Has Steve Thomas's theory changed?

what was his theory? I have trouble keeping it all straight
Steve Thomas believed Patsy caused the death and that the trigger was JonBenet's toileting issues.

I've seen no evidence to suggest he's changed his mind.
Steve Thomas believed Patsy caused the death and that the trigger was JonBenet's toileting issues.

I've seen no evidence to suggest he's changed his mind.

Thank you - brief but all I needed.

That theory got a lot of traction early and although I didn't closely follow the case it seemed credible.

Now I lean to JDI.
Does anyone know if Steve Thomas has changed his theory?

David Rogers,
More than likely.

All depends which of his theories you like:

01. JonBenet being sexually abused and murdered by some male, this is implied throughout his book.

02. JonBenet being accidently killed by Patsy as the result of a bedwetting incident, again see his book.

Steve Thomas and those around him favored Theory 01. its alleged this was effectively how his book was initially structured.

Team Ramsey gave the heads up to John and Patsy who then either did initiate litigation proceedings or threatened to do so, forcing Steve Thomas to re-write his book.

As a result the alleged sexual assault became Vaginal Trauma, bedwetting along with urine analysis was highlighted, leading to the now standard bedwetting PDI or some variant.

Then some time in the recent past Kolar and Thomas appeared together on Tricia's audio podcast platform, where Thomas declined to criticise Kolar's implicit BDI theory.

Thomas understandably wants a quiet life, the JonBenet case nearly killed him, also debating their respective theories would mean testing the forensic evidence, some of which was not around in Thomas' day, also they are both constrained by non-disclosure clauses in their contract of employment.

Thomas in his original theory wanted to prove that there was no intruder, that JonBenet had been sexually assaulted, and from the circumstantial forensic evidence one of the males in the Ramsey household was the killer.

The Ramsey's proposed litigation prevented this happening, but Kolar essentially accomplished what Thomas set out to demonstrate.

So if Steve Thomas has a new theory its likely to be a restatement of his original position given all the forensic evidence that has been released since he retired.

BTW Once John Ramsey is deceased I'll bet Steve Thomas will be one of the first to do media interviews, just to clarify some issues, of course?

Interesting question. I'm sure his theory has remained mostly the same. I wonder if Arndt and Kolar's theories have changed?
01. JonBenet being sexually abused and murdered by some male, this is implied throughout his book.

I must have missed those parts.

Steve Thomas and those around him favored Theory 01. its alleged this was effectively how his book was initially structured.

Alleged by whom/what?

Thomas in his original theory wanted to prove that there was no intruder, that JonBenet had been sexually assaulted, and from the circumstantial forensic evidence one of the males in the Ramsey household was the killer.

Is this personal speculation or are you basing this on some insider or secret knowledge from the case?
I must have missed those parts.

Alleged by whom/what?

Is this personal speculation or are you basing this on some insider or secret knowledge from the case?
never heard any of this before.
care to link us to your msm source of this information uk guy?
I must have missed those parts.

Alleged by whom/what?

Is this personal speculation or are you basing this on some insider or secret knowledge from the case?


I must have missed those parts.

The detectives on the case consider various expert opinions as to JonBenet's abuse. At the same time Holly Smith who was head of the Boulder County Sexual Abuse team and filed a report suggesting JonBenet was sexually abused was removed from the case.

The bedwetting theory is not the only theory the gathered evidence supports. Also Steve Thomas' PDI slant is his personal opinion and it might not be shared by other investigators.

BPD will have seen Steve Thomas' book prior to publication and likely required some edits, Alex Hunter said Steve Thomas used confidential case information and made up the rest to match his theory. Alex Hunter described Steve Thomas saying: He's a cop that, you know, was basically a patrol officer and did a little narcotics work.

There will be sections where BPD via the Ramseys objected to stuff so Thomas' ghostwriter simply deleted and added whatever they thought they could get away with, not everything in his book particulary all the quotes can be validated.

So it never worked out and the Ramseys filed a defamation case against steve Thomas which he lost.
Ramseys sue ex-detective, officers
never heard any of this before.
care to link us to your msm source of this information uk guy?

Its all history now, but we know Steve Thomas had to rewrite sections of his book and he went for a PDI, despite the forensic evidence suggesting JDI or BDI.

Here is Thomas reply to a question arising from his libel case:

A Letter From Steve Thomas

The frivolous lawsuit filed by the Ramseys has concluded.

I am sorry for the delay in making a public statement until now, but the Ramsey announcement of a
resolution in March was premature.

I am bound by the terms of the settlement not to discuss its conclusive points but I can tell you this:
it was a thoughtful, deliberate decision. For the record, I was not the one who sought out a settlement in this case.

My absolute requirement for any resolution was the mandate that I would admit no wrongdoing
whatsoever, nor would I personally pay a single dollar in settlement. And that is exactly what was achieved with this resolution. In fact, the book can continue to be published, advertised, quoted, and marketed. I will continue to speak on the case whenever I wish. I continue to stand resolutely by my book and the opinions I expressed in it. My beliefs have not changed.

The reality was this: I was well within my Constitutional rights to have stated my opinion regarding the
events surrounding this murder. But this was a civil case. It was about money. Justice and "doing the right thing" do not always prevail in these cases, as we all know.

On the other hand, we would have enjoyed deposing and taking people in front of a jury, and
discovering the truth. Unfortunately, financial constraints continued to prohibit this, as I was in no position to take on the Ramseys' wealth. In fact, I lost my house and savings during this struggle.

After almost 6 years, I can now look forward to a much brighter future. I continue to receive a warm
welcome and tremendous support from police around the country. Although I miss police work, and have had invitations to re-join law enforcement, I have respectfully declined. I am taking my life in a new direction and am enjoying it with people I care about.

Again, I want to reiterate that I personally paid not one red cent, not one thin dime, not one single
dollar to settle this suit. I tried to the very end to take a principled position in this tragic case, and I believe I have done so.

The future still holds hope that true justice for the murderer of an innocent girl will prevail. As I
mentioned Proverbs 28:13 on Larry King Live, I still believe -- "without confession there is no forgiveness".

Please know how forever grateful I am to you for supporting me throughout this ordeal. I can tell you
that there are no finer men than Daniel Petrocelli and Chuck Diamond, who supported me unequivocally. Perhaps this knowledge and explanation is some small consolation for your support and dedication in helping me with this fight.

Prior to my resignation in 1998, a man whom I admire greatly shared a famous quote with me: "It is a
sin to remain silent, when it's your duty to protest."

Wise words about those who whistle-blow also proved true in the subsequent fight -- "You will feel
isolated and vilified, but ultimately you will know what you did was right. Nothing can diminish that knowledge."

Steve Thomas
6 August 2002
Its all history now, but we know Steve Thomas had to rewrite sections of his book and he went for a PDI, despite the forensic evidence suggesting JDI or BDI.

Here is Thomas reply to a question arising from his libel case:
thank you for digging this up.
but it proves just as I thought.
"I continue to stand resolutely by my book and the opinions I expressed in it. My beliefs have not changed."
nowhere is there supporting evidence POST this statement steve Thomas has changed his theory.

thank you for digging this up.
but it proves just as I thought.
"I continue to stand resolutely by my book and the opinions I expressed in it. My beliefs have not changed."
nowhere is there supporting evidence POST this statement steve Thomas has changed his theory.


nowhere is there supporting evidence POST this statement steve Thomas has changed his theory.
Sure, but since then additional forensic evidence has surfaced.

Kolar implies BDI, Thomas implies PDI, and JDI is the default theory inside BPD.

They cannot all be right, something will be made public that will allow us to eliminate one of BDI or JDI, as I reckon Thomas' PDI eliminates itself due to it being inconsistent.

Of course whatever is made public could actually put PDI back on the table by explaining some of the forensic evidence, i.e. longjohns, size-12's, head injury, etc?

I think Steve Thomas will have changed his theory, he will have chatted with Kolar and received updates on the case.

I doubt Thomas will talk publicly about the case until John Ramsey is deceased, he does not want another defamation case, he might even add a few more chapters to his book and republish it?


Sure, but since then additional forensic evidence has surfaced.

Kolar implies BDI, Thomas implies PDI, and JDI is the default theory inside BPD.

They cannot all be right, something will be made public that will allow us to eliminate one of BDI or JDI, as I reckon Thomas' PDI eliminates itself due to it being inconsistent.

Of course whatever is made public could actually put PDI back on the table by explaining some of the forensic evidence, i.e. longjohns, size-12's, head injury, etc?

I think Steve Thomas will have changed his theory, he will have chatted with Kolar and received updates on the case.

I doubt Thomas will talk publicly about the case until John Ramsey is deceased, he does not want another defamation case, he might even add a few more chapters to his book and republish it?

here's the thing.
YOUR opinion on why steve SHOULD change his opinion isn't actually relevant to the fact he has made NO such declarations or statements to imply any such things.

just the facts please.
here's the thing.
YOUR opinion on why steve SHOULD change his opinion isn't actually relevant to the fact he has made NO such declarations or statements to imply any such things.

just the facts please.

Sure, maybe Kolar relayed some information that beefed up his PDI, who knows?

Its been 21 years since his resignation most folks have updated and refined their theories, he will not be any different.

As I mentioned above Thomas is unlikely to go public on his thoughts due to the threat of litigation, not because he has not changed his mind.

You seem to take a lot of liberties and unwarranted inferences regarding Steve Thomas views on the case. By the way ST never lost the case it was settled out of court. You haven’t a clue about what went on during the writing process and the revisions please stop pretending.[/QUOTE]
BPD will have seen Steve Thomas' book prior to publication and likely required some edits, Alex Hunter said Steve Thomas used confidential case information and made up the rest to match his theory. Alex Hunter described Steve Thomas saying: He's a cop that, you know, was basically a patrol officer and did a little narcotics work.

This is called character assassination. It's a common trick to discredit a source. If you understand the political aspects behind what happened and why Lou Smit was hired, anything Alex Hunter said is suspect.

Never forget this man denied search warrants that are part of any normal murder investigation. He leaked information to team Ramsey. He withheld grand jury findings from the public. And he was known as the 'Let's make a deal DA.' His team didn't have the trial experience to take this case to court. This case was bungled by law enforcement, but if a better DA was in charge, the outcome may have been different.
The only chance for justice in this case is if a special prosecutor was appointed almost immediately. Hunter knew what happened but had no choice but to play ball with the very powerful and politically connected Ramseys. One senses he felt a certain shame in how he was handling it basically hoping they’d agree to a generous plea deal. Mary Lacy’s conduct is disgraceful, she wasn’t a hack she was a fixer for the Ramseys or the dumbest prosecutor to ever become a DA. The evidence was there and it appeared quickly. You could understand in a week the most that there was no intruder.
I admire and respect Steve Thomas. His book was the first I read about JonBenet, but even before I did more research I found his theory to have some holes in it. I really don't think Patsy was all that fussed with issues like bed wetting, as they occur out of public view. Patsy was all about how things looked to the outside, once the doors were shut the kids wore daggy hand-me-downs and ate packaged food, clothes stayed where they landed and areas of the house were a mess. John was the control freak, not Patsy.
Mary Lacy’s conduct is disgraceful, she wasn’t a hack she was a fixer for the Ramseys or the dumbest prosecutor to ever become a DA
I agree. I think the Ramsey's employed lots of fixers, and still do.

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