Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #24

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Prior to Chris' confession investigators arrived at CERVI 319 (with consent) to initiate a drone search of the area. At approximately 4:15 pm investigators spotted a bed sheet in the field near the tank battery. The drone search also revealed fresh movement of dirt consistent with a clandestine grave near the oil tanks. Arrest Affidavit.pdf
so they knew before he confessed then
That’s a good point. No matter her actions, no matter if she was bossy or mean, it doesn’t justify what he did to her.

If this behavior is being viewed in regards to motive, well there’s no way of knowing. The motive could be one thing, or a combination of them.

We can’t get inside CW’s head, and I’m not sure I want to.

Honestly I don't see any other motive for continually trying to lay the groundwork that we have to be open to possible abuse on "both sides". How will that be proven that somehow her theoretical abuse of him made him do it? Proves she was evil enough to kill her children the same night, by the same method that he slaughtered her? Or is it just laying the groundwork for badmouthing her at the trial. And I already stated my opinion on that. We could be talking about their manners at the dinner table, who was more irresponsible with money, who had worse English grammar habits, and therefore was a bad example in educating their children (like, like, like), and lots of possible things for them to have argued about (WHO WAS CHEATING?). Sure am glad there was no such thing as livestreaming cherry picked videos during my 18 year marriage, for strangers to say...Hey, see that!! She abused him by asking him to stoke the fire! He said she leaves her sewing stuff all around the house!!
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Without going into excruciating detail, my own father must have low self-esteem or loves my mother dearly because she could/can be a royal bit*h for NO reason (barking at him to open a car door if he didn't get there fast enough... huh?) and countless friends and ex's witnessed these interactions and commented on it to me over the years, telling me that my father was a saint, which we knew. I think he did/does it to "keep the peace." He could stand up to her but then face the wrath, the screaming. Been there, done that. Has no intention of leaving her now nor did he in their 20s. Easier to go with the flow, don't provoke her, when provoked just be meek. Does he have no backbone? Perhaps. Always been a quiet, loving mellow guy. She - more high strung, OCD, bad childhood, things have to go her way, dictated their friends and trips, etc. Sigh. Sorry for "TMI" here but it's my life experience which I know plays into my feelings, only natural.
Your dad sounds like a nice guy!
It's simply not the norm to start thinking of liquidating, selling, within 36 hours of your beloved wife and children gone missing. However, Scott P did the same -- sold his "missing" wife's vehicle, and made an appointment with realtor-- just weeks after reporting his wife missing. It's not the norm except for these type of men that get charged with murdering their families. MOO
I could not agree more. Big fat red flag.
What I find rather surprising is in thread opinion is when verbal abuse of C.W. is discussed not only collaborated by her videos but a VI that has known them both many years it seems SW is validated . “ he had a mouth he could leave” “ it’s good natured ribbing “. But then saying she was a victim of DV with zero proof, zero witnesses and completely sympathizing again with her . I know many of you are married . But being in an abusive relationship is 180 degrees different . You become isolated , insecure , so worried about doing everything right it is overwhelming . You start believing you are a loser. You aren’t worthy .
There is proof from SW stating he was the calm one . She had confidence , wore the “pants” in the family and controlled everything. She traveled at will leaving kids with Chris or family if they both went and had daycare. I had to take a breath away from the thread bc I felt a lot of my feelings of insecurities from my ex coming back trying to express my opinion on here . I felt no one would believe me bc I had covered for him so long . Everyone loved him. He could go from full scream at me to polite conversation with someone on a phone , hang up immediately start screaming again.
It’s ironic to me bc we are Victim blaming him about the verbal abuse as we are saying we can’t victim blame her as a reason to look at the evidence she verbally abused him.
I am not saying bc she verbally abused him she deserved to die . I am saying I want both sides known to get a clear version of the truth .
There’s no evidence that he did either, at least that we know of. There’s evidence he lied, and we know he disposed of the bodies at the oil field. Both of these things make him look guilty, for sure. But at this time, we don’t know of any evidence that he killed his daughters. Therefore, we still need to look at both possibilities.
They HAVE to have evidence that he did, in order to charge him with their murder. Isn't that right?
(Typo Editing in progress, fat fingers)

“Everything happens for a reason.”
—Shanann Watts

I wonder what “reason” there is for the murder of her and her theee children.

What would Shanann say to this??

We are all here trying to figure out the same thing, why did this happen. Shanann, I don’t think there “is a reason”, other than his own selfishness and rage (and other associated negative emotions and perhaps illness imo).

But IF there is to be a reason for what tapped to you girls, then we have to make it a positive one. As far as helping to make some kind of positive difference in your honor, through your spirits that have been sacrificed for this reason. That’s the only thing I am think of as far as there being any kind of remote positive or “reason” as to what happened to you all. So if we are to internalize your words and accept them as truth as to “everything haplebeibf for a reason”, what would you want that reason to be? I’ve always said as regards rob Jessica Ridgeway that there really is no such thing as justice because nothing can ever bring her back or take away from the pain that she and her family have suffered.

Family was clearly important to you, and family, as achieving your dreams and working hard...

Maybe there’s a message for us to keep our own eyes open wider and be careful about whom you choose to love...(but if there were no signs..)

This is all sooi difficult.

We talk about the production of Lucas’ Law, Sherin’s Law...what would you (SW) likefor “Shanann’s Law” to be, metaphorically speaking/ meanOmg, what was the real “reason” that this happened to you all, in the big scheme of things. Is there really a reason??

This type of perp, I’m truly flabbergasted myself c I too have been sooooooo deluded in love.
I for one, do not believe everything happens for a reason. At all. Some people believe this for religious reasons, or whatever reason, but I think it is a vague concept and there are many who don't believe this. Unless we are to consider motive as a reason. That I can relate to. And would very much like to know. Jmo
Actually killing her was not the ultimate abuse, the ultimate abuse is making sure she is dead dead dead and partially buried before saying that she is to blame for it all. THAT is the ultimate abuse.
Honestly I don't see any other motive for continually trying to lay the groundwork that we have to be open to possible abuse on "both sides". How will that be proven that somehow her theoretical abuse of him made him do it? Proves she was evil enough to kill her children the same night, by the same method that he slaughtered her? Or is it just laying the groundwork for badmouthing her at the trial. And I already stated my opinion on that. We could be talking about their manners at the dinner table, who was more irresponsible with money, who had worse English grammar habits, and therefore was a bad example in educating their children (like, like, like), and lots of possible things for them to have argued about. Sure am glad there was no such thing as livestreaming cherry picked videos during my 18 year marriage, for strangers to say...Hey, see that!! She abused him by asking him to stoke the fire! He said she leaves her sewing stuff all around the house!!

Unfortunately due to TOS I can’t really address your post. Let’s just leave it at this: I think there’s a lot more to this story, and we aren’t aware of much at all at this point. MOO
At this point, we don’t know that he *didn’t* try.

I find the language in the affidavit extremely interesting - the use of the word “ultimately” implies (IMO) that something else happened *before* he strangled her...

Unfortunately, all we really have to go on is the affidavit - which is really short on information
I've also thought the same.
I think the 'ultimately' was used to cover for other injuries SW may have suffered. eg, he may have hit her head with a blunt object to knock her out prior to strangling her.
Unfortunately due to TOS I can’t really address your post. Let’s just leave it at this: I think there’s a lot more to this story, and we aren’t aware of much at all at this point. MOO
That's OK, I know there's a lot on FB, etc. But I personally won't fall for this let's look for abuse on both sides, when she is in her grave with her kids. And the only thing to go by is silly, sometimes stilted FB videos. How much of their daily life was captured and posted online? 1 zillionth of their total time?
You “tease each other “. I have yet to see any reciprocation . It’s one of the things IMO you notice if you have been in an abusive relationship but others overlook .

I have been in an abusive relationship and I am a former family therapist. Aside from the fact that I do not see abusive behavior in the videos, I refuse to label these out-of-context slices of life as such. These videos stand for, what? 10-20 minutes out of a 24-hour day?

It is interesting to me how some people refuse to believe thst CW could have killed his kids yet are quick to believe thst SW was emotionally abusive, even though they have never met her. Yes, one VI said that she belittled him but two more have said she didn't.

Sometimes when one has personal experience with such things, they tend to see it everywhere. IMO
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Can he not stand up / speak up for himself?

Let’s be realistic. What happens when you stand up for yourself? Does the abuser say “Oh my gosh. You don’t like the way I’m talking to you/hitting you? I’m so sorry. I’ll change and treat you with dignity and respect from now on.”

Spoiler alert: That’s not what happens.

But I do agree he should have left.
At this point, we don’t know that he *didn’t* try.

I find the language in the affidavit extremely interesting - the use of the word “ultimately” implies (IMO) that something else happened *before* he strangled her...

Unfortunately, all we really have to go on is the affidavit - which is really short on information
It could just mean that he flew into a rage, they argued, or he became angry before he strangled her. I don't see it as implying anything else. Jmo
At this point, we don’t know that he *didn’t* try.

I find the language in the affidavit extremely interesting - the use of the word “ultimately” implies (IMO) that something else happened *before* he strangled her...

Unfortunately, all we really have to go on is the affidavit - which is really short on information
I agree, is there anything else in the affadavit we should consider/discuss/debate? Am I correct in thinking that this is only a summary used by LE to support the arrest of CW? Do you have any thoughts on the redaction(s)? Thanks!
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