Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #49

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You know all the responsibility for these heinous murders has to rest squarely on CW’s shoulders. But I have to wonder what effect his mother and sister’s dehumanizing comments about SW for years contributed to CW’s ultimately expendable view of SW and his girls with her. They didn’t even attend his own wedding to SW over their hatred of her. Normally, I would not even make this observation, but since his parents think it is fine to point out how everything is SW’s fault and their child was perfect before she came along, I am motivated to put it out there that they may have contributed to their son’s ultimate hatred of and expendable view of SW and what he might have seen as extensions of her, their girls. Just IMO.
How could SW 'isolate' him from his family? He had a cell phone. He could have called any of his family members any and every day. He worked at least 8 hours a day. How would she stop him from calling home? Or texting or emailing or face timing them?

Who. exactly denied them' contact with their son? If Chris had wanted to call them from jail, during his allotted phone time, he could have. His attorneys could not prevent that.

I think they are lashing out at the wrong people. JMO
Yes, they are. It's a bunch of hooey. MOO
if something happens to me look at my wife. Sounds like it came from a pulp fiction novel. Maybe it did.
It's exactly what Cathy Durst said to her friend at a party the night before her husband, Robert Durst, murdered her. "If anything happens to me look at my husband," although he has never been charged with the murder.
Shes getting worse. I didn't think it was possible, but I'm sure tonight she wont be able to hold back. It will probably make the last lot of interviews look 'nice'. Sadly, you would think she may reflect, take on board what people are saying and tone it down. But no, rotten apples lie together.. IMO, I think shes just getting started.

I hope Im proven wrong for the sake of SW's family and friends.

As for the grandkids, I wonder if she truly loved them. Often children are seen as reflections of the mother, who she despised. From what I recall she didnt go to their birthday parties etc, that says alot.
I think they just want to talk to their son, and they can’t get through to him. Somebody from CW’s team should call them and bring them up to speed. If CW doesn’t want to talk to them, somebody else should call them and tell them he doesn’t and why, and then explain to them why he plead guilty. His parents are under the impression that their little boy is in trouble, and he needs their help.

If he wanted their help he could have asked for it. And he could have called them during the past many weeks, in which he had phone privileges each and every day.
You know all the responsibility for these heinous murders has to rest squarely on CW’s shoulders. But I have to wonder what effect his mother and sister’s dehumanizing comments about SW for years contributed to CW’s ultimately expendable view of SW and his girls with her. They didn’t even attend his own wedding to SW over their hatred of her. Normally, I would not even make this observation, but since his parents think it is fine to point out how everything is SW’s fault and their child was perfect before she came along, I am motivated to put it out there that they may have contributed to their son’s ultimate hatred of and expendable view of SW and what he might have seen as extensions of her, their girls. Just IMO.

His parents didn't attend the funeral for their granddaughters, either, IIRC. I don't know how a loving grandparent stays away from that. I wonder if they've even visited the girls' graves.
I believe you're being very generous. CW is a convicted baby killer and pregnant Mamma killer. In the system, you can't get any lower than that so I'd not be counting on too many "group activities" or socializing. He'll literally have a target on his back. MOO
That’s what I was thinking.

Slightly similar case was Luis Toledo.

In the below article he talks about being a dead man walking because of his actions and choices.

Luis Toledo on life prison sentence: 'I'm a dead man walking'

He’s also quoted as saying “did not want his personal matters aired in public”
I'm praying to be wrong but even though the possibility has been giving me nightmares, there is one reason for CW to have taken the Plea: Those babies, one of both awoke after being thrown into the oil and drowned. This would have damaged his assertion that his wife murdered them so badly that he would be forced to cut a "deal".

It makes me want to throw up, but I cannot stop dreaming about it when I close my eyes. (Hence the reason for so little sleep as of late.)

The very thought sickens me!

Welcome TwoofOne! Someone suggested this earlier also. What if they were put in the tanks alive, and drowned? What a horrifying thought.

It’s hard not to wonder if there’s something damning like that in the autopsy reports, given the defense was trying for a plea deal right after they received them
Welcome TwoofOne! Someone suggested this earlier also. What if they were put in the tanks alive, and drowned? What a horrifying thought.

It’s hard not to wonder if there’s something damning like that in the autopsy reports, given the defense was trying for a plea deal right after they received them

I wondered this, but the defence made no attempts to block the autopsy reports from being made public
Could you sink much lower than bashing the pregnant woman(carrying his child and your grandson) your son murdered? The mother of your grandbabies? And lie about her?
She is not helping anyone. Not her son, not herself, not her husband, not her daughter. Everyone knows his story and some believe him some don’t but dragging her name through the mud isn’t going to help him at all. He won’t get a lesser sentence. His story is next to impossible to prove. She should be quiet. She’s airing dirty laundry that doesn’t belong to her. Sad.
Funny but I thought Nickole Atkinson had a similar warning from SW and that was why she called LE so quickly. Look who ended up dead.
Coincidentally......looks like a scramble by the other side to use something that already worked in SW favour (so to speak) so could work in CWs. Very simple minded thinking

More from the Watts' original interview.

>"Do you worry about the backlash of a woman not here to defend herself?"

>"Shanann'd have to get to know her to be around her, put it that way".

This comes from the dad, so he isn’t any better than the mom
I want
I want
I want
I want
I don't want
I don't want
I don't want
The way I’m understanding it is they want a chance to talk alone with their son with nobody else present to interfere. In their minds CW’s attorneys have kept their son away from them. I could be wrong because I haven’t forgotten Jackie Peterson, who told Scott, “Deny, deny, deny,” but they haven’t had a chance to talk alone with their son for months. His father believed him when he said SW killed the girls and needs to hear directly from CW that he lied to him, SW didn’t do it, he did. And then they want to know what the trigger was. Would that satisfy them? I don’t know.

But the biggest problem is that he CANNOT talk to them alone because any meetings/calls with him and his parents would be recorded and videod by the prison. The attorneys are trying to protect him because the parents are very emotional and volatile and the wrong things could be asked or answered.

If they asked him to be specific about what happened that night, it could ruin his chances at a trial and or at a good plea deal.
His parents didn't attend the funeral for their granddaughters, either, IIRC. I don't know how a loving grandparent stays away from that. I wonder if they've even visited the girls' graves.
IMHO, they didn't and don't care much at all for their grandchildren. Their hatred of SW was stronger than any feelings for the kids, sadly.
No it’s not the way to go about this, but they’re striking me as uneducated and not very sophisticated in these matters. They’re desperate.

But you don't have to be highly educated or sophisticated to show some love and concern for your murdered grand babies or the surviving family of your murdered Daughter inlaw.
Yeah, it's hard to say how he'll do. Some people say the general belief that baby killers have a target on their backs is overstated. I think if he finds a protector/friend in prison, he'll actually do fine. Maybe he'll find a fellow Tarheels fan or Steelers fan to buddy up with. There will be other baby killers in the prison, too, so he can bond with them.
And they can compare memories of who had the coolest shirts back in the day.
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