Found Deceased Shanann Watts (34) and daughters Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest*

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Neighbors camera show's her arriving at home and him leaving for work, his truck was backed into the garage, so he could have them in his truck in the garage out of any camera view.
Did his work shift start at 5:30? Could he have disposed of 3 bodies and made it to work by 5:30? Would be interesting to know if he was late that day.
Did his work shift start at 5:30? Could he have disposed of 3 bodies and made it to work by 5:30? Would be interesting to know if he was late that day.
Yes it would and I'm sure LE knows.
I still haven't found where he works at. I would be interested to know that.
You're spot on. NoCo native here. From Frederick, with no traffic (like at 2 am) you could definitely get to Wyoming and and back in 3.5 hours, and almost to Nebraska and back. That a lot of desolate space.

But, we have not heard that hubby's truck left between 2 and 5:30. So I'm inclined to think if he moved his family it was between 5:30 and his arrival at work.
Good point! It is starting to get light at 5:30 so the neighbors camera probably had a decent view. If I’m remembering correctly all the doors were dead bolted- so with
You're spot on. NoCo native here. From Frederick, with no traffic (like at 2 am) you could definitely get to Wyoming and and back in 3.5 hours, and almost to Nebraska and back. That a lot of desolate space.

But, we have not heard that hubby's truck left between 2 and 5:30. So I'm inclined to think if he moved his family it was between 5:30 and his arrival at work.
Good point and given our info I agree. At 5:30 it is starting to get light out so the neighbor’s camera probably had a good view of him leaving. I think I read earlier all the doors were dead bolted and her keys were found in the house- right? ZhaZhaHa’s backyard photos show the back area could be traversed. (Thanks ZhaZhaha!) If she left with the girls through the back after 5:30 I would think she would have been seen or heard.
Wonder where he works & what time he needed to be there. As an aside- lots of areas with no cell
service in Colorado. Hope there will be new info at PC at 3:30.
Where I live is extremely rural, if spur of the moment you would have a really good chance of concealing a body if you had your head on straight and knew the terrain. If you planned it, just one example we have farmers who buy up gobs of acreage, many have trailers and dilapidated farmhouses on them. They don't bother to tear them down, they just sit out there in the middle of nowhere off a County road about a half mile off and the rats take them over. If you had time you could remove the skirting from a trailer that has sat for ten years empty, dig under it and have the holes all ready. No one goes there, no one lives there or nearby. No chance of an animal digging it up as you replace the skirting, and there they would be. The ground would harden and what are the odds even if they dragged off this trailer in another ten years that the ground would not be rock hard by then. I believe if we knew the amount of unfound bodies in Colorado alone we would be Gobsmacked....IMHO
  1. Where does CW work?
  2. What time was he supposed to arrive at work on Monday?
  3. Did he arrive on time?
  4. How many doors lead from the house or garage to the backyard?
  5. Are the door(s) to the backyard standard doors or sliding glass?
We've got to find out if it's normal for him to back up his truck to the garage every morning to load his tools. Does he do this everyday? That is just bothering me, my husband is in construction and when he had a truck he had a tool thing on the back he could lock but right now he's driving an SUV and he keeps his tools in the back and then backs in the driveway. I just find it weird that you'd unload/load tools everyday, it seems like a lot.
Missing pregnant mother of 2 in Colorado has NC ties
"Shanann has a schedule and she goes by that schedule and she does not deviate," said high school friend Lauren Arnold. Arnold said she moved to Colorado around the same time as Watts. "The girls are on a schedule. She has things that she does every day. A dead cell phone is not an option for her. She always has her communication with her.
There is a Facebook page for updates and questions, along with an opportunity to donate for purchasing airfare and travel accommodations for members of Watts' family that can be found here.
We're working with a very small time frame here. If it wasn't CW then it was definitely something premeditated and meticulously planned, if they missed all doorbell and security cams, and got three people out the door unnoticed without a struggle. If it was CW, we have to assume the three didn't leave conscious.

This morning I messaged my husband at work, "Have you ever wondered how long a body has to be dead for a cadaver dog to work?"

I think I had him a little worried for a moment. But I found this article that says:

"In a study published last year, the forensic pathologist Lars Oesterhelweg, then at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and colleagues tested the ability of three Hamburg State Police cadaver dogs to pick out – of a line-up of six new carpet squares – the one that had been exposed for no more than 10 minutes to a recently deceased person.

Several squares had been placed beneath a clothed corpse within three hours of death, when some organs and many cells of the human body are still functioning. Over the next month, the dogs did hundreds of trials in which they signalled the contaminated square with 98 per cent accuracy, falling to 94 per cent when the square had been in contact with the corpse for only two minutes. The research concluded that cadaver dogs were an "outstanding tool" for crime-scene investigation."

If I had to GUESS, I think he somehow got the three of them out in his truck via the attached garage which wouldn't show anything significant on the doorbell camera. And if anyone was dead, dogs would *probably* be able to pick up on that, in his truck and the home.
That's what I said! Who laughs when their wife and children have vanished?!

Oddly enough, my dad would. He's got this awkward nervous chuckle he does, without even realizing it. It used to drive me crazy because he would do it when one of us (mom or 5 daughters) was upset. He just doesn't know how to deal with displays of emotion or social situations very well, so emotional social situations would likely make him feel incredibly awkward and he would smile and nervous chuckle.

To be fair, though, it comes across as nervous, not caviler. I really want to believe this husband is completely innocent of any wrongdoing. I don't believe that deep down, though, I just want to.

I need to remember to be more thankful for what I do have. Honestly, I've looked at the social media in this case and felt more fat, frumpy, poor, and lazy than in a while, and need to remind myself people's lives only look perfect from outside, never from within. I don't have it that bad.

Please let's get some good news soon! This is heartbreaking :(
Those little girls are so stinking cute!
We're working with a very small time frame here. If it wasn't CW then it was definitely something premeditated and meticulously planned, if they missed all doorbell and security cams, and got three people out the door unnoticed without a struggle. If it was CW, we have to assume the three didn't leave conscious.

This morning I messaged my husband at work, "Have you ever wondered how long a body has to be dead for a cadaver dog to work?"

I think I had him a little worried for a moment. But I found this article that says:

"In a study published last year, the forensic pathologist Lars Oesterhelweg, then at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and colleagues tested the ability of three Hamburg State Police cadaver dogs to pick out – of a line-up of six new carpet squares – the one that had been exposed for no more than 10 minutes to a recently deceased person.

Several squares had been placed beneath a clothed corpse within three hours of death, when some organs and many cells of the human body are still functioning. Over the next month, the dogs did hundreds of trials in which they signalled the contaminated square with 98 per cent accuracy, falling to 94 per cent when the square had been in contact with the corpse for only two minutes. The research concluded that cadaver dogs were an "outstanding tool" for crime-scene investigation."

If I had to GUESS, I think he somehow got the three of them out in his truck via the attached garage which wouldn't show anything significant on the doorbell camera. And if anyone was dead, dogs would *probably* be able to pick up on that, in his truck and the home.

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