Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #4

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Missouri might be from or (more likely) a twist of Mormon beliefs. For example, the Mormon belief is that the Garden of Eden was in Jackson County, MO. (I think this came up in this discussion sometime over the last few days.) I have a vague inking that there was something to do with the future in MO. It seems like JR might have said something that was mentioned here as well.
I live in Jackson County, Missouri. From this moment on, I will be sleeping with one eye open! :confused: I wasn’t expecting that this case could end up hitting close to home!
I have been hunting around for one and I did find one that lives Idaho but also had lived in Austin (2002 time frame) at the same time Lori also lived in Austin (within 5 miles) but that all could be coincidence and she simply made the name up.
There are too many bizarre connections in this story to dismiss anything as coincidence. But my understanding is that LV and CV had no biological children together and CV was not JJs bio father so this statement is not to be taken the way it could if it she were springing on him that his kid wasnt his.

Plus JJ was born in Louisiana if I'm not mistaken. So we'd probably need a NS in Louisiana.
New info from reporter Justin Lum

“Court documents we’ve obtained reveal Lori allegedly said “she was a God assigned to carry out the work of the 144,000 at Christ’s second coming in July 2020.” If Charles got in her way, “she would murder him.” ‬

Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix

(Edited because I’m new to posting & clarifying my post. :))


These people are highly dangerous to law enforcement if they believe they are gods that cannot die.

Just when I think this can't get any crazier, it does. :eek:
I wonder if Lori is schizophrenic? I know someone with schizophrenia that believes he is the Archangel Michael when he doesn't take his medicine. Fortunately, he is harmless as long as you don't challenge his delusions. But I have a feeling everyone who is dead surrounding this case challenged Lori's delusions. It's no coincidence that she threatened to kill Charles and he ended up dead only months later. She is dangerous. I wonder if Chad has some of the same delusions about himself or if he is actually Lori's follower and believes her insane claims? So far I think I believe she is the cult leader and every one else supporting her and helping her and Chad hide are going along with whatever she says. MOO.
Isn't the 144,000 number a Jehovah's Witness thing? Did AVOW steal/borrow/plagiarize that from them? MOO.

I am not a Biblical scholar so I googled it. It’s mentioned in the Bible and different religions have their own interpretations. The link below gives the Bible verses the. discusses various interpretations by religion.

Since C and L appear to be blazing the trail for their own religion no telling what they imagine it means.

144,000 - Wikipedia
There are too many bizarre connections in this story to dismiss anything as coincidence. But my understanding is that LV and CV had no biological children together and CV was not JJs bio father so this statement is not to be taken the way it could if it she were springing on him that his kid wasnt his.

Plus JJ was born in Louisiana if I'm not mistaken. So we'd probably need a NS in Louisiana.
Yes, Charles obviously knew he was not actually JJ's biological father.
I have been hunting around for one and I did find one that lives Idaho but also had lived in Austin (2002 time frame) at the same time Lori also lived in Austin (within 5 miles) but that all could be coincidence and she simply made the name up.
There are too many bizarre connections in this story to dismiss anything as coincidence. But my understanding is that LV and CV had no biological children together and CV was not JJs bio father so this statement is not to be taken the way it could if it she were springing on him that his kid wasnt his.

Plus JJ was born in Louisiana if I'm not mistaken. So we'd probably need a NS in Louisiana.
Based on what has been documented about the search from earlier today, it sounds like, in MOO, that the autopsy came back with evidence of homicide or suspicious circumstances, the victim specialist was called in especially for Tammy’s grieving family, and that metal detectors were used to search for potential ballistic evidence from the “paintball gun” incident. Sadly, I suspect that the search was not directly related to Joshua or Tylee. Time will tell, hopefully!
Any proof
Based on what has been documented about the search from earlier today, it sounds like, in MOO, that the autopsy came back with evidence of homicide or suspicious circumstances, the victim specialist was called in especially for Tammy’s grieving family, and that metal detectors were used to search for potential ballistic evidence from the “paintball gun” incident. Sadly, I suspect that the search was not directly related to Joshua or Tylee. Time will tell, hopefully!
There were some comments under this article that were interesting to me.Police conclude search at Daybell home | East Idaho News

I suppose the commenter is suggesting that if Lori and Chad wanted to remove guilt they could have requested a baptism for the dead on their behalf? Who can see if that’s been done? Who requests those and who does them?
Baptism for the dead - Wikipedia

“The LDS Church teaches that performing baptisms for the dead allows this saving ordinanceto be offered on behalf of those who have died without accepting or knowing Jesus Christ or his teachings during their mortal lives.“
I have met a lot of folks who have active psychosis, and so much of it is related to religious beliefs. I have seen some really crazy stuff, nothing I can disclose here, confidentiality and all that...

How interesting it would be if Lori and Chad actually have a dual psychosis. A shared belief, usually there is one person who is deeper into the psychosis, but seduces another person into the same delusional thinking.
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