Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen getting into taxi outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #4 *ARREST*

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One question though - trespass? Can anyone explain why this term is used, haven't come across it before like this.

Trespass is being on private property without invitation or any legal basis for being there

This is as opposed to

Burglary where access is gained to facilitate the trespass with the intention of removing goods or property

Breaking and entry is more rough and ready still....usually smashing a door or window

I assume the trespass charge is simply because that removes the need for the police to prove that he broke in.....for a trespass charge to work,they need only prove that he was there and did not have any business being there.

Kind of fits my theory that these charges are not the only ones that the police expect him to be dealing with
Sorry , who was in prison ?
Police were hunting a flasher in the York area in June 2017, the e-fit looks very similar to PR. A member said a bloke from Malton called Kyle (actually Kyril) had been arrested for it, however, according to reports, he had been caught for other offences in 2016 and jailed for 17 months. Not sure whether anyone was charged for the June 2017 offences. PR stated on here to have lived in York at that time stated, moved to Hull shortly after.
Interesting! Given his sexual interests, I wouldn’t be surprised if he potentially had contact with prostitutes - I see in October 2018 an Eastern European man wanted more than agreed business with prositutes in the Hull area and when refused, became aggressive. Wonder if there is any connection (Info from a keeping sex workers safe website)

Could well be him!
Trespass is being on private property without invitation or any legal basis for being there

This is as opposed to

Burglary where access is gained to facilitate the trespass with the intention of removing goods or property

Breaking and entry is more rough and ready still....usually smashing a door or window

I assume the trespass charge is simply because that removes the need for the police to prove that he broke in.....for a trespass charge to work,they need only prove that he was there and did not have any business being there.

Kind of fits my theory that these charges are not the only ones that the police expect him to be dealing with
Got you, thanks
Police were hunting a flasher in the York area in June 2017, the e-fit looks very similar to PR. A member said a bloke from Malton called Kyle (actually Kyril) had been arrested for it, however, according to reports, he had been caught for other offences in 2016 and jailed for 17 months. Not sure whether anyone was charged for the June 2017 offences. PR stated on here to have lived in York at that time stated, moved to Hull shortly after.

Good work. So are you saying Kryil was in prison when this crime happened?
Police were hunting a flasher in the York area in June 2017, the e-fit looks very similar to PR. A member said a bloke from Malton called Kyle (actually Kyril) had been arrested for it, however, according to reports, he had been caught for other offences in 2016 and jailed for 17 months. Not sure whether anyone was charged for the June 2017 offences. PR stated on here to have lived in York at that time stated, moved to Hull shortly after.

Just thought: the sentence you are given you never fully do time for that length.
FLAT share (flat = apartment)

(Haha I’m so sorry, my mind hasn’t been as clear these days, I apologize for the error, will delete, trying to keep up with all the UK specific stuff lol, now I know how you guys might feel in some American cases :) )
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Why is the 00:09 time so significant? Does LS move out of CCTV shot at that point I wonder? Maybe the perp is not visible but she heads off as if towards someone?
I have played the CCTV (DM) back at 0.25 speed. When POI reverses back to drive off, I can see a light which looks to be over on the passenger side,,,strikes me this could be a light from a mobile phone?
I can also see the person in the passenger seat flicking their long hair back, and putting a seatbelt on.
Any thought?

Wow you can see alot. I've watched that CCTV many times. I can see nothing resembling any of those things. Libby was NOT on the bench at just after midnight. She was on Beresford Avenue?? Am I the only one who misunderstood this?
I read that too. In their bullet points further up the DM also refers to her as ‘wandering the streets near her digs’ or something to that effect.
In an earlier post I said I wondered if he’d been stalking her and followed her from the bench in his car. Given one of his potential charges he’s been there..? I think a few other posters have queried if he followed her from the bench too
Rule out 2), there would be enough forensics to charge him ten times over.

I still think forensic collection and analysis takes a while to complete and process so I’m not sure they have ruled out his vehicle yet as containing any evidence? Do we know that his vehicle came back clean for sure yet? In other words, could more charges come as they wait for a DNA match, hair/fiber/blood analysis etc?
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If there was a piece of the CCTV deleted and the car had been there for 20mins (think I read that somewhere) and given what has been said about that area, could the part they wiped out of the CCTV been of the driver and someone else engaging in a sex act?
I can report (though i cannot link to or quote from the source due to forum rules)

Kyril mclean is currently residing in malton having served a 14 month sentence for flashing on a bus given in 2016

That was his third flashing conviction
But he has been at liberty for quite some time now
I read that too. In their bullet points further up the DM also refers to her as ‘wandering the streets near her digs’ or something to that effect.
In an earlier post I said I wondered if he’d been stalking her and followed her from the bench in his car. Given one of his potential charges he’s been there..? I think a few other posters have queried if he followed her from the bench too
Am I right in thinking that if that sighting put Libby on the Beresford side of the road after midnight then she is headed towards the direction of the woman screaming/ male voices murmuring/ wooden something slamming report from a neighboour?
Interesting! Given his sexual interests, I wouldn’t be surprised if he potentially had contact with prostitutes - I see in October 2018 an Eastern European man wanted more than agreed business with prositutes in the Hull area and when refused, became aggressive. Wonder if there is any connection (Info from a keeping sex workers safe website)

First time poster here, but lurker for quite a few years now. Think I have a serious websleuth addiction

With Hessle road being so close to Hull, I think it is possible he may have been looking for and at first mistaken a drunk or passed out LS as a night worker and things didnt go bad until she came to and got her wherewithall and she realized she was in the company of a stranger.

Hessle Road prostitution 'is getting worse' - but council has plan
I still think forensic collection and anylysis takes a while to process so I’m not sure they have ruled out his vehicle yet as containing any evidence? Do we know that his vehicle came back clean for sure yet? In other words, could more charges come as they wait for a DNA match, hair/fiber/blood analysis etc?
I agree that detailed analysis would take some time but some checks would be almost instant, for example cadaver and/or blood trace dog.
Totally o/t but related....

Did anyone see north yorkshire police having to issue an apology today.....
Last week they appealed for information about a flasher on a bus
Describing him as "having a small penis"
"Unusually low hanging testicles"

Dont suppose he was ever going to put his hand up to it after that description!!
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