Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #54

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I thought he smothered them from the moment the defence insisted that DNA be taken from the children's necks. They would only have done that if they knew his fingerprints wouldn't be found.
Perhaps. He may have lied to them as well, and they were just doing their due dilligence.

It seems that this guy lies to everyone, so it wouldn’t be surprising if he lied to his lawyers.
I recall a CW supporter posting here that SW was planning a romantic vacation for her and CW. Now we know it was CW planning a romantic vacation for him and NK. Looks like the podcasters had everything backwards. They were wrong about every single thing they have been saying. Not that we're surprised.
Yes. It would be a shame if everyone let them know this on their Twitter account.
I think SW was killed first and I believe she was killed in her sleep. That would help explain the lack of defensive wounds. His slip about how she'd "barely gotten in bed" (paraphrase since he didn't finish the sentence) may have have been Freudian.
I think she was too, I can’t imagine she would go to bed with out checking on her girls.
Heartwrenching to hear and see the families speak. If it wasn't enough-- all that he had done-- we hear from the DA that the hatch opening was only 8 inches in diameter. We hear that the small opening caused scratches on little Bella's bottom. And there were tufts of blonde hair found on the rim of one opening. Chris tells them that he could tell there was different levels of oil and water in the tanks by the sounds of the splashes their little bodies made when they hit the surface.

He is indeed a monster . He was only pretending to be a good son, a good husband & father. He was lurking and hiding the whole time. He can't hide anymore.

BBM .... omg yes. Gut wrenching.
Father-in-law calls man who killed pregnant wife, daughters 'heartless monster'
"They looked up to you because you promised to keep them safe. Instead, you turned on your family," Shanann's brother, Frank Rzucek Jr., wrote in a statement read in court Monday by prosecutors.

"There isn't a day that goes by that I don't cry for my family. They were my whole world," Rzucek Jr. said. "Why would you do this? ... What kind of person slaughters the people that love them the most?"

He called his sister his "best friend" and said his brother-in-law "took away my privilege of being an uncle to the most precious girls."

"Hearing my mother and father cry themselves to sleep ... causes me anguish beyond words," he continued. "I hope you spend the rest of your life ... being haunted by what you've done."
I would think so, but at the same time you would think she would wake up before he was able to strangle her unconscious as well. :(

If he put pressure on her jugular veins, she would pass out in seconds. She wouldn't died, put she would pass out and be unable to fight. I'm thinking that she may have been in bed asleep, and he strangled applied pressure to her veins before she even had time to wake up. In dying she most likely lost bladder control and that is why the sheet was stripped off the bed. People just visually looking at the sheet would not initially see evidence of foul play.
I thought he smothered them from the moment the defence insisted that DNA be taken from the children's necks. They would only have done that if they knew his fingerprints wouldn't be found.

That was back when CW claimed SW strangled the girls, so I think they were trying to determine if SW's DNA was present on the girls' necks.
"Sincerely Sorry". CW is "Sorry" he killed SW, and his daughters.

I bet. He is sorry he is in prison. Life in prison is not even close to a punishment for this guy.

He’s devastated and sorry for all of this....this situation. I don’t remember the exact wording.

Those are actually truthful statements.

He’s not sorry he committed murder. He’s not sorry his children won’t have long full lives. He’s sorry about this situation. The orange jumpsuit. Listening to his mom cry. Not going on vacation with NK. Yep he’s devastated and sorry for sure.
Note to self - don’t rely on HLN. Half was commercials.

Will YouTube carry the press conference?

Ugh, I know. I couldn't get any of the live streams to work so I had to rely upon HLN. So frustrating. They'd cut away for LONG commercial breaks, then come back and talk to the 'experts', instead of showing the hearing.
I recall a CW supporter posting here that SW was planning a romantic vacation for her and CW. Now we know it was CW planning a romantic vacation for him and NK. Looks like the podcasters had everything backwards. They were wrong about every single thing they have been saying. Not that we're surprised.
It was Shanann because it was posted from her FB and in one of her groups.
@MassGuy What do you think? More than we could have asked for? CW “is devastated by all of this, and although he understands that words are hollow at this point, he is sincerely sorry for all of this. Thank you.”

He was a big enough man to murder them all; but not to give his own apology. Even the apology through his attorney is hollow just like his soul.
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