Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #51

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These women are not professional journalists, that's for sure. They are also probably being played by some of their "sources" if they aren't making most of it up themselves. JMO
Oh i suspect they are getting autopsy leaks. Everyone heard the description of Shan'ann, down to "defensive wounds". Some of that was just too specific and could be disproven when the reports are released. Then, they alluded to leaks from airline ppl over the condition of the children's bodies. The trouble continues to be that they release some information that was leaked to them then they pad it with layers of rumors and insinuations that cloud it all and the result is exceedingly unprofessional.
I still dont see his plan, if he convinced the world the family had run away or been taken, still it would be in the news that they were married and pregnant. The only way that would not blow his story is if they divorced very quickly. Even if he had wanted to kill just her, no matter how he did it the news would say she was pregnant.

I never thought he was particularly intelligent, but how did he plan to reconcile all of this and keep the ap too?

I think he thought it would be like Josh Powell, after he reported his wife Susan had left the home. His cover story was so unbelievable and pathetic. But he took the 5th and stopped answering questions about his missing wife. And he went on with his life and took on the role of 'loving' father, like nothing ever happened.

I think CW fantasized that he could sell the narrative that his wife ran off with the kids, and he would go on and live his life, unencumbered....
Absolutely. Oldest story in the book. It is so easy to get information now, why would you not do a bit of checking up. I would.

I would, too. Check with the courthouse - all dates can be verified - date of filing, who filed, date of divorce and when it's final. My friends have gotten that information just by making a phone call to the courthouse.
My God. My God.

I'm finally caught up and I don't know if I can be coherent and not ramble.

Thank you for those who listened to the podcast and shared what these vile, evil women said.

If this is true. To leak these details with such excitement over a bombshell and speculate is disgusting. Unbearably heartbreaking. Oh, Shanann. I'm so sorry for what you suffered. :(

And their "source" - the vilest of the vile. To leak that stuff... to share those things in such a disgusting manner like this to try to protect CW or come up with some sort of "she deserved it" sympathy is beyond words. And to share what was said about the girls being flown separately. Why? Why?

I'm just speechless with horror and sadness.
Yes and we have seen that he really is not a clever man, so IMO that gives weight to the planning and premeditation charge. He did not just think this story up on the fly, he had been thinking about this for a while.

If he comes up with this disaster after planning it, imagine poor Shan'ann's life, living with him on a daily basis.:(:(:(
I still don’t understand how CW could murder his wife and children without some sign of blood or bodily fluids. Racking my brains on that one as he would not have had time for a clean up.
When NUA called police, and CW blew lights to get home, they called in Detectives and both searched the house. No evidence of foul play was found on the bedding as stated in the arrest affidavit. affidavit chris watts_95256653_ver1.0.pdf
maybe he beat her up on the leather couch and it was easy to clean up, to pass a cursory inspection. At least i think it was leather?
tmar would you believe I have no clue which case your referring to …..
because off the cuff there are sooooo damn many with exactly the same narrative :oops::oops:

So sorry k-mac, that I was not being more specific.
I was referring to a case in Melbourne, Australia.
I live nearby.
PrimeSuspect is following it also, and I reminded her, with the comment she used.
Check out Borce Ristevski, here on Websleuths.
Join us, as so interesting.:):):)
So here is what has been verified....

While SW was in NC with the girls, CW was pretending to be single, and he had his AP over for sleepovers for 5 weeks of honeymoon fun. He pretended his marriage was over, and asked her to help him find an apartment for him and the girls.

I do wonder now, if maybe he planned to dispose of his wife and unborn son, but keep the girls around. He could sell the house, keep all the equity for himself, and get the pity and attention for being a single father with a missing pregnant wife.

It is possible that the girls saw him killing SW and so he felt he had to go all the way in?
If he comes up with this disaster after planning it, imagine poor Shan'ann's life, living with him on a daily basis.:(:(:(
I think a lot of people put on a good front while they are secretly frustrated and unhappy. I've actually wondered if the recent pregnancy (that CW wanted) was in an effort to save the marriage, hold the family together.
Well they have been openly supporting CW and they got themselves involved with Mrs W, but they have sunk to a new low with this ghoulish gloating over ' inside information' . Do they really need to get so excited over the news that Celeste and Bella's bodies were still " combustible"? They were soaked in crude oil for days, what did they think would happen to them. Bad enough that they have to be shipped home as cargo, now they have the scoop that they were flown separately
because of hazmat regulations. If that scoop is worthy of celebration I think they have really lost their way.
I think a lot of people put on a good front while they are secretly frustrated and unhappy. I've actually wondered if the recent pregnancy (that CW wanted) was in an effort to save the marriage, hold the family together.
To me getting pregnant to keep a marriage together is the stuff soap operas are made of. I can't imagine it ever works.
So here is what has been verified....

While SW was in NC with the girls, CW was pretending to be single, and he had his AP over for sleepovers for 5 weeks of honeymoon fun. He pretended his marriage was over, and asked her to help him find an apartment for him and the girls.

I do wonder now, if maybe he planned to dispose of his wife and unborn son, but keep the girls around. He could sell the house, keep all the equity for himself, and get the pity and attention for being a single father with a missing pregnant wife.

It is possible that the girls saw him killing SW and so he felt he had to go all the way in?
I think this makes the most sense at this point and another reason why he felt it was Shannan's fault the girls were killed. She might have put up quite a fight, screamed, whatever....and woke the girls up. I imagine if they would have stayed asleep CW would have left in the middle of the night to dispose of Shannan and left the girls home alone sleeping.
So sorry k-mac, that I was not being more specific.
I was referring to a case in Melbourne, Australia.
I live nearby.
PrimeSuspect is following it also, and I reminded her, with the comment she used.
Check out Borce Ristevski, here on Websleuths.
Join us, as so interesting.:):):)
don't be sorry!
just more of a gosh.... which one?? was she meaning. (too many to choose:eek:)
karen did cross my mind of who .
I spend too much time websleuthing as is lmao
I do trek there from time to time :)
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