Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #25

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Anyone that receives a negative test can still be infected, even the same day, after testing. I could get tested today (with negative results tomorrow) but I could stop at Starbucks on my way home & get infected by community contact.
Trump is in a lot of crowds, he’s only negative up to the time he was tested.
Like @zecats said, think of it as a pregnant test of sorts. You might test negative but what you gonna do tonight.
So you agree that a test is only as good as the time frame it was done. Then why continue to test if no symptoms are present.

In my neighborhood they’re either playing alone at the park or in small groups. I saw a teen couple at the park and one was wearing a mask. This was a few days ago
In my daughter's North Jersey town of Hoboken, the parks are roped off so no one can use them..or get in. Curfew in town 10pm to 5am. Also schools closed. My two year old grandson is giving her and SIL a run on patience.

Best thing IMO, though as NYC is a major hotspot.
I have. But not enough I fear.

I have the same concern, so today I went to because so many people on Websleuths recommended it, and so I selected our cats' favorite foods and put them in "my cart" that I set up. I will place the order tonight, because I noticed that they are out of stock on a lot of their favorite foods. It takes 3-5 days for delivery now, which is free over $49 order. I am ordering today because not sure about future stock. Even the stores were low last week.
Agree. It’s odd - the numbers alone don’t justify the actions. So, IMO, either the numbers are being suppressed worldwide, or there’s something we’re just missing....

But these huge corporations don’t shut down business on a whim!!

Actions speak louder than words - and the action is a global shutdown.

The numbers alone indeed DO support the shutdowns. People aren’t understanding.

We have to stop looking at just the death rates. The influx of hospitalizations is more than our healthcare systems can cope with when this thing takes off. And then the death rate increases to up to 6% or so because people can’t be treated. They’re being left to die for want of medical equipment and personnel.
Thank you for sharing example of how fast this develops.....:(
I'm almost afraid to walk outside and breathe!
Not really, but that Church had over 1000 members in attendance on March 1st.
It spread all over the place before people started getting sick! Most started having symptoms Sunday the 8th to Wednesday the 11th!
How is @book-thinker? I believe that’s who it was who has been ill and concerned they have it.

He/she checked in within the past day or so. Still with fever and dry cough (9) days. I believe going to see about getting tested.

I’ve had to skip a lot of recent posts, so there may be newer updates that I’m not aware of.
Not the researchers, just the vaccine exclusively for the US. Trump 'offers large sums' for exclusive access to coronavirus vaccine
Actually he wants to take the researchers and bring them to the US to work just on this. "Welt am Sonntag quoted an unidentified German government source as saying Trump was trying to secure the scientists’ work exclusively, and would do anything to get a vaccine for the United States, “but only for the United States.”

Germany tries to stop US from luring away firm seeking coronavirus vaccine
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I think the worst fallout from this virus will be mental, social and economic.

I am already seeing this with my 94 yr old father. His big social activity for the week has been church. His church, the Worldwide HQ, has declared no services for the next 3 Sundays. I moved in to take care of him, back in Nov. Or he would be even more isolated.
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