Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #34

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Yes, that was what I was wondering but wasn't clear...gauging his reaction. If I were them, I would have asked again at the time of confession just for that.
They may have and just not released it yet.

I kinda hope they would have/did. Based on his porch interviews he probably felt he could have passed it. Grinning shirt and all. Would love to see those results.

I don’t know how to link to a post from a previous thread, but @PommyMommy asked me to weigh in on the PTSD issue. I tried to catch up on what this was stemming from, but that was a challenge.

Anyway, a couple things to note about PTSD. First, in order for it to be PTSD, you have to experience symptoms for at least 1 month. Second, I don’t believe that symptoms manifest immediately after the trauma, so I wouldn’t expect that to be an explanation for his behavior in the interviews the next day. We usually talk about symptoms as appearing within months to years, not days or hours. Third, key symptoms of PTSD are persistent negative mood and inability to experience positive emotions. That is not evident in the interviews. Whatever your opinion about his interview behavior, I don’t think it’s plausible to claim PTSD.

He could have PTSD now, whether he killed the children or not, but we don’t know.

Thank you for your expert explanation of PTSD. This perfectly describes my great-grandfather, who was a World War I veteran who fought in the trenches of France. After he was honorably discharged, I believe he may have sought help as he was diagnosed with shell shock by a military doctor, but I'm not sure they were able to provide him with the help he needed.

He died when I was a teenager, so I remember him well. I don't recall that he ever spoke to me, and he was extremely quiet and withdrawn. When we came to visit, he always retreated into a separate room, where he would close the door and sit in the dark by himself for hours on end with the rest of the family visiting in the living room.

He lived a very long life, but he never recovered.
I think that they think that that was awful too, but.............. he was forced to do it by his wife who wanted to punish him for taking her lifestyle away from her.
She was either a poor dependent thing who could not live without his financial support or she was an aggressive woman who emasculated him.
She was both! Have you not been paying attention at all?
If I had a 3 year old handy I would have tried it myself. I appreciate it when WS posters research and explore new facts, especially when they may link to forensic evidence pertaining to a case. Far more interesting than rehashing the same old facts over and over, and certainly better than speculating about the victim's life and mindset. When I first came to this site it's what I expected would make it different from other boards. So thank you to everyone who's asked/answered questions about the law, legal procedure, oil tank design, doorbell cameras, baby monitors, home values and the like.

My computer is glitching and I can't see who did the experiment with the hole size and the child, but whoever you are thank you. I'm quite certain you didn't say "come here honey so I can see if I would have to break your arms off to fit you in this hole like the mean man did to his little girl". I'm sure they thought it was a fun game.

And to @Seattle1 -- thank you so much for doing the research to find out that you could remove some bolts and make the opening even bigger. That's EXACTLY the kind of thing I hope to learn by coming on here. And in this particular case I'll sleep a little better knowing the hole could possibly have been made a bit bigger.

And I have a request--if anyone feels the need to criticize another poster's attempts to research or understand the case, please think twice. I know I have had to bite my tongue and leave the board several times so as not to offend a poster. Even when I think they deserve to be offended and know it would feel extremely satisfying to do so.

Thanks for sticking with us. I hope you can forgive the bit of humor tonight. Despite my last few replies, I find nothing funny about this case what-so-ever. It has just gotten so absurd, IMO, the lengths some are willing to go to defend CW. I didn't even know SW and I have come to feel protective over her and her precious girls. I can't imagine how difficult it is for you and all who knew and loved Shanann, Bella, CeCe and NiKo. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
The sentiment appears to be no facial hair, yes to glasses, and oversized clothes (suit, if they will not allow his beloved tshirt).
I think the beloved shirt should be mandatory.... to show his big ole grin he can't hide after dumping his babies in separate oil tanks and throwing dirt over his wife and unborn son.

He sure does seem to love that shirt though.
Thanks for sticking with us. I hope you can forgive the bit of humor tonight. Despite my last few replies, I find nothing funny about this case what-so-ever. It has just gotten so absurd, IMO, the lengths some are willing to go to defend CW. I didn't even know SW and I have come to feel protective over her and her precious girls. I can't imagine how difficult it is for you and all who knew and loved Shanann, Bella, CeCe and NiKo. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I think that most mothers and most fathers feel protective of her and her babies. Some, however do not. They feel protective of the man that murdered her and have to somehow make it her fault.
I wondered about that as soon as I wrote it. I haven't read any of it myself, but I wonder if he would be perceived the same way if he had a conservative hair cut, glasses and was clean shaven. People are strange.

I wonder if it will depend on jury demographics. In Colorado, it's the norm for guys under 30 or so to have facial hair. Goatees are also popular. But not mustaches, that's considered creepy now. On the other hand, older individuals tend to prefer clean-shaven men. Also seems like most men are fine w/ facial hair on other guys. But I've heard women say they wish guys would just start shaving. If everyone on the jury is over 80 he should shave--If I brought someone home looking like that my Dad would call him "that bearded hippie idiot".
I wonder if it will depend on jury demographics. In Colorado, it's the norm for guys under 30 or so to have facial hair. Goatees are also popular. But not mustaches, that's considered creepy now. On the other hand, older individuals tend to prefer clean-shaven men. Also seems like most men are fine w/ facial hair on other guys. But I've heard women say they wish guys would just start shaving. If everyone on the jury is over 80 he should shave--If I brought someone home looking like that my Dad would call him "that bearded hippie idiot".
Here's to hoping someone convinces him to shave and just keep the mustache then...

To show him for the lying, "creepy", murdering cheater he is.

From previous thread, as way behind.
Good morning everyone.
NuttMegg, I was measuring everything in my kitchen too!
The only thing remotely close is my KitchenAid mixer bowl.
So, Its slightly bigger than 8 inches, almost 9.
My pupper wasn't very happy with me. :oops:o_O:rolleyes:
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Well, you know your Pup (how cute) is your best friend, and although not happy, she/he wants you to work this out: how can a child fit through an 8 inch diameter opening!!!
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