CA CA - Barbara Thomas, 69, from Bullhead City AZ, disappeared in Mojave desert, 12 July 2019 #4

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Wish I could find it. Too many threads … In a discussion w/ xoxo I asked her why LE didn't ask to see neighbors' vid of BT and RT in the cul-de-sac leaving their home at 8:15a. dbdb jumped in to say LE told him they have certainty BT was at the scene so need to see the 8:15a vid. IIRC.

If true, then my interpretation of that would be that @dbdb11 meant that LE told him they have certainty BT was seen leaving the home at 8:15 that morning, not that LE knew with certainty she made it to the desert location...@dbdb11, can you please clear this point up for the group? TIA!

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I must have completely missed that post...can someone please link to it, or @dbdb11, can you please confirm that LE told you that BT positively made it to the area they searched?

That would definitely be hugely important news, especially given the fact that LE publicly stated they found no evidence or trace of BT having been there.


I cosign this request. Thanks for the information and posting here with us, @dbdb11

8. "Regular hikers familiar with the area, and other locals have expressed it would be foolish and naive to wander into the Mojave for a casual walk at this time of day" - Link?
I snipped it to shorten your list of questions, I hope you don't mind. Here is an article on the dangers of hiking in the Death Valley and Mojave Desert, as well as the Grand Canyon. As a local, I would never go out hiking in the summer heat. But that's just me and my friends and family. But it is extremely dangerous especially without water and proper clothing. Why You Should Never Hike in the Desert Midday During Summer
CA - CA - Barbara Thomas, 69, Bullhead City, hiking wearing bikini in Mojave desert, 12 July 2019
Bringing this over from thread #1
Hey Everyone,

dbdb11 is now a verified family member of Barbara's.

You may ask questions of dbdb11 but you may not argue or in any way harrass a verified member. If you choose not to believe this person then scroll by.

dbdb11 thank you very much for your willingness to become verified. You will help us better understand Barbara's case and that means we can discuss her case in a more fact based manner.

Take Care,

Today at 6:25

Respectful bump regarding interactions with Verified Insiders. Thank you for being here, @dbdb11.
Prayers to you and your family. I can’t begin to know what you are going through right now. I do hope you get answers and closure soon.
thank you.
all of your concerns, prayers and wishes should be directed to barbara and her recovery.
what was barbara going through, before, during, and after this walk?

I must have completely missed that post...can someone please link to it, or @dbdb11, can you please confirm that LE told you that BT positively made it to the area they searched?

That would definitely be hugely important news, especially given the fact that LE publicly stated they found no evidence or trace of BT having been there.


I would be curious how LE made that determination if they indeed stated that.
I snipped it to shorten your list of questions, I hope you don't mind. Here is an article on the dangers of hiking in the Death Valley and Mojave Desert, as well as the Grand Canyon. As a local, I would never go out hiking in the summer heat. But that's just me and my friends and family. But it is extremely dangerous especially without water and proper clothing. Why You Should Never Hike in the Desert Midday During Summer

I agree with you, but people do hikes without being prepared (enough water, ten essentials, etc.) all the time. It may be dumb, but that doesn't mean it is unusual. Also if they were going out in the morning, ~10am at the trailhead, with plans to be back at the RV by noon, that would avoid the harshness of the midday sun, though I personally would probably be trying to hit the trail closer to 8am.
Our VI here has said LE confirmed to him BT did positively make it to the area

In B Bolick's case, no independent corroboration of her being on the mountain.
important to note LE have NOT verified barbara was ever there, to me or to anyone else i've communicated with. besides robbie.
I would be curious how LE made that determination if they indeed stated that.

I'm quite confident that they didn't state that.

*ETA: Just saw db's post immediately preceding this one where he categorically states that LE have never verified BT made it there.

I've just gone from being "quite confident" to 100% certain.

LE has never stated that BT made it to the desert location from which she purportedly went missing.

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This is where Barb rounds a corner, we can assume she rounds a boulder outcrop that puts her out of Robbie's sight. Robbie has never specified how long he spent taking photos of this rock formation, but he claimed to us that police have photos of Barb on the walk, that day, and that police have photos of the rock formation as well. Robbie and Barb have no known social media accounts where they share photos of their adventures with friends/family.
Quoted snipped (for brevity) and bbm
Our VI has stated that Robbie claimed the police have photos, but I don't think that @dbdb11 has ever mentioned that the police have confirmed this.

@dbdb11 I am sure I missed this, but can you tell me how long they have been married?
If you don't want to answer, that's fine too.
TIA eta any indication how much either of them had been drinking?
I share info on the missing w/truckers and professional drivers on the road 24-7, and I40 being right there is important to me/trucks run constantly
Thanks for being here, Chi, I thought of you and your good work getting the word out to the trucking community a thread or two ago.

If there is not yet an official flyer, I or someone else on the board can make one. I am also a big believer in flyers. MOO
important to note LE have NOT verified barbara was ever there, to me or to anyone else i've communicated with. besides robbie.
Thank you, dbdb11 for clarifying. Do you know if LE has been made aware of the Barbara Bolick case? I know it seems like a long shot, but if there's a chance there could be a connection...
I agree with you, but people do hikes without being prepared (enough water, ten essentials, etc.) all the time. It may be dumb, but that doesn't mean it is unusual. Also if they were going out in the morning, ~10am at the trailhead, with plans to be back at the RV by noon, that would avoid the harshness of the midday sun, though I personally would probably be trying to hit the trail closer to 8am.
Unfortunately yes, they do. Several people have died this month hiking in the desert.
If true, then my interpretation of that would be that @dbdb11 meant that LE told him they have certainty BT was seen leaving the home at 8:15 that morning, not that LE knew with certainty she made it to the desert location...@dbdb11, can you please clear this point up for the group? TIA!

Darn. Wish I could operate the search function better. Could have been last week. I replied to dbdb what a bombshell. You'd think searching that word as a keyword would produce my post. Also, with xoxo and the neighbors' vid, I was asking how it was known BT had flip flops on for a drive by the house vid. She said vid captured her in the street where the RV was parked, not in BT's driveway. You'd think a search for flip flops would have some hits ...
Thanks for being here, Chi, I thought of you and your good work getting the word out to the trucking community a thread or two ago.

If there is not yet an official flyer, I or someone else on the board can make one. I am also a big believer in flyers. MOO
Thank you so much.
I already made one and had it focused on the area in this case.
Eyes on the road, ears on the road, very important.
Wish I could find it. Too many threads … In a discussion w/ xoxo I asked her why LE didn't ask to see neighbors' vid of BT and RT in the cul-de-sac leaving their home at 8:15a. dbdb jumped in to say LE told him they have certainty BT was at the scene so need to see the 8:15a vid. IIRC.
again, this is incorrect. i've never said LE told me there was certainty barb was there. i deduced logically based on robbie's public statements and the following search and rescue operation that LE must have seen evidence she was there.
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