Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #11

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What about the mistress, does he want to cook in her kitchen too? Pfffttt, I think this interview was to counteract QX telling the media he was cold and had no regret while talking to him in the confession.
Yeah, the "other woman" is usually reserved for more intimate interactions while a partner is involved in regular day to day activities.

So probably no cooking with her. He may have confided in her or involved her in some way, though. It's interesting that Q told him that he spoke to her before going to see him. I wonder what she knows and what she told him. Maybe Q used that information to get the truth out of DV.

But I do think he did the interview to show that he has remorse, did not mean to harm Maleah, and maybe most importantly, is NOT gay.
I also think both he and BB are protecting each other. Of course that may be because neither one of them wants to go to prison. Imo
Media has been cut to the bare bones over the decades, and being human they make errors. IMO, in part because so many celebs and politicians trash them so often that their reputation is unfairly tarnished.
I think it's also true that they can be careless and irresponsible in their rush to be the first to get the story out. Imo
Yeah, the "other woman" is usually reserved for more intimate interactions while a partner is involved in regular day to day activities.

So probably no cooking with her. He may have confided in her or involved her in some way, though. It's interesting that Q told him that he spoke to her before going to see him. I wonder what she knows and what she told him. Maybe Q used that information to get the truth out of DV.

But I do think he did the interview to show that he has remorse, did not mean to harm Maleah, and maybe most importantly, is NOT gay.
I also think both he and BB are protecting each other. Of course that may be because neither one of them wants to go to prison. Imo
Just can't wrap my head around all the players covering for everyone but Sweet innocent Maleah. I wonder why the mistress hasn't come forward to clear her name,and reputation. As far as any involvement with Maleah.Forget being the side chic. That's a minor role. She's just a side chic. Right?
I think it's also true that they can be careless and irresponsible in their rush to be the first to get the story out. Imo
I agree and I also think they have pre written copy to release depending on info that unfolds in the case. I think this story was already written and awaiting release if a warrant for BB s phone records was issued. Oops! Wrong copy went to press. Big mistake!!
I would assume she used her own phone, the one found in the car.

The only other possibility would be that she left it behind, and/or DV was using a phone that was in her name.
In that case I guess we don't know which phone she had at that time.
There was a suggestion that she was using a phone belonging to her mother, days after Maleah went missing, based on what was heard in the first interview which included her mom.

I guess we will have to wait and see, but the most logical explanation is that she had her phone on the trip and at the airport, and at some point on Saturday she was in the car with DV and somehow left crucial evidence behind.

Why she would do that I have no idea.
Maybe she used it to smack him on the head and it went flying, only to be lost somewhere in the car.

Or, maybe it was several days later that she was in the car, and was involved in parking the car and leaving it where it was found.
I still don't know how the heck she could have left it behind.
I'm thinking she was using her own phone as well and sometime, either when dropping DV off at the hospital or when the car was left in the parking lot, she left her phone in the car. Since she had to use her mother's phone I'm also assuming that she had the one phone that she left in the car.
This is a real biggie IMO.
Just can't wrap my head around all the players covering for everyone but Sweet innocent Maleah. I wonder why the mistress hasn't come forward to clear her name,and reputation. As far as any involvement with Maleah.Forget being the side chic. That's a minor role. She's just a side chic. Right?
Has the girlfriend's identity been released? I wonder if she was common knowledge to friends etc. Or was she a big reveal??
I think it's also true that they can be careless and irresponsible in their rush to be the first to get the story out. Imo
Reporters are under incredible stress, treated like dirt, and people get upset even when they do a perfect job. The biggest problem is that editors have been largely cut out of the process, especially on web posts.
Why was BB's phone found in the "stolen" car, which was eventually found in plain sight? Honestly, this twist stumps me. Was it accidentally left behind in haste? I'm thinking...IMO...
Could have been that the phone was accidentally left in the car because whoever parked the car was in a panic to get out of the car and leave before anyone saw them.
I don't think BB is a great Mother, but I don't believe that she killed Maleah. I believe that there was a huge blowout argument between DV and BB. BB left, and DV took his rage out on Maleah. DV had probably been abusing Maleah for years and BB ignored it.

DV panicked and made a plan to dump Maleah's body. I think that his brother was in on this. And BB knew right away, probably CD contacted BB about not being able to see Maleah, BB tried to reach DV, and he wasn't taking her calls. BB called BB2, who told BB to file the missing person's report.

The police are probably trying to figure out when BB knew Maleah was dead. Or trying to figure out how to charge her as an accessory, for leaving her child with a man she admitted abused Maleah previously. The whole bath scenario was beyond depraved.

What I don't want to see, is that DV says Maleah drowned while taking a bath, and he panicked because he is so mentally disabled he didn't know what to do, so he drives to Arkansas and throws her out the door in a trash bag, blacks out (of course), and in a daze ends up at the hospital.

Oh, poor DV! No cause of death, so 12 months for tampering with a dead body.
Yes, sadly, I do think this is yet another child who has died as a result of abuse. Texas seems to have an alarming number of children who have died this way in the last year. (211) I think they need to work on "the system," and take more serious preventative measures so it doesn't result in such tragedy. (Such as removing the children from the home)

I think the first scenario you described makes the most sense, according to the evidence and what we have learned so far.

Originally I thought she died as a result of the prior injuries and ongoing abuse. If BB knew about it, and failed to seek medical treatment or cover for DV than naturally she is also responsible for her child's death.

But the evidence does seem to point towards DV and BB arguing, him beating Maleah in a fit of rage, then panicking and inventing a ridiculous story to try to get out of it.
That is, if QX's account is accurate.

That they found blood in the hallway and bathroom is pretty strong evidence of this. I don't think he dismembered the body, but I guess you never know.
What is missing, as you say, pertains to when BB was aware that Maleah had died. I don't think she died in that hour and a half while she was in the apartment. I think DV got rid of the body shortly after she died. It doesn't make sense that he would hide the body in the home for three days, and wait until Friday to clean up the evidence. Not with the kids there and not with the risk of CPS or others dropping by at any time. And then of course there would be the smell of a dead body.

BB must have contacted him while she was away. The phone records will show how many times. She must have asked to speak to the kids, or at least asked how they were. He may have lied to her right up until the time of his arrest.

But she had to have known something. The key is figuring out their communication and whereabouts during the crucial time period.
Maybe if we can research some of the other cases of death by child abuse, we can get an idea of what the charges could be. Imo
I think it's also true that they can be careless and irresponsible in their rush to be the first to get the story out. Imo
And are biased. And cherry pick data. And sometimes used "unnamed" sources to put out information they want to (usually as a way to bash somebody). And sometimes outright lie. And sometimes harrass people.

They are not these poor bashed individuals who are just doing their job. They get up to some unethical crap. Most the vitriol they receive is for pulling crap like this and it's well deserved.

There is a reason I watch a lot of media watchdog groups.
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Yes, there is pretty clear evidence that she was covering for him and denying symptoms as far back as last summer.
Between the documents and what QX claims BB told him, we at least know that much is true.
It can also be assumed that she knew she was leaving Maleah in a dangerous situation when she left for her father's funeral. Imo
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KHOU 11 News Houston on Twitter
On Sunday Houston will honor Maleah Davis, a little angel taken too soon -

11:12 AM - 7 Jun 2019
Reporters are under incredible stress, treated like dirt, and people get upset even when they do a perfect job. The biggest problem is that editors have been largely cut out of the process, especially on web posts.
Well, that explains a lot. It's exactly what it seems like, so it makes sense.
Editing is very important. Or so one would think. Imo
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