AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #13

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So you fired a shotgun at an image of a Garter snake on the tv. Got it.

What did you hit that caused a ricochet?
it was a 10 ft snake. the particle board floor with tile ricochet. I didn't even know I had been hit for a little while. left a hole about five inches in floor and was low brass shot. rem 870 12 ga pump.
it was a 10 ft snake. the particle board floor with tile ricochet. I didn't even know I had been hit for a little while. left a hole about five inches in floor and was low brass shot. rem 870 12 ga pump.
Well if there’s ever a reason to fire a shotgun in the house, other than an intruder of course, that’s it.
Long time ws lurker here. I'm very suspicious of people and I did open my door to middle of night stranger a couple of years ago. Lady had been assaulted and came to our door because we had a light on in the front window. Also, I was reading about differences between burglars and home invaders. Burglars preferred empty houses, but home invaders came when they knew they could exercise control over inhabitants. Abduction of a young teen is very much exerting control, imo.

Welcome, friend! Great first post.

Many years ago, I once opened my door at night, too; it didn’t go well. The knock came at about 3:30 am and to this day I don’t know why I opened it. I think I wasn’t quite fully awake yet. If I had been awake, I don’t think I’d have opened it then and I know I wouldn’t now. I thought of it again with this case (maybe it’s why I’m obsessed with this case).

I don’t know if we’ll ever know why he opened the door.
@whiskers ( or anyone),
Help me understand the time stamps.
  • 10/15/18 00:31 - Neighbors report hearing two loud gunshots within a few seconds
  • 10/15/18 00:53:26 - 911 call received per dispatch log
  • 10/15/18 00:56:01 - dispatched units to residence
Police have confirmed that Jayme WAS at the house during the crime. How? They did not specify (footprints in blood? or her being heard on 911 call?)

I very much think police are not listing her kidnapped as they still do not know for sure... If she was either kidnapped or run out of the house in distress and disappeared...

PS: I am very glad that they are doing search behind the house finally today. Lots of woods there though.
The Sheriff said in the news conference last Wednesday why they they say she was there. This story quotes the Sheriff saying ...

"We believe Jayme was home based on the evidence in our case -- some of it from that 911 call, and some of it is still part of the active investigation and we're not able to comment on why we believe that," he said at Wednesday's news conference.

Jayme Closs was likely in home when parents were killed, sheriff says
Crime tends to run in the family.

Wisconsin is one of 12 states that allow their criminal databases to be searched for familial matches.

It’s definitely something they could pursue, IF they have DNA.

I hope they do.
If the scenario is indeed correct that the perp(s) spent a substantial amount of time inside the house I have to believe, regardless of how careful they were some DNA was left. It sounds as if there was a lot of commotion going on - I just have to believe some DNA was left behind. They processed the place twice so hopefully they found something through their efforts.

When looking at the overhead photo of the house, it appears there is parking for two vehicles in front of the garage.


When looking at the location of the red truck (reported to belong to James), it does not appear (IMO) to be where he would normally park. There are no ruts or worn tire tracks.

I am wondering if there was a vehicle parked next to the Ford Escape when he arrived home, and he parked next to the tree to allow room for the other (possibly known?) vehicle to back out?
Police usually try to establish last day happenings in every case. So what do we know about that Sunday?

- family gathering - Denise and Jayme attend (from what time to what time uncomfirmed)
- James, the father at work (uncomfirmed). And if at work from what time to what time
- someone mentioned that Football game was happening. Was it small or national game? From what time to what time? Who won (happy or bad result)? My assumption is that many people were gathering and talking at some places, probably some drinking involved... Maybe perp/s did gather too.

- I also wonder wherever neighbours were visiting before arriving home, if that might have been extended due to watching football too. (Not too relevant to the case though)

- Places still open that evening in the neighbourhood - Tony'O factory, nearby Casino, nearby grill bar (forgot what name). Any bars, restaurants?

Anything else happening in Barron that Sunday day and evening?
Second gun or gunman? Some sort of acoustical issue?

Could be any number of reasons why they didn’t hear more gunshots. It’s also possible that there really was only two.
I'm wondering if those two shots were outside, something started outside and James ran back to the house and someone followed him in. I look at the truck and the way it's parked and wonder if there was someone else there earlier in the evening, there was an altercation, it continued into the driveway and that's where the two shots are heard. The rest were in the Closs house which might explain why the neighbors didn't hear them.
Maybe the perp(s) didn't even know Jayme was in the house. Could the phone have been located in a place that LE knew that it was not possible for Denise to make the call? Could Jayme have been hiding and been found by the perp(s) due to the light from the phone? Maybe panic set in and someone grabbed her and took off.

If Denise was tied up (perhaps tied to that chair?), then she couldn't have been the one on the phone - if the father's injuries are such that he died instantly, then it would have to have been Jayme on the phone.
Welcome, friend! Great first post.

Many years ago, I once opened my door at night, too; it didn’t go well. The knock came at about 3:30 am and to this day I don’t know why I opened it. I think I wasn’t quite fully awake yet. If I had been awake, I don’t think I’d have opened it then and I know I wouldn’t now. I thought of it again with this case (maybe it’s why I’m obsessed with this case).

I don’t know if we’ll ever know why he opened the door.
So sorry!! We can never be safe.
@whiskers ( or anyone),
Help me understand the time stamps.
  • 10/15/18 00:31 - Neighbors report hearing two loud gunshots within a few seconds
  • 10/15/18 00:53:26 - 911 call received per dispatch log
  • 10/15/18 00:56:01 - dispatched units to residence
00:31 is 12:31 am
00:53:26 is 12:53 and 26 seconds
00:56:01 is 12:56 and 01 seconds
00: is military time 00:00 is midnight 01:00 is 1 am
12:00 is noon.
Hope that helps!
I'd never open my door at night, heck I won't end open it during the day- unless I've invited someone over.

Same. This was what actually led me to purchasing a firearm. Recently, someone was loudly banging on my apartment door. Everyone who knows me knows that 1) I hate surprises and 2) I hate surprise visitors. My friends all know to give me a shout before coming over.

It was probably nothing. But I live alone (with a sadly unprotective pet turtle) in a second story apartment with only one way in or out. I get jumpy.
If the scenario is indeed correct that the perp(s) spent a substantial amount of time inside the house I have to believe, regardless of how careful they were some DNA was left. It sounds as if there was a lot of commotion going on - I just have to believe some DNA was left behind. They processed the place twice so hopefully they found something through their efforts.
Agreed! The two 911 calls were 25 minutes apart (12:31 and 12:56) and we don't know how long peep(s) were in the home before the first gunshot was heard. And page one of this thread said that Authorities found a violent crime scene.
Well I know for a fact the Barron Hospital has a helicopter and a heliport and is located on Memorial Drive in Barron. A dear friend of mine lives right across the street and it is not uncommon for the helicopter to come and go at all hours of the day..
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