GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #60

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Yes. It makes sense to me that she had a hard time believing he did it and grappling with how quick the plea deal came out without really getting a chance to talk to him about it. It sounded like at the trial she had gotten a chance to hear more evidence and believed that he was guilty after all?
Of course it makes sense, no one questions that. What most take issue with is her bashing Shan’ann throughout the interviews. When asked what went wrong “He met Shan’ann, that is what went wrong.” How about some awareness of what those statements and the many others are doing to the other grieving family?? All they had to say was we love our son, we believe him, we are searching for the truth, they could have expressed their support without blaming the victim and twisting the knife even deeper in the Rzuceks grief. Contrast that with the statement they released in August while they were in the mist of horrid grief, they asked the public to still be kind to the Watts because they are victims too.
They did not attack their SIL.
Do you know for a fact that it was done to intentionally annoy (paraphrased!) her though?
Well from Shanann's perspective, she texted to CW: "She's evil and willing to risk your daughter's life just to get under my skin."
That sounds pretty strongly worded that she felt it was intentional. And yes, I know that is SW's perspective, but that's a pretty forceful statement.
I did not find in the discovery where Chris told his father that he buried Shan’ann because he could not put her with the girls after what she did. Did I miss it or was that another lie?
An outright LIE.
I believe he said the opposite: he put the girls in tanks because he could not put them with "her" after what she did.
He only said it during the TV interview before the sentencing. Yep, another lie!
I doubt if Chris even told his dad that. I think Ma and Pa Watts heard that "explanation" from CW's podcast admirers and they thought that sounded like a good, loving, caring reason he did it. :rolleyes:
I wanted this highlighted, Papa Watts is a BIG liar! No excuse for it, if Mama Watts or the podpeople told him to say it, he didn't have to go along with it! He had the conversation with CW and this was never said, he KNOWS LE were privy to this conversation, this family takes the cake!
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The problem wasn’t her denial, the problem was the vicious lies and insinuations about Shanann. She did this on television, and it was broadcast around the country.

She vilified a victim, and basically accused her of being the murderer of her children.

At sentencing, she tempered her statements, likely in light of the universal criticism that she received from her interviews.

Make no mistake (in her eyes), CW killed them all, but Shanann caused it to happen.

These people still hate her, and always will.

Nasty people they are.
M Scott Peck could have devoted a chapter about them in People of the Lie. I highly recommend reading the book.
Yeah, but I don’t think you’re looking for a book deal;)
Put yourself in NK’s shoes. All of a sudden you’re famous. Everyone in the world wants to know everything there is to know about you, and not for a good reason, but for a very horrible, tragic, despicable, disgusting reason. Wouldn’t you want to know what to expect? What your future might hold? How to take care of yourself? NK found out Amber Frey wrote a book. She was curious how well the book did. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Doesn’t mean NK wants to write a book, too.
Plotting along with Chris? No one has suggested that. Yes, they did not anticipate the tragic end, they are not responsible for the tragic end but they are responsible for how they behave. Whether Cindy believed the nut allergy or not, why didn’t she respect Shannans wishes for the sake of getting along?
Right! There may have been times I have eye rolled to myself about the schedule my grandkids are on when I babysit them, but in the end I respect my childrens wishes and they are the parents. They are my kids and grandkids. And I would do anything to keep them in my life and have harmony and love. That is what normal grandparents do.
I’ve heard that it’s not so uncommon for older generations to not believe in things like peanut allergies, gluten sensitivites, etc. to think that younger gens are overprotecting and overreacting. Just saying. :) NOT defending, and if shanann sent a request in advance there is no excuse for her having peanuts in the house.

Also how stupid to say that a 2 or 4 yr old needs to learn a lesson about not getting to eat what they want. That’s cruel.
I wanted this highlighted, Papa Watts is a BIG liar! No excuse for it, if Mama Watts or the podpeople told him to say it, he didn't have to go along with it! He had the conversation with CW and this was never said, he KNOWS LE was privy to this conversation, this family takes the cake!
I think that they really thought that if they could win the case in the court of public opinion, he would get off.
They are tone deaf if they thought that lying and slandering their son's victim was going to win the public over.
Of course it makes sense, no one questions that. What most take issue with is her bashing Shan’ann throughout the interviews. When asked what went wrong “He met Shan’ann, that is what went wrong.” How about some awareness of what those statements and the many others are doing to the other grieving family?? All they had to say was we love our son, we believe him, we are searching for the truth, they could have expressed their support without blaming the victim and twisting the knife even deeper in the Rzuceks grief. Contrast that with the statement they released in August while they were in the mist of horrid grief, they asked the public to still be kind to the Watts because they are victims too.
They did not attack their SIL.

Not only did the Rzuceks NOT attack their SIL, they gave him his LIFE by not pursuing the death penalty. Somewhere in my heart, I think they did this because they felt Shannan would have wanted them to.
The problem wasn’t her denial, the problem was the vicious lies and insinuations about Shanann. She did this on television, and it was broadcast around the country.

She vilified a victim, and basically accused her of being the murderer of her children.

At sentencing, she tempered her statements, likely in light of the universal criticism that she received from her interviews.

Make no mistake (in her eyes), CW killed them all, but Shanann caused it to happen.

These people still hate her, and always will.

Nasty people they are.

And to me her statement in court sounded less like acceptance and more like "please don't sue us for all the slandering we've done" damage control. They hit all the key points.
I’ve heard that it’s not so uncommon for older generations to not believe in things like peanut allergies, gluten sensitivites, etc. to think that younger gens are overprotecting and overreacting. Just saying. :) NOT defending, and if shanann sent a request in advance there is no excuse for her having peanuts in the house.

Also how stupid to say that a 2 or 4 yr old needs to learn a lesson about not getting to eat what they want. That’s cruel.
These grandparent's are not in their dotage. Allergies and sensitivities were around when they were young parents.
I am heaps older than them, and I know about them.
Put yourself in NK’s shoes. All of a sudden you’re famous. Everyone in the world wants to know everything there is to know about you, and not for a good reason, but for a very horrible, tragic, despicable, disgusting reason. Wouldn’t you want to know what to expect? What your future might hold? How to take care of yourself? NK found out Amber Frey wrote a book. She was curious how well the book did. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Doesn’t mean NK wants to write a book, too.

Can anyone here honestly say they would be 100% comfortable with their entire google search history being public info?? I’ll be the first to admit that I would be completely mortified if that happened to me.

Also a few months back while hanging
Out with my sister, we googled wedding dresses on my phone (and hers) for her upcoming wedding. I’m not having an affair or fantasizing about marrying anyone (except Ryan Gosling) but it’s very possible NK was looking with / for her friend.
I've gone back and forth on this a bit but I'm leaning now towards him not killing them until closer to his 5:30 AM departure time, simply because the cadaver dogs didn't alert to actionable smells in the house.... not sure how long a body has to have been dead to create "alertable" smells, but I've read that dogs can alert with 98% accuracy, within 3 hours of death, on a piece of carpet, if the body had lain on the carpet for ten minutes. The CSI death dogs: Sniffing out the truth behind the crime-scene

Or, maybe he immediately put them into the black plastic trash bags? Not sure if that daptures "alertable" smells... :/

I think dogs can alert through plastic. To me they're a great asset when they alert. But not alerting doesn't mean there's nothing there. They sometimes aren't accurate.
I think it may have been one of the many things he hid from everyone. Remember the open box of condoms CW brought over to NK's house? Even NK had the wherewithal to question his bogus story about SW wanting to use them because she disliked "the mess". I don't think NK was his first rodeo.
I think he just took a box from his home.
Can anyone here honestly say they would be 100% comfortable with their entire google search history being public info?? I’ll be the first to admit that I would be completely mortified if that happened to me.

Also a few months back while hanging
Out with my sister, we googled wedding dresses on my phone (and hers) for her upcoming wedding. I’m not having an affair or fantasizing about marrying anyone (except Ryan Gosling) but it’s very possible NK was looking with / for her friend.

I write murder mysteries and true crime. I hope to goodness the FBI never gets a hold of my history. :)

I'm just kind of "meh" about NK. My beef's with CW
Do you know for a fact that it was done to intentionally annoy (paraphrased!) her though?
if shanann informed cindy before arriving about the nut allergy (we all know nut allergies are life threatening...its not like hives or something )then why else would cindy have nuts in the house ...can you answer how it could be taken innocently?
Can anyone here honestly say they would be 100% comfortable with their entire google search history being public info?? I’ll be the first to admit that I would be completely mortified if that happened to me.

Also a few months back while hanging
Out with my sister, we googled wedding dresses on my phone (and hers) for her upcoming wedding. I’m not having an affair or fantasizing about marrying anyone (except Ryan Gosling) but it’s very possible NK was looking with / for her friend.
That’s why I have so much understanding! I google everything. Doesn’t mean I’m going to run out and do it, I’m just curious and interested. I googled tightrope walking across a canyon the other day. No way, no how, never going to happen, I’m not going to do it. Ever.
Not only did the Rzuceks NOT attack their SIL, they gave him his LIFE by not pursuing the death penalty. Somewhere in my heart, I think they did this because they felt Shannan would have wanted them to.
I don't, I think they did it more because of their religious beliefs.
I just think that's a leap that it was all malicious. It may be true I just don't think we can say that beyond doubt, Even if she didn't believe the kid had peanut allergies (and is it really not just me that knows a lot of people especially of older generations who are suspicious of all the "newer" diagnoses?) I don't think that means she expected or wanted harm to come to the girls? Tons of mother in laws believe their daughter in laws are blowing things out of proportion or being too fussy or worried about things without being actively instrumental in getting them and all the kids murdered?
It's not that she expected or wanted to hurt the girls. Her lack of respect for Shananns parenting put the girls at risk. Then to top it off, her daughter placed a bowl of nuts on the table within the children's reach. Sounds to me like they were trying to make a statement at the expense of the girls safety. Imo
And to me her statement in court sounded less like acceptance and more like "please don't sue us for all the slandering we've done" damage control. They hit all the key points.
I took as they were told they better play nice if they wanted to speak their piece. It didn't go past me that all the thoughtful and sympathetic comments were voiced by the victim advocate but their statements were 99% about their son. Like they couldn't stomach having to say those words themselves.

It was so bizarre. Victim impact statements are supposed to be about the loss of the victims. They turned it into a weird eulogy about their son. Which, I guess could fit since he's so dead inside.
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