CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #36 *ARREST*

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Few questions....

I swore I read earlier today here on WS that she does not have to appear in person at upcoming court dates, but can appear by video link. Did anyone else hear that?

Next question, is she wearing ankle monitor? It could be possible but did anyone, like media, ask?

The details of the plea deal are sealed, so we really don’t know how good or not good a deal she got. The DA said it would be more clear why they did what they did come Feb 19 so I can’t wait for that date. Hopefully his PD attorney will talk sense into him and there will be a quick guilty plea. Handwriting on the wall, etc

If KK took a terrible deal then her and her attorneys arn't very smart. I think its quite obvious that LE more than likely have a treasure trove of evidence and she was more than eager to take the deal and try to minimize here culpability...MOO
Few questions....

I swore I read earlier today here on WS that she does not have to appear in person at upcoming court dates, but can appear by video link. Did anyone else hear that?

Next question, is she wearing ankle monitor? It could be possible but did anyone, like media, ask?


bbm I heard that too. Not sure about the other part!
Which respectfully is what I would expect you to say. Just pointing out that we know maybe 1% of what we would need to know to make an accurate judgment of her real character. We don’t know what kind of threat he made to her life, or how credible that threat was, given the circumstances. Had he done something in the past to make her think that his threat was extremely serious? Did he create some kind of scenario where she reasonably felt trapped?

Or maybe none of that applies. Maybe she truly is horrible. Maybe she slept with him after knowing the murder occurred and was excited by it. Maybe she was glad he did what he did. I don’t know. Neither do you. Respectfully JMHO but I refuse to brand someone evil and hope and pray that two more children lose a mother, based on so little real information.
IF KK had went with her bff to the lawyer office ...
IF KK had went to the police and told them about PF’s solicitations
IF KK had never driven 800 miles during Thanksgiving
IF KK had stopped at ANY police station on her way back home and given LE the phone ...
She had too many opportunities to Get Out.
How exactly do you have any kind of relationship with ANY one who is talking about murdering someone?
There IS too much known about WHAT KK did and didn’t do... she put herself in the spotlight and in the position to be judged ... IMO
I’m simply not one of those people who tell others they didn’t have a choice. I’m one of those people who will tell you, take responsibility for your actions - you had a choice.
Well, in your opinion, only you don't know enough to crucify her and that is fine.

Many of us, in our opinions, know enough to crucify her, and that is our right to do so. I'll tell you what- if my daughter was killed in such a manner and another woman knew it was going to happen (come on, think we're witless lemmings here?) and did nothing about it, then took her phone with her to destroy it, you think I would need more evidence to crucify this woman? I don't know how poor Kelsey's family is staying so classy and silent- I would be fuming and have a hatred and rage towards both PF and KK. I don't discriminate. Only difference between the two- one was planning the act, while the other ignored the planning. So yeah, I am crucifying her- I think of her little baby who will never feel her loving mother's arms around her again, her parents who lost a daughter, her brother than lost his sister. I could never look them in the eye and tell them not to crucify her, she did nothing wrong- for God's sake, she had her phone and was willing to destroy it, instead of turning that monster in!

You can defend her all you want, fine by me. I can skip over or ignore people's comments I don't agree with and be respectful about it. But I will not change my mind on this woman- she is just as sick and evil as the jerk that killed Kelsey- both are monsters.
I never said the two things were the same. Respectfully, you’re setting up a straw man argument and I am not going to do that.

Now if anyone wants to talk about PF, who certainly seems to be the actual murderer in this case, I’m game. If he could read this thread, I’m thinking he would be feeling ignored.
Up until the identity of KK was revealed, PF is all we discussed.

We haven’t had any new information to work with on that front.

Come the 19th, he’ll be back in the forefront, where he belongs.
Because she was in a relationship with - your words again - a bully and a control freak? Anyway, let’s dont get sidetracked by that example. It was a minor thing to make a larger point, and others may not get the context. I’m not in any way saying KB should have done anything differently than what she did so let’s be clear on that.
Being in a relationship with a bully/control freak would only make it harder for KB to leave.
I frankly think she didn’t report it because she was obsessed with getting rid of the competition. She probably thought with KB gone her dream of being with PF was getting closer. JMO. I can’t believe they have believed her BS story so far. Hopefully they are giving her enough rope to hang herself. JMO
Idaho is a mandatory proof of registration and insurance state. If all of your paperwork isn't exactly up to snuff and in good order where you can find it in a panic, you will be cited. It's also a mandatory seat belt state. Any time they don't see that telltale shoulder strap, you're going to get pulled over and cited. The fact that she doesn't have any seat belt violations indicates she a generally conscientious driver to me.
I might add that in my humble opinion as a longtime traveler, Idaho has the worst average drivers in the nation. Her citations probably merit a Good Driver Award.
For all the texting, driving with knees while applying make up and eating or drinking or smoking with the other hand, I think it’s telling she was cited for not having proper paperwork or insurance or license. LE wouldn’t know she didn’t have correct paperwork unless they had another reason to stop her. Whatever the reason, I think she feels entitled to disobey laws. Her moral character shows. Wonder if she knew the commandment “thou shalt not kill”.
We still haven't heard from PF. If he talks and there's more to the story, this could end up going very badly for her.
Agree 100%. I said earlier, she's in for a "ride." I have no doubt of PF doing the deed, but she wanted it to happen. There's something seriously amiss in her psyche too and PF's attorney will bring her true character to light if only to reveal his client isn't the only "monster". I just hope that a jury still sees him as the murderer and puts him away for all his living days. And, I hope she suffers for all her living days for what she participated in. I don't believe, at this point anyway, that she is at all remorseful for her participation. She's only sorry she's lost her job and "face" with the public at large. I truly hope that at some point she will express "true" remorse for what she did and failed to do.
So PF told KK he had committed murder?

When she told LE about that don't you imagine they got her to phone him to discuss their situation in order to catch it on tape?

Want to bet they have played that for him a time or two to whet his appetite for a plea deal?
I never said the two things were the same. Respectfully, you’re setting up a straw man argument and I am not going to do that.

Now if anyone wants to talk about PF, who certainly seems to be the actual murderer in this case, I’m game. If he could read this thread, I’m thinking he would be feeling ignored.
I respectfully disagree. We pretty much all feel HE is where he should be. He just deserves some company, that being KK :)
Few questions....

I swore I read earlier today here on WS that she does not have to appear in person at upcoming court dates, but can appear by video link. Did anyone else hear that?

Next question, is she wearing ankle monitor? It could be possible but did anyone, like media, ask?

Reporting to court via video is to check in with a probation officer and that’s going to be done on a 90 day. This was when DA May was discussing in the presser she may not be charged for two months or two years that all depends on how long the Kelsey Barris case is going to take.
That’s not exactly how he said it but I hope it’s close.

If she is called to testify in the murder trial she has to show up in person
I agree. We all know that reporting threats to the police, even reporting abuse and getting a restraining order may not actually protect a victim every time.

It might make someone like PF think a bit before following through but maybe not if his rage overcame his better instincts.

Kelsey may have ended up dead anyway but the girlfriend would still be the rodeo queen instead of an accessory (or whatever her final title ends up being).

She deserves a lifetime of shame. The Internet will guarantee that for her unless she changes her name.
She probably already has the papers in the works for a name change. Guesses anyone? Tiffany Swift? oh wait....Tiffani with an i.
I frankly think she didn’t report it because she was obsessed with getting rid of the competition. She probably thought with KB gone her dream of being with PF was getting closer. JMO. I can’t believe they have believed her BS story so far. Hopefully they are giving her enough rope to hang herself. JMO
Could be that is exactly what the DA is doing. I think the DA already knows KK has lied. Her lies will be the deal breaker.

Massguy, let's cut through the proverbial doggy doo here. Fact is, KK was told in September by PF that he was paying to have his fiance murdered. Let that sink in for a minute, that was nearly 2 and a half months before he actually murdered her. In that nearly 90 days, 2160 minutes KK couldn't go to LE because she was being threatened by some momma's boy farrier/dog trainer/handyman two states away? Really? And although she was too afraid to go to LE she told a friend who was employed in an atty's office? And then so fearful that she traveled 1600 miles to get a phone, spend two or three days with this man she was deathly afraid of, and transported a phone for him and most likely sent emails to cover up his crime and then continued to go about her normal life. She didn't pack up her kids and try to run??? I mean after all, this big scary man killed his fiance and certainly didn't need any loose ends, and had already threatened her and her children with the words "disappear" and she didn't even change her stinking hair color to make it a little more difficult for him to find her? Bull-honkey.
No, she's a pageant girl, used to competing against women and winning. She grinds her competitors into the dust, she doesn't run away afraid. And there is nothing in her actions that speaks of fear, it all screams manipulation and the desire to grind her competitor KB into dust. 2160 minutes she had to run, go to the police, make an anonymous phone call. 1600 miles of driving with a phone that she knew belonged to a murdered woman and she executed her plan.
The only thing she's scared of is that butt looks bad in her courtroom videos.
so let's be bad and think about this for a sec...personally, I think she could well have been secretly excited to tell her friend PF wanted KB murdered. Cuz why wouldn't she be excited to have her rival KB out of the way? But what if...he never asked her to do that, never solicited her...what if it was really her idea...she just finally got him to go with it. And they were both in on ?t...cuz why else would it be on a holiday where a nurse could have several vacation days off from work. And once it was done neither trusted the other (because they are both garbage)and things fell apart between them.
So now she's "scared poor thing" because he is a murderer (which he is) and he's going to say she did it out of jealousy (because that also is true.)
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