Found Deceased CO - Kevin Rudnicki, 20, hiker, Mount Herman, Pike National Forest, 3 Sep 2018

I am very sad to hear about the discovery, but at the same time I know that it will bring your closure and eventually peace. I am sorry for your loss.

With the saints give rest, O Lord, to the soul of your servant Kevin, where sickness and sorrow are no more, neither sighing, but life everlasting.
I am greatly saddened to say that Kevin's friend and I found Kevin today at 9:20 am. Of course, we cannot convey how saddened we are, but we are also relieved that the search is over. We are extremely grateful for the kindness and advice this board has had to offer.

I am open to answering any questions, we have been prepared for this for a while now. Kevin was in the area that the dog wanted to pull, about 1/10 a mile down the hill from the road. Backpack, belongings, clothes, and the skeleton remain.

Again, we thank you all for your immense help.
I am so so sorry. I'm sure I'm not the only one who hoped he had gone "off the grid" for a time. Hugs and condolences to you and your family.
PalmerLakeAnon and KevinsMom, I'm so sorry you lost your dear beloved brother and son.

I'm so impressed by your efforts to find your brother, PalmerLakeAnon, and you did it. Because you never gave up. I feel very touched by your love for Kevin that shines through your words and actions. I'm sure Kevin is as well.

Kevin is at peace now and I wish for you and your family that you will also find peace in time.

My regards also to Kevin's friend who was with you when you both found him. I hope he is okay. Warm hugs to you all!
Oh.... I am so sorry to read this news.
I haven't posted on this thread but I have followed it from the beginning.

Thank you to Kevin's family for posting here, it has been nice to feel like we knew Kevin a little bit through you. Hopefully you can see how much we all cared for Kevin and his family and friends. I'm in the UK but still thought about Kevin a lot.

It is incredibly sad but at least you have brought him home and from what you have described PalmerLakeAnon, I am sure he is at peace now.

Sending you all massive hugs at this difficult time :(
And another (sorry to overwhelm you). Contact Tom Brown's Tracking School in New Jersey and see if the have anyone who has taken advanced classes that are living in your area. Have the School get them in contact with you. These are experienced trackers who can work independently or as teams and cover lots of territory in "hasty searches" They are experts in detecting tracks and small bits of evidence. Make sure you have a recent pair of Kevin's shoes for them to look at for wear patterns. They will be able to tell Kevin's surviving tracks from anyone else. Make sure they have a radio operator with them that has GPS.


Your post quoted here is just one of several posts of yours that should be compiled into a how to search manual for the average person. I intend to keep the info for future reference. Thank you for so generously sharing your expertise and experience.

I have often thought that more searches for the missing need the "hasty searches" you talk about here--quick, skillful, targeted looks at the outset of a missing person search. Especially when the area where someone is missing is a known fact.

Kevin's family, and especially PalmerLakeAnon, I am so glad Kevin is found, and so sorry the finder was you. However, I also think it may be a blessing for you in years to come, because you got involved, stayed involved, and brought your brother home to your family. You did this, an amazing and unselfish act that in time will come full circle and give you comfort and peace. You showed all of us your heart for Kevin and your family, and I won't soon forget you.
Family of missing hiker says his remains were found on Wednesday
Since the day Rudnicki went missing, Kevin's brother Andrew and Kevin's best friend Cole have been searching for him nonstop.

Andrew said he never lost hope when searching for his brother.

"I knew I would find him eventually," he said. "It was just a matter of time."

On Wednesday, Andrew and Cole set out on what they assumed would be just another hike to try to find Kevin.

"It was very strange," Andrew said. "We came around a corner and there he was, just, there."

Andrew said he immediately knew it was his brother, and Kevin's belongings were there, too.

Now, a sense of closure for the Rudnickis.

"It's a process, and we're just beginning to heal," Melissa said.

We asked the Rudnickis what they will miss most about Kevin.

"His infectious smile and his beautiful green eyes," Melissa said. "His curly red hair, great sense of humor."

Now they know he died doing what he loved.

My deepest love, sympathy and admiration to your family. These past months had to be absolute hell. The love, determination and openness you have shown as a family is remarkable and will help people.

I know you’ve had some help but I hope you’ve been told that suicide happens because depression is a deadly illness. He didn’t die from lack of your love - he died from an illness. None of you are to blame and you couldn’t have fixed this anymore than you could cure cancer.

You aren’t alone. Along with everyone else here at WS, I’m here if you need an ear. I have a lot of experience with mental illness and suicide in my family.

Sending so much love and peace to your family. You have done everything right and my wish is that the love you have openly put out here is returned 100 fold.
We aren't quite sure how he died yet. There are many indicators for suicide, but at the same time, there is a possibility for misadventure. Consider that Kevin may have coincidentally formatted his laptop recently for a totally innocuous reason, or to keep his roommates from snooping on it while he was gone. He may have intended to move back home after this trip and was just preparing everything for when he returned to get it. He may have simply wanted to go on a hike to listen to music, or chill under the influence of a 4 - met drug which would wear off by the time he got home - then fell.

One question I never asked but wonder, is why did Kevin say he was coming home? Was it just a spontaneous trip or a planned one?

Consider that Kevin had always mused that if he were to kill himself, he would never be found. This one thing keeps me from believing he chose to hike up Balanced Rock Road, walk a bit off trail and sit down to die, of all the places he could have chose. His teacher saw him on his way up there, so occam's razor tells us he probably went directly to where he was found, versus taking a downhill diversion to ditch the vial and sunglasses before going back up and over the ridge.

Being found at the bottom of any steep terrain is another indication of accidental death, unless he was found below a large boulder/cliff. This would seem surprising, since it was said Kevin would never choose that method due to it's high rate of ineffectiveness. The terrain also does not really look high enough along that road - why wouldn't he have chosen the ice caves or the "peak", for example?

It is a miracle animals left him alone, the only factor that makes me wonder about the Nembutal possibility (I believe a bear or coyote would be able to smell something off if Kevin was poisoned). I am surprised and disappointed the rangers in that area didn't note any buzzard or raven activity either, which there surely has been, especially during wintering season.

This report has some video of the area, plus some clips of the SAR coordinator on previous searches. I do hope this is a lesson to them that if a dog hits and pulls, you must investigate it. At the time that happened, Kevin could have still been alive and injured for all they knew, - very frustrating that it took months and family initiative to do it.

Skeletal remains found in El Paso County
Human remains found on Balanced Rock Rd west of Monument

ETA not gret quality but you can see how the terrain slopes away from the road in many places, steep but not something you'd jump off of. The high spots appear to be rock outcroppings and large boulders - very easy to have a fatal misstep going off trail here
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I found Kevin on the forest floor laying on the ground under a tree. Just by what the scene looked like, there is no way he fell, inflicted injury on himself, or was attacked by an animal or human. It looked like he stuck his backpack under a tree nearby, then probably took something, then laid down on the ground. None of the bones were broken, according to the coroner upon first examination at the scene. Of course, the coroner must do their official work on his remains, but we are near certain he committed suicide. We just don't know how.
PalmerLakeAnon, I am very impressed with your dedication and attention to detail that resulted in your finding Kevin. Over the weeks you have amassed many of the skills that SAR volunteers use on a regular basis. Like you, the first missing person I tracked down was a family member who had become lost in the woods (with much happier results) and it set a then eleven year old boy on a lifetime of Tracking and SAR missions. Consider turning your sense of loss for Kevin into something positive in his memory and become a SAR team member. It takes a lot of training and dedication, but I can tell from your posts that you are up to the challenge. If you are interested in Tracking, find a copy of Tom Browns Field Guide to Tracking and Nature Observation. If you find you enjoy it, practice every detail in the the book, then attend his school in NJ. Not only will you become an outstanding Tracker (with an appropriate amount of "dirt time") you will become an expert in Survival which is critical in working long missions alone without support. You will help keep a dying art alive and be a tremendous asset to any SAR team and to LE. I pray that you and others learn to fill this old mans moccasins when he is gone to be with the creator.
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I found Kevin on the forest floor laying on the ground under a tree. Just by what the scene looked like, there is no way he fell, inflicted injury on himself, or was attacked by an animal or human. It looked like he stuck his backpack under a tree nearby, then probably took something, then laid down on the ground. None of the bones were broken, according to the coroner upon first examination at the scene. Of course, the coroner must do their official work on his remains, but we are near certain he committed suicide. We just don't know how.
I have to agree with trackergd. You did an amazing job finding your brother. That came from a mixture of perseverance and an innate ability. Perhaps the legacy you can give your brother is to do this same thing for other families. Again, I'm so sorry this was the outcome. It's easy to see what a wonderful person he is when you see how hard you all worked to find him and bring him home.
I found Kevin on the forest floor laying on the ground under a tree. Just by what the scene looked like, there is no way he fell, inflicted injury on himself, or was attacked by an animal or human. It looked like he stuck his backpack under a tree nearby, then probably took something, then laid down on the ground. None of the bones were broken, according to the coroner upon first examination at the scene. Of course, the coroner must do their official work on his remains, but we are near certain he committed suicide. We just don't know how.

Thinking of all of you during this difficult time.

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