bar? The two people who knew Brian say they know he went back into the bar. All the other people in the bar were doing their thing, not looking for Brian Shaffer.

The detective suggests that Brian was in the construction area, and then 'got exited' out of it (presumably the reason he thinks Brian made it out is not because there was every any subsequent sign Brian was alive, but because they didn't find him there. And then he was never heard from again.

I personally think it far more likely that if he was in the construction area that morning, he didn't make it out, searchers failed to find his body, and his remains are still there. In other words, if Brian was in the construction area that morning as the detective suggests, it seems far more likely to me that the reason Brian was never heard from again is because he died there, and not because he inexplicably and miraculously successfully executed a plan to vanish and start a completely new life in a new place.

The detective in no way suggested that Brian was in the construction area that morning. As a matter of fact he point blank states they feel he got out of the building and away from the building. I have a great deal of knowledge about construction and construction crews. No construction company is going to pour concrete without checking the area first! Furthermore you are assuming concrete was poured Monday. That has never been stated by anyone ever!! Not to mention there was way more construction going on then just concrete pours. The whole bottom floor of the building was being constructed into the individual stores that are there today.
Responding to your posts has become exhausting because it's like talking in circles, and to make matters worse you continue to misquote me and/or fail to understand what I am saying.

Case in point: I did NOT assume this--because I have never said that he absolutely didn't re-enter. I said it's possible that he didn't re-enter (i.e., that we don't know one way or another). There's a subtle but VERY important difference.

So now you're exhausted lol OK well for some reason you are the one who has has chosen to beat down everyone of my theories as "far fetched" Highly unlikely" "quite a stance" I could go on but you get my point. Just some of your quotes.

You think the way Det. Hurst phrased it means Clint and Meredith were aware of the time? That's quite a stance.

I agree it's possible, but I stand by it being far fetched.

Unless he truly does have some sort of partner who is supplying him with everything he needs in his partner’s name and/or just providing for him entirely, this is just incredibly unlikely.

As I said before, it’s not impossible, but it’s far-fetched.

It would be hard enough for one of these things to happen, but when you string together all of them, you get a theory that just seems incredibly unlikely.

You seem a little irritated like maybe I hit a nerve but this was not my intention. As far as your quote.

"to make matters worse you continue to misquote me and/or fail to understand what I am saying."

First of all don't turn something I misread and acknowledged that I did, into an exaggeration to try and prove a point that doesn't exist. There is no "continue to misquote" since I misread something once. I'm not sure "what matters I am making worse" by just responding to your criticisms of my posts. That sounds just a little dramatic to me.

Also if you feel like I am failing to understand you then I strongly suggest that you go back and rethink what you are posting. Maybe what you are referring too wasn't a probable and or such a rational statement.
The detective in no way suggested that Brian was in the construction area that morning. As a matter of fact he point blank states they feel he got out of the building and away from the building.


I listened to your podcast several times and transcribed parts of it. In the podcast, Sgt. Hurst states that, and this is verbatim, 'the basic indication is that somehow Brian got down into the construction area and most likely got exited out of there'

These are the detective's own words. So, how in the world can you contend that "The detective in no way suggested that Brian was in the construction area that morning"????
So now you're exhausted lol OK well for some reason you are the one who has has chosen to beat down everyone of my theories as "far fetched" Highly unlikely" "quite a stance" I could go on but you get my point. Just some of your quotes.

You think the way Det. Hurst phrased it means Clint and Meredith were aware of the time? That's quite a stance.

I agree it's possible, but I stand by it being far fetched.

Unless he truly does have some sort of partner who is supplying him with everything he needs in his partner’s name and/or just providing for him entirely, this is just incredibly unlikely.

As I said before, it’s not impossible, but it’s far-fetched.

It would be hard enough for one of these things to happen, but when you string together all of them, you get a theory that just seems incredibly unlikely.

You seem a little irritated like maybe I hit a nerve but this was not my intention. As far as your quote.

"to make matters worse you continue to misquote me and/or fail to understand what I am saying."

First of all don't turn something I misread and acknowledged that I did, into an exaggeration to try and prove a point that doesn't exist. There is no "continue to misquote" since I misread something once. I'm not sure "what matters I am making worse" by just responding to your criticisms of my posts. That sounds just a little dramatic to me.

Also if you feel like I am failing to understand you then I strongly suggest that you go back and rethink what you are posting. Maybe what you are referring too wasn't a probable and or such a rational statement.

I've labeled many of your theories as unlikely over and over again because that's exactly what they are! It's nothing personal, it's just that you spout one thing after another without actually taking the time to read counterarguments, as evidenced by multiple misquotes (and yes, you've done this twice now, not once) or missing the gist of the conversation. That is why trying to have a discussion with you is exhausting.

And yes, it's irritating too because I'd like to engage in intelligent conversation that helps us hopefully find Brian--which right now, this conversation is not doing, so DM me if you want to continue this particular discussion rather than subject the forum to another lengthy unhelpful post.
I've labeled many of your theories as unlikely over and over again because that's exactly what they are! It's nothing personal, it's just that you spout one thing after another without actually taking the time to read counterarguments, as evidenced by multiple misquotes (and yes, you've done this twice now, not once) or missing the gist of the conversation. That is why trying to have a discussion with you is exhausting.

And yes, it's irritating too because I'd like to engage in intelligent conversation that helps us hopefully find Brian--which right now, this conversation is not doing, so DM me if you want to continue this particular discussion rather than subject the forum to another lengthy unhelpful post.

No worries. I'll disengage from here on. Peace

I listened to your podcast. Sgt. Hurst states that, and this is verbatim, 'the basic indication is that somehow Brian got down into the construction area and most likely got exited out of there'

So, how in the world can you contend that "The detective in no way suggested that Brian was in the construction area that morning"????

itsrak, I think what Looking4Brian is saying is that the detectives felt that he was in the construction area, but his body was no longer there by the time that they searched (Looking4Brian, feel free to correct me if I am wrong on that interpretation).

If I understand correctly, the prevailing theory of Det. Hurst is that he got into the construction site through any one of multiple entrances into the site that he could have taken, then he left. What happened after that is anyone's guess.

I'm not saying that I 100% agree with that theory, because I have also been strongly in the camp that there could have been an accident in the construction site that was very well concealed, and his body is still there. However, I will say that IMO the new info about the dogs potentially tracking his scent out toward Wendy's makes me think there's a little bit more hope for the theories that involve him leaving the building than I believed previously.

If he did get out of the building, I still suspect foul play unless I hear convincing evidence to suggest otherwise. I still have a hard time seeing this as a voluntary walk away, but perhaps there will be new information in the upcoming podcast that will change my mind on this.
Furthermore you are assuming concrete was poured Monday.

Huh?! I assumed no such thing. I suppose the 'completely dug up areas' were eventually paved, but I have no idea when. Nor do I know what day or days the construction area was searched.

I find your comments baffling.
So in an interview with Clint right after Brian went missing Clint says quote " Brian was doing his usual thing and was talking to those two girls." this is something that I remembered from a long time ago and this to me is proof that Clint saw him talking to the two girls so he had to be within eye shot of seeing him. Which also could mean that Brian could see Clint and another reason for me to believe that Brian went back in to tell Clint he was going to talk to the band. But I would also think that if Brian never went back in the bar Clint would have just followed it with "and that was the last time I saw him". On the other hand it's also possible that this was another time he was referring to Brian talking to them since we now know he did, but ? always a question. :tantrum:

I find it just a little odd that Clint refers them as "those two girls". So we can take this a couple different ways. One is that Clint didn't know them meaning had no clue as to who they were or he knew them as in met them earlier with Brian maybe knew their names but nothing more as far a being friends or (lots of ors here lol) He knew them enough to say hi to them by name.

So I'm trying to figure out in what aspect that he knew them to refer to them that way. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but the way he said it was very impersonal. Almost like he didn't like them for some reason. If I was asked the same question I would have been a little more neutral in my answer like, well Brian was talking to two of his friends or Brian was talking to two girlfriends of his. Even if he said Brian was talking to these two girls that would lead me to believe he didn't know them, but to say "those" two girls just sets off a bell in my head.
It seems more and more like Brian followed the band. He may have seen them enter the elevator and thought that he could catch up with them by using the stairwell. Instead, it seems that he ended up in the construction site.

I doubt whether the scent trail leading to Wendy's was his. It's more likely that he never made it out of the construction site alive.

The digging may not have all been for the pouring of concrete; some of it could have been for burying sewer lines, power lines, etc. Workers backfilling a trench after laying a sewer line might not check the trench carefully; they might just bulldoze a pile of dirt into it.

We need to know more about what work was done between the time Brian disappeared and the time cadaver dogs searched the construction site. If the police haven't shared that information, it might be because they don't know.
When Det Hurst mentioned a man from Ohio that was a newscaster that went missing and found years later it rang a bell but couldn't remember who it was until tonight. Not sure if this is the guy he was referring to but either way this story is just crazy. He was thought to have died in a boating accident only to show up in Chicago being recognized by a family friend 8 years later at an archery booth. Even crazier this man became a TV personality AFTER he disappeared. So many unanswered questions as to how this man pulled this off and we will never know.


Gives renewed faith about Brian having his own band on some tropical island. :)

How many of you think that Brian went to talk to the band? However, the band was too fast in leaving and packing up their equipment. Brian tried to follow them, took a wrong turn, and wound up trapped in the Construction Site and therefore died there?


Brian committed suicide, he just couldn't take the pressure of everything in his life anymore?


Brian was killed that night for whatever reason?


Brian knowingly and voluntarily left to start a new life and hasn't been seen since? If that is the case, how could he due all of this in a drunken state of mind with nobody seeing him ever again for over a decade?

I think Brian most likely is buried somewhere in the Construction site. In which case, he died by accident. The other possibilities are close as well Or he got out of the building and found some isolated location to kill himself in an area so remote. Intentionally seeking a remote area so that his body would never be found. Or Brian got out of the building and met with foul play.

Community post your percentages on Brian Shaffer's status. Your percent totals should add up to 100:

Accidental Death: 40%
Suicide: 30%
Murder: 25%
Start New Life: 5%

How many of you think that Brian went to talk to the band? However, the band was too fast in leaving and packing up their equipment. Brian tried to follow them, took a wrong turn, and wound up trapped in the Construction Site and therefore died there?


Brian committed suicide, he just couldn't take the pressure of everything in his life anymore?


Brian was killed that night for whatever reason?


Brian knowingly and voluntarily left to start a new life and hasn't been seen since? If that is the case, how could he due all of this in a drunken state of mind with nobody seeing him ever again for over a decade?

I think Brian most likely is buried somewhere in the Construction site. In which case, he died by accident. The other possibilities are close as well Or he got out of the building and found some isolated location to kill himself in an area so remote. Intentionally seeking a remote area so that his body would never be found. Or Brian got out of the building and met with foul play.

Community post your percentages on Brian Shaffer's status. Your percent totals should add up to 100:

Accidental Death: 40%
Suicide: 30%
Murder: 25%
Start New Life: 5%

Accidental Death: 90%.........Det. Hurst is right, Brian entered construction area. Brian then died there in an accident
Suicide: 7%............................Det. Hurst is right, Brian entered construction area. Brian then committed suicide there
Murder: 2%.............................Not likely, body never found, no indication Brian was engaged in risky activities such as dealing
Start New Life: 1%................Extremely unlikely

How many of you think that Brian went to talk to the band? However, the band was too fast in leaving and packing up their equipment. Brian tried to follow them, took a wrong turn, and wound up trapped in the Construction Site and therefore died there?


Brian committed suicide, he just couldn't take the pressure of everything in his life anymore?


Brian was killed that night for whatever reason?


Brian knowingly and voluntarily left to start a new life and hasn't been seen since? If that is the case, how could he due all of this in a drunken state of mind with nobody seeing him ever again for over a decade?

I think Brian most likely is buried somewhere in the Construction site. In which case, he died by accident. The other possibilities are close as well Or he got out of the building and found some isolated location to kill himself in an area so remote. Intentionally seeking a remote area so that his body would never be found. Or Brian got out of the building and met with foul play.

Community post your percentages on Brian Shaffer's status. Your percent totals should add up to 100:

Accidental Death: 40%
Suicide: 30%
Murder: 25%
Start New Life: 5%

Started new life. If they have his dna then is likely still alive. Unless he died and had a new identity and no one bothered to check because they had no reason to suspect he wasn’t who he said he was.
Accidental Death >92%
Suicide 4%
Murder 3%
Start New Life <1%
Accidental Death 5 %
Start New Life 5 %
Suicide 10 %
Homicide/manslaughter 80%
I know I'm odd man out here but I never could get to the point where I thought Brian was murdered either inside or outside the bar or building. I also never thought he committed suicide. I did at one point entertain the idea he was still somewhere in the building but after hearing the podcast not so much anymore. I 100% believe he got out of the building and took off to parts unknown.
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