Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #16

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Just MOO but FD reminds me of a few people I have known who have tunnel vision, kind of like a horse with blinders on, about a certain belief or course of action and nothing—NOTHING—will dissuade them from continuing on that path no matter what happens, even if everyone around them sees bad things happening to the person. It’s kind of, to me, like the kind of focus that sports stars use (and JD seemingly aspired to) only in another, destructive as well as self-destructive way. I don’t see him ever admitting he’s made mistakes, is wrong, or that anything is his fault. MOO.
I see your point completely. Its sad in a way because it will all collapse around him and any residual value for his children will be lost. The children will look at this all many years from now and simply see that what their father built collapsed around him and he made no attempt to save any of it.

The other way I was looking at this to try and understand it is a bit twisted. But perhaps FD thinks that everything FORE did and built was from FIL and Farber family money and because of this he is willing to flush it all down the drain as its disposible. He probably viewed JD as disposible too and maybe he views all the FORE assets as disposible as well.

I truly don't know as it makes little logical sense.

It is also possible that in addition to the bloody JD clothing in the bags, LE found something suggesting such a terrible act during the search at 80MS. Phone pings suggested FD spent all afternoon there the day she disappeared (could be a decoy, but he did take phone to Albany Ave and probably needed to be on top of the news).

LE searched 80MS all day starting early the morning after FD and MT were arrested, with the big crime van and more than a dozen police vehicles, and investigators arriving carting briefcases, and the MSM showed LE with a hose pumping out the septic tank there. That same day LE were still searching in NC, but after that they switched focus to MIRA and never went back to New Canaan again (with the exception of possibly a visit to Sturbridge Hill after neighbor reported banging- but this search was not of the length or scope of the 80MS search and I don’t recall if that was before or after the 80MS search).

I always felt they had found some evidence of JD at 80MS given its scope and that LE turned attention to Farmington area after that, and that evidence could have been very gruesome.
The mops and sponges make us all think of the cleanup at Welles Lane (JD house) but it is possible there was some cleanup at another site like 80MS as well. That could be why there are 2 mops, or of course it could be that there were 2 people using mops at one location.

And one final consideration, if LE has extensive video of FD throwing bags out on Albany Ave they likely have some footage suggesting whether some of those bags were quite heavy- how much effort needed to get them into the dumpsters, etc. A bag with clothing and sponges would have shown very differently being tossed, than a bag that was much heavier and cumbersome- I’m no expert here and don’t intend to become one, but JD weighed 120 lbs and 120 divided by even 4 or 5 would still not be a casual toss over ones shoulder. They could likely try to infer whether there were heavy bags from the videos. I don’t envy those who have to spend their days entertaining and imagining all the permutations of this terrible possibility. And feel even more for JDs family having to grapple with these kinds of terrible possibilities of her fate.

When again was the banging heard at the empty house?
My guess is to simply waste more time and for strategic reasons that are only known to him as what he is doing defied any business logic that I am aware of!

He has bailed on 2 depositions (last time he did this was 2 weeks ago where his atty said he 'forgot' or some such nonsense). And its unclear from the court file whether he ever complied with the financial records requests of GF.

I am still baffled by what time buys him here? It must be important whatever it is because he is essentially lighting FORE Group on fire and letting it burn with the choices he is making on this particular piece of litigation IMO.

But I don't get the sense that FD cares about FORE as a going concern as when you look at the history of it the company really was a vanity project funded by his former FIL and never stood on its own feet as a separately financed business. IMO if the goal was to grow FORE beyond its Hartford base it would have needed external financing and a plan that didn't include developing large houses in markets that couldn't sustain them (I'm excluding the NC house from this stmt as it most likely could sell even in a rough market but is also probably overpriced based on current market conditions IMO).

Now Judge on the case is going to have to respond first to GF motion and then will have to respond to this nonsense filing IMO from FD and this will take time. This case seemed stalled due to all the back and forth and the no show depositions until recently. GF is now going after deposition of MT and that has involved time and motions back and forth as well. Near terms prospects for FD deposition in this case appear slim and as we have seen if he is compelled to show up for deposition he will simply take 5th to the extent he is able IMO.

I don't think the Judge will buy the FD argument but he seems to be trying to say that what she is doing could/might/maybe hurt his business and make it impossible to sell the liened properties (i.e., he can't run his business as usual). So, because of what she is doing has these imaginary consequences in his mind tht he wants to be compensated for in the event that the case is decided in his favor. Think this is the jist of the very twisted argument.

The irony of his logic is that most business people would say that FORE isn't a going concern, hasn't sold a property in a good while despite having an inventory of 6 properties and there appear to be no prospects for near term sale of existing inventory. Why was all this done? We don't yet know. I would also think the Judge might ask for documents to prove that offers have been received for any of the inventory over the past 2 years and what the response of FORE Group was to the offers received. From the outside looking in, it appears that FD/FORE is sitting on 6 big white elephant houses that cannot be sold without substantial reductions in selling price. MOO

I just don’t understand.....
You’re taking me to court to get money I owe you, but I’m going to ask you to put up $500K to protect my failing business. Oh and I killed your daughter. Yeah, ok buddy, I’ll get right on writing you a check.

Pfffttt....(waving my middle finger in the air)
I just don’t understand.....
You’re taking me to court to get money I owe you, but I’m going to ask you to put up $500K to protect my failing business. Oh and I killed your daughter. Yeah, ok buddy, I’ll get right on writing you a check.

Pfffttt....(waving my middle finger in the air)
Yep, gotta love our guy FD! Your image is perfect BTW!

GF and her family spent over 10 years writing checks to FD to keep FORE Group afloat and my guess is she has no plans to write any more!

I just don't get atty's letting this type of action be filed as its a waste of court time.
Hmmmm. I’m going to take that with a grain of salt. He “told” officers? And maybe they did have an “emptier” room in that massive place. His office was in that house, he must have been around often, did she manage to have movers come without him noticing? She left saying she was going to cemetery. 5 kids in car, not much room to move all their things. She would have been a magician to empty a room before she left and he didn’t notice. A bathroom scale, I could throw mine in my car right now and I’m betting it’s absence would never be noticed!!
I’ll look back on other threads too for more about this.

FWIW, I’ve known people who had to leave like this and they worked on it in plain sight so that their favorite items like clothes were in one section of the closet and they had a list of what to grab at the last minute like photos that would be noticed if moved beforehand. You know you won’t get it all but at the decided-on time, you grab the vital things and get out. I personally have known kids who had to do this and you can bet they never argued or told anyone; they knew why they were leaving that way. Anyway, MOO. In this case, if it happened, it might have been easier since they had a big house and I doubt FD spent a lot of time with the daily household operations. MOO.
I wonder if the bathroom scale is as a point of contention with JD and FD ? Like did he make her weigh in daily or the kids ? I wouldn’t put it past him .
or did Mr. Pretty Boy who worked out daily, weighed himself daily?
Remember the comment from the teacher in NC
who said the other teachers called him an Adonis. This tells me he was tanning and doing
free weights daily to earn that title.
Sat. morn. 5-5:30 am 5/25, morning after she disappeared.

I’m still suspicious of that. Most recently, I thought the banging could have been the sound a large air compressor like for contractor or mechanical work makes when it kicks on in the cycles of air compression and use. They can be used for many purposes, and one could be to clean off tools like saws, or maybe a power washer was used with it. MOO.
Yep, gotta love our guy FD! Your image is perfect BTW!

GF and her family spent over 10 years writing checks to FD to keep FORE Group afloat and my guess is she has no plans to write any more!

I just don't get atty's letting this type of action be filed as its a waste of court time.

I’m not an attorney so I’m just asking to know, not to argue in any way: Do attorneys have a lot of choice (or is it common to decline to do it) if a client, especially an existing one, wants it done and it’s legal?
Two peas in a pod....Both FD and KM were nearing the end of the divorce process....both soon to be exes were pressing for financial information for settlements....both were facing court hearings in very near future....both were of a similar age and, IMOO, perceived themselves as Alpha males entitled to be in charge and be winners....what ideas could the two come up with the settle down those unreasonable women...."You talk to mine....I'll talk to your".....Calling wasn't very effective nor was maybe KM just dropped in and things went horribly wrong....or??????
BTW....I have remained neutral on the drug usage angle until reading more....Certainly alcohol or maybe more stimulating drugs could be involved.
ALL IMOO....Who said there are no coincidences in criminal cases?
Whoops....edited to change JD to FD
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Yep, gotta love our guy FD! Your image is perfect BTW!

GF and her family spent over 10 years writing checks to FD to keep FORE Group afloat and my guess is she has no plans to write any more!

I just don't get atty's letting this type of action be filed as its a waste of court time.
I think before FD 'allows' GF, or any others who
have large claims on the unsold homes, to take them by judgments, he will see to it that
'Greek Lightning' might make them disappear.
I see your point completely. Its sad in a way because it will all collapse around him and any residual value for his children will be lost. The children will look at this all many years from now and simply see that what their father built collapsed around him and he made no attempt to save any of it.

The other way I was looking at this to try and understand it is a bit twisted. But perhaps FD thinks that everything FORE did and built was from FIL and Farber family money and because of this he is willing to flush it all down the drain as its disposible. He probably viewed JD as disposible too and maybe he views all the FORE assets as disposible as well.

I truly don't know as it makes little logical sense.


I agree; I don’t think usual logic applies here. MOO.
Took me awhile to catch up to that!!! Thank you.
So sad.
This other threatened? wife has me unnerved. Early on I asked if anyone (mainly those in area, hearing words on the street) knew any thing about FDs movements during the week prior to JDs disappearance.
I’m glad some of that time line is being revealed. More is needed, obviously, than his interactions with this woman. Anyone else hearing anything about his, MTs other movements during that time?

I remember the neighbor of the Sturbridge property was asked for his surveillance from 19 May on, if that had any significance, I wonder.
I’m not an attorney so I’m just asking to know, not to argue in any way: Do attorneys have a lot of choice (or is it common to decline to do it) if a client, especially an existing one, wants it done and it’s legal?
Yes, an attorney can refuse to do something if in their mind it's not the way to proceed.
An attorney can resign from a case or a client can fire them if they can't agree, IME.
Those difficult clients are considered "unmanageable".
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