Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #28

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We are talking about rural Idaho. There are not a lot of competent criminal attorneys in rural Idaho to pick from. Most of the criminal cases are slam dunk, domestic violence, some drug stuff. And it looks like many of them don't want to touch this mess, with an uncooperative client.

Which is probably why LV wanted a change of venue to Boise. It would be easier to find and afford criminal attorneys there, who don't have to drive or fly to Rexburg at $300 an hour, that adds up quick.
Just a thought, but as a "god" wouldn't it make more sense to represent self? Seems she would be well served by doing that.
I missed the change of venue filing. Lots going on! Jmo

Yes, most criminal attorneys in rural areas, work with the "plea deal and move on". Looks like LV wants to go the distance here. And the DA definitely won't go for a plea deal. This is going to be long, drawn out, and expensive.
We are talking about rural Idaho. There are not a lot of competent criminal attorneys in rural Idaho to pick from. Most of the criminal cases are slam dunk, domestic violence, some drug stuff. And it looks like many of them don't want to touch this mess, with an uncooperative client.

Which is probably why LV wanted a change of venue to Boise. It would be easier to find and afford criminal attorneys there, who don't have to drive or fly to Rexburg at $300 an hour, that adds up quick.

Maybe Lori and Chad could sign over some Movie rights or book royalties for bail? Haha. #NoThanks
He, or his office, is certainly not the most attentive to detail seeing as this quote is the first thing one sees when clicking on that link:
“Don't get ‘throw under the bus’ Contact us today to protect your rights!”

I believe it’s thrown. I know I’d be embarrassed if my large print slogan in red typeface had a grammatical error. Someone should tell them. MOO
He’s fixed that part, but still has some editing to do under the “About” tab. MOO
Means Law Attorney
If I am Lori (and CD et al), I would have the attorneys request a delay of court dates until after July 21, 2020 (projected date of end time). If July 20 proves not to be the end time, the godly duo could plead insanity for everything. If July 20 is the end times. the godly duo are leaders of the 144,000. Note this is tongue in cheek.

I have thought perhaps TR and JJ alive and existing somewhere in an isolated LDS compound in the middle of nowhere relatively speaking. TR and JJ being alive and hidden is hoping for the best and an explanation of the confidence displayed by LVD. One aspect of LVD's defense is likely to be she and her confederates are victims of government over reach.

Starting to seem more likely TR and JJ are deceased; perhaps and most crass to just get them out of way and access to attached money, but maybe the justification is to deliver them to the afterlife and avoid their personal travails of the end time.

I am kind of hoping that the FBI is involved more than because of their expertise and the fact that the various aspects are so complex and cross several states. But perhaps there is a bigger issue in these fringe, many antigovernment, groups regards to illegal arms, potential terrorism, and similar.
That’s what I thought too. Webb didn’t say, “I will..” He said “We will..” WOW! Did they bite off more than they can chew or was it a financial decision? I’m not sure but am leaning a little towards financial.
My guess is it is financial (first)...she can't even make bail. Bailbondsmen claim they are turning her away, but give me a break. I don't think she has the assets, if she were worth millions, some one would have backed her bail. Also, they (attorneys) don't want the bad press. In my state (CT) Fotis Dulos, just 10 miles away from me, had not only bail but an attorney that stayed, even after he killed himself. Everyone wondered why his attorney, to this day, tries to have his case heard...his attorney wants a piece of his millions of dollars in real estate. It is silly, but my point is, people will show up if you have the cash. She doesn't. She is obviously crazy, and little by little, people will abandon her. Chad will too, my next guess is...Chad will turn states evidence against her to save himself. He will still be in deep ship, but...deservedly so.
So I’m catching up, haven’t been on since about 8 ish yesterday evening. My 6 year old threw up dinner (fingers crossed it was a fluke) so I’ve been snuggling. So basically after the judge passed the case to another judge, 2 of her attorneys (including pit bull in heals) walked away from the case? Anything else? I plan on reading up, just thought someone might give me a summary.

That's pretty much all that happened. Hope your child feels better soon!

Someone was asking what CV's jeep looked like. This is the only pic I have seen. It has Texas plates shown on the rear. Not sure about front plates.

[URL='']Justin Lum Fox 10

23 Feb

EXCLUSIVE: New docs reveal ex-husband of Lori Vallow’s niece says Melani Boudreaux wanted him killed, “hoping to cash in” on policy to “help support the cult.” 10/2/19 - Brandon Boudreaux is shot at. Jeep registered to Charles Vallow is suspect vehicle. Charles died in July.

He, or his office, is certainly not the most attentive to detail seeing as this quote is the first thing one sees when clicking on that link:
“Don't get ‘throw under the bus’ Contact us today to protect your rights!”

I believe it’s thrown. I know I’d be embarrassed if my large print slogan in red typeface had a grammatical error. Someone should tell them. MOO

You're right on this. I forgot he was that guy. I only looked at the reviews. The typos on the website would be enough to turn me off from him. MOO

Someone was asking what CV's jeep looked like. This is the only pic I have seen. It has Texas plates shown on the rear. Not sure about front plates.

Justin Lum Fox 10

23 Feb

EXCLUSIVE: New docs reveal ex-husband of Lori Vallow’s niece says Melani Boudreaux wanted him killed, “hoping to cash in” on policy to “help support the cult.” 10/2/19 - Brandon Boudreaux is shot at. Jeep registered to Charles Vallow is suspect vehicle. Charles died in July.

Justin must be ready here too !!!! :) HI JUSTIN !!!!!
I’m on Next Door and also have Ring. In my neighborhood there are more Ring Doorbell videos posted on Next Door than there are on the Ring website/app itself (though w/Ring you can send out text alerts). With both you have to live in the neighborhood to see what people are posting. Are Chad or Lori’s neighborhood(s) active on either of those platforms?
Any posts about the issue were removed quickly.
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