Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #35

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So, given that he went out tbere so early to dump the family, he (imo) ran out of time and half buried his wife, then went to hudson to go to work, iirc, when did he do the previously scheduled work on that pad?

according to nephew, a lot of it is 'maintenance', and he may have been able to check off those boxes while he was out there. If it is just a one man job, then often it is checking this and checking that, to make sure it is all good.
I’ve had a self-imposed timeout because I just couldn’t handle the revelations about the 8” tank opening and the discussion that ensued. As some of you would know, I carried out an experiment with an 8” flan ring and found that it easily fitted over my head, but when I dropped it down to sit on my shoulders it was quite a different story. I pushed it over so it was flush against my neck as the babies are obviously very much smaller. It seemed clear to me that even twisting the body or raising the arms up wouldn’t be sufficient to allow the body to pass through.

I found a chart that gives shoulder widths for children. As you’ll see, a 3 y.o. is 9.5” across the shoulders and a 4 y.o. is 10”. I still believe the shoulder/s would either have to be dislocated or bones perhaps broken to fit them into that hole because the opening at its widest point is 8” but being round will start to narrow immediately and a body has depth from front to back.

Body measurements.JPG

Shoulder width
Think about this if you were LE. CW admits having an emotional conversation with SW about separating. SW and the children are missing soon after. Who the heck wouldn't have a pretty clear picture of what happened? I mean, c'mon....did CW really think LE was going to buy maybe someone took them? What are the odds of that under those circumstances?
I do remember this conversation and I have wondered if this was actually his original plan. I do think he had a master plan. SW's car, keys, cell, etc. were still at the house and that could be expected if she and the girls had been abducted.

If that was his plan, he could have just come home from work on Monday, made some calls to her friends pretending to be looking for her, unlocked the back door and then called LE to report them missing. I initially thought there was a six-foot privacy fence along the back of the back yard, but I've also seen pictures of a shorter, split-railing fence along the back border of the back yard. If that is what is there, it would be a piece of cake to slip through the rails, or even hop over it.

JMO, that still doesn't explain SW's shallow grave. I'm not able yet to come up with a scenario that explains that. If he'd buried SW in a shallow grave far away from where he'd been that morning, and where the bodies of his little girls were hidden in tanks, that would make some sense. IMO, he was never going to get away with this, but this may have delayed his arrest. JMO.

SW's body would have eventually been discovered, and if he managed to be cleared of her murder, he would have collected the life insurance benefit on her. If there was an accidental death and dismemberment benefit attached to the coverage, he could have collected double the benefit. Insurance carriers consider the murder of an insured to be an accidental death. That may have been part of the plan, but I don't think he was ever going to collect, because I don't think he would have ever been cleared by LE.

Another thing that makes no sense to me is why he would tell LE that he told SW he wanted a separation before he left for work that morning. Why would he want LE to think there were marital problems? He was smart enough to know he didn't want LE to know about his affair. Marital problems plus and an affair = motive to LE.

Plus, her car, keys, cell, etc. were in the house. Is this separation discussion story something he came up with in a desperate attempt to try to get NUA to back off when she called him Monday? Perhaps to try to explain why SW may have just walked off with the girls - as in she probably went for a long walk with the girls to cool off and don't worry, she'll come home.

She and the girls were never coming home and he knew this, and the doors were locked from the inside and the neighbor's security cam showed SW never left via the garage. This made it impossible that SW could have left the house on foot.

What an incredible cluster, JMO.

I agree with all your thoughts, @molly1255. In particular, that CW's original plan was the abduction one, but he scrambled when pressured by NA, switching up to the insinuation that SW took off in a huff following an 'emotional conversation' about marital separation.

It is an incredible cluster indeed.
That was my thought. If I'm recalling corectly, in earlier threads it was said there beds were unmade yet their blankets were not there. Can someone confirm if NAU stated that? I assumed it was personal blankies they had.

@Mystic This Nightline video might help answer the question about beds being unmade. In the video interview, NUA shared some observations during her walkthrough of the house that Monday.

At 2:37:
Things were not how I would think that they were supposed to be I guess.

and at 3:35:
The girls’ beds weren’t made. Shanann was very OCD. Everything in her house had a place. Everything was labeled. If something was out of the ordinary, it was really out of the ordinary for her.
Video: Friend of woman allegedly killed by husband on why something 'didn't seem right'

As for the question about the blankets potentially not being there, I'm not sure about that one. But I may have missed it. Jmo
according to nephew, a lot of it is 'maintenance', and he may have been able to check off those boxes while he was out there. If it is just a one man job, then often it is checking this and checking that, to make sure it is all good.
Agree - this site would be a one man operation, mostly visual inspection. MOO
At first I didn't know that Scott Peterson was guilty.

But after I heard the context of his and Ambers recorded conversation during Laci and Connors vigil;

Thats exactly when I knew he was guilty.

So CW probably would have had the same type of conversation with his lover if it went that far. Jmo

SP's sister-in-law says the Paris NYE celebration call to Amber wasn't made during the vigil, but a few minutes before the vigil. And also that the call wasn't made at the location of the vigil, but up the street from the vigil's location. As if that even matters, and if that's even true. Amber was on to him by then and was set up by LE to record his calls.

JMO - CW's AP may be a witness for the prosecution, so we may get to hear what he had to say for himself while all of this was going on.

All JMO.
Perhaps.... but they also posted that this would require a work order, and could not have done it alone (paraphrasing) as I quoted their post a few minutes ago.

Which was the second post from two different posters who suggested a work order and an accomplice.

I'm still wondering if they think the work order will be put into evidence, and since there have been two nearly identical references to an accomplice, and a work order, the theory on why that accomplice hasn't been arrested.

For me, those are strong assertions. And I haven't heard yet the theories surrounding them. And I would like to.

Just my interpretations of the posts made here.

I don't think it means he had accomplices. He could have arrived early to the site, by himself, hidden the bodies, and then the coworker arrived and they did whatever else they were sent to do?
I agree with all your thoughts, @molly1255. In particular, that CW's original plan was the abduction one, but he scrambled when pressured by NA, switching up to the insinuation that SW took off in a huff following an 'emotional conversation' about marital separation.

It is an incredible cluster indeed.

It's really nice to know I'm not alone in my thoughts on this!
No, he wouldn't plan the work orders. But he would have known already that his boss was giving him work orders for that tank site. So he knew that is where he needed to make it happen.
Exactly. These guys are mostly on their own. Sometimes even set their own schedules so to speak. It may not have been unusual for him to start his day earlier than usual so he could be done earlier. Out here it's not uncommon for pumpers to alter their schedules around school activities just as long as the get done what they're supposed to do that day.
Until the bodies were found. And then, he is date and time stamped exactly where he was and what he did.

It was inevitable that his activities of that day were going to be scrutinized to the nth degree, once it was apparent his wife and daughters were missing. Even if he been able to clear the house up, without Nickole showing up...the mere fact that a pregnant woman with 2 children is missing, and not using a credit card, her cell phone, would have alerted authorities to investigate further.

True, that. I must have been thinking from the point of view of CW. *shudder* that's scary!

OT/ @mickey2942, we have a cabin on Flathead Lake
Highly unlikely. This was his job. I'm not saying he is the brightest person, but most likely this site was on his route that day. Also imo it's highly unlikely that there was any sort of alert system when those hatches were opened. That's what they are designed for.. so the operator can open it to gauge it.
Very much agree. The CERVI site was remote, low production, with overflow tank and not near any "gathering center" that's typically monitored electronically. I believe this was a one man visual inspection location that CW had easy access to without raising any suspicion. MOO
@Mystic This Nightline video might help answer the question about beds being unmade. In the video interview, NUA shared some observations during her walkthrough of the house that Monday.

At 2:37:

and at 3:35:

Video: Friend of woman allegedly killed by husband on why something 'didn't seem right'

As for the question about the blankets potentially not being there, I'm not sure about that one. But I may have missed it. Jmo
Thank you for posting this video. NUA and Shanann's father's tears brought tears to my eyes.

That man did this. And I am heartbroken he is a coward and blamed her. It's horrific what he did. Just horrific.

JMO. Moo
I might be giving him way too much credit. I do think he did some planning, but he was never going to get away with this. He made way too many mistakes and he may not have even realized some of his mistakes until they were pointed out to him by LE.

That said, I think he is going to want to trial and I think he's going to come out swinging.


I tend to agree.
He could have dug the grave first, and then walked the bodies up the steps. By then, it would probably be late enough to set off the hatch alarm, which would be expected because he was supposed to be working there that morning.
I can sure make better logic calling this premeditated than not. It seems like preparation and timing plays very much into this.
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