CA CA - Barbara Thomas, 69, from Bullhead City AZ, disappeared in Mojave desert, 12 July 2019 #4

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So why not put the key to the 5th wheel in the truck?

I wouldn't trust the electronic keypad to function as designed. I'd want a key to both outside the truck. Then again, I don't even USE the keypad on mine so perhaps that's telling.... I actually prefer vehicles that don't even have computers. If there's a solar storm none of these vehicles are gonna work! #anxiety
Yes but if you have a secure combination to get into the truck, leaving the fifth wheel key inside the truck is a lot safer than hiding it under a rock.

He’s 72; she’s 69. Their habits were developed many years before cars had keypads instead of keys. We’ve seen no sign that they were on the cutting edge of new things—Facebook, cell phones, etc.

So, any chance that they did key-under-rock because that’s how they’d always done it? (Personally, the idea of a keypad instead of key for my car makes me feel as though ants are crawling up and down my neck.)
I've been following this case and my only Q at this particular point in time is:

**WHY have a key hidden (under a rock or whatever) when RT's Ford truck has a key code for the door?**

I have a Ford and my code is 5 digits - surely 5 digits isn't beyond the realm of what can be memorized by BT or RT. That is all.


(I tried to find a pic of the truck to link but can not - sorry)
the only thing I can think of is it gives validation to why barb had no options to stay put at the RV. even though that's exactly where she was going.

last person with her says she had no water, no clothing protection (practically nude :confused:) and no keys on her person.
drinking alcohol......
as vulnerable as you could possibly be presented as being in the desert.

the only thing I can think of is it gives validation to why barb had no options to stay put at the RV. even though that's exactly where she was going.

last person with her says she had no water, no clothing protection (practically nude :confused:) and no keys on her person.
drinking alcohol......
as vulnerable as you could possibly be presented as being in the desert.


But his story of having the key hidden under a rock makes it perfectly possible for Barbara to stay put at the RV! I don’t understand at all what you’re saying.

But his story of having the key hidden under a rock makes it perfectly possible for Barbara to stay put at the RV! I don’t understand at all what you’re saying.

she got "kidnapped" before she got there though or was locked out otherwise she would be there wouldn't she????

I didn't make the just going with it trying to see RT's avenue of thought. :p
she got "kidnapped" before she got there though or was locked out otherwise she would be there wouldn't she????

I didn't make the just going with it trying to see RT's avenue of thought. :p

Right. In his narrative, she gets ‘kidnapped’ before she gets the key and opens up the RV.

But, his narrative gives her complete access to the RV—the polar opposite to “no options to stay put at the RV.”
He’s 72; she’s 69. Their habits were developed many years before cars had keypads instead of keys. We’ve seen no sign that they were on the cutting edge of new things—Facebook, cell phones, etc.

So, any chance that they did key-under-rock because that’s how they’d always done it? (Personally, the idea of a keypad instead of key for my car makes me feel as though ants are crawling up and down my neck.)
Sure, IMO there's a chance that RT and BT were used to / preferred to use physical key(s) and they were accustomed to hiding the key(s) out of sight near their point of entry (for instance, under a rock) so whichever of them got there first and / or needed to get in, either of them would always would have access to it (perhaps their home, in this case their RV, other things that had a key lock possible too - they also owned a boat and a plane).

It's worth noting IMO, in this case:
(1) The VI said early on in this thread that BT's family knew of the 5 wheeler being recently purchased (in the month or so before their camping trip during which BT went missing).
(2) That type of new 5 wheeler costs between $60 - $90k, and the truck pulling it in MSM videos also looks new. So, the combined worth of the "entire rig (truck and new 5 wheeler)" has got to be close to $100,000, which seems like a very valuable asset to leave a key to under a rock on the side of the road.

All JMO.
He’s 72; she’s 69. Their habits were developed many years before cars had keypads instead of keys. We’ve seen no sign that they were on the cutting edge of new things—Facebook, cell phones, etc.

So, any chance that they did key-under-rock because that’s how they’d always done it? (Personally, the idea of a keypad instead of key for my car makes me feel as though ants are crawling up and down my neck.)

Good point. At the risk of revealing too much, one thing hikers, climbers, and backpackers sometimes do is conceal their keys somewhere near their vehicle. I think this is mostly because of fear of losing one's keys on the trail, though some ultralight backpackers may also not want to carry the weight of even a set of keys. I think this makes a bit more sense in remote areas, where it's unlikely a car thief -- or anyone -- would come by and look under all the rocks and in all the nooks and crannies. And yes, even with a keypad option, people might conceal the keys out of habit.

That said, the whole "key under a rock" narrative is all according to RT. MOO
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She didn't wander out and become lost in the desert.
And I no longer shrug off the abduction theory.
Just the who and the why have changed for me.
I'm sorry for what her family is going through, especially her son.
Eta; Yes, there's just the one.
Just some others with the same last name and around the same-ish age.
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A lot of women don’t wear clothes with pockets. If she was dressed the way he claims, then she clearly didn’t have any.

I don’t think I’ve ever worn anything without pockets, and I’m a guy.
So... do you ever worry about your keys falling out of your pocket? And have you ever lost your keys that way? Do you ever hide a key under a rock?
So... do you ever worry about your keys falling out of your pocket? And have you ever lost your keys that way?

For all intents and purposes, these two were on a walk.

They weren’t scaling rocks, or hanging upside down from bungee cords.

The only time I’ve ever lost my keys is when I’ve taken them out of my pocket and left them somewhere.

They don’t magically fall out when you are walking.

That’s why this rock scenario makes zero sense.

If she heads back first, you just hand her the keys.
A lot of women don’t wear clothes with pockets. If she was dressed the way he claims, then she clearly didn’t have any.

I don’t think I’ve ever worn anything without pockets, and I’m a guy.

A lot of women's pants don't have pockets.

I do wear pants with pockets; that's where I put my keys. Do I ever worry about my keys falling out of my pockets on a hike? Yes, I do. So far I haven't lost any keys that way, but it's a concern. Pens fall out of my pockets; keys rarely do.
For all intents and purposes, these two were on a walk.

They weren’t scaling rocks, or hanging upside down from bungee cords.

The only time I’ve ever lost my keys is when I’ve taken them out of my pocket and left them somewhere.

They don’t magically fall out when you are walking.

That’s why this rock scenario makes zero sense.

If she heads back first, you just hand her the keys.
Those are my thoughts exactly. ETA and I *thought* that he had a backpack, too. But I am not going to look for a link right now, so MOO.
Well, it makes it more believable that she may have been kidnapped while crossing the road, I guess.
connecting back to my original post about this, I see the key under the rock as part of the justification why she is completely exposed and vulnerable out there.
edited to add....
no phone to communicate

no key
no water
no protective clothing (practically nude)
but she does have alcohol...….

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connecting back to my original post about this, I see the key under the rock as part of the justification why she is completely exposed and vulnerable out there.
no key
no water
no protective clothing (practically nude)
but she does have alcohol...….

Yes, it would fit in with his theory of someone abducting her.
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