Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #40

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(Reuters) - New Orleans is on track to become the next coronavirus epicenter in the United States,
dimming hopes that less densely populated and warmer-climate cities would escape the worst of the pandemic, and that summer months could see it wane.

The plight of New Orleans - with the world's highest growth rate in coronavirus cases - also raises fears that the city may become a powerful catalyst in spreading the virus across the south of the country. Authorities have warned the number of cases in New Orleans could overwhelm its hospitals by April 4.

Mardi Gras was the perfect storm, it provided the perfect conditions for the spread of this virus," said Dr. Rebekah Gee,
who until January was the Health Secretary for Louisiana and now heads up Louisiana State University's health care services division.

New Orleans emerges as next coronavirus epicenter, threatening rest of South

Thank you for posting this.

The current younger generation has benefited greatly from what this article rightfully calls "a roaring economy" in China. Their parents lived in small, crowded flats and road bicycles. Now the wealth is incredible among the average family in the cities.

So if it hits them in their pocketbooks, that will get their attention. The small group of "citizen journalists" will be silenced. It is only if the economy suffers that their will be changes. Even getting rid of Xi as the party chairman or whatever his title is, and his cadre of leaders, would help, although not enough. But it's a start.

The generation that Mao sent to the countryside is getting older, and the generation that lived Tian-an-men Square is getting older too. The younger generation knows only prosperity and has been willing to give up freedoms for incredible prosperity. Just like this article describes.

Sorry to go on so long. I just wish we would live long enough to see the Chinese people free from totalitarian government.
I'm in Indiana, the county with approximately 70 cases. I've been exposed and have mild symptoms, no test just presumed so don't know if they're counting that. Eli Lilly is doing private testing with a doctor's order so that may be why so many high negatives. I'm in nursing and work in a residential facility with known positive and none of us with symptoms have been tested. Insane......moo

Take care of yourself. :(

A 108-year-old woman and survivor of the 1918 Spanish flu is thought to have become the oldest victim of coronavirus in the UK.

Hilda Churchill died in a Salford care home on Saturday, hours after testing positive for Covid-19 and just eight days before her 109th birthday.

She is the oldest victim of the virus to be named in the UK. She was born in 1911, the year before the Titanic sank and three years before the start of the first world war. It was also seven years before the Spanish flu pandemic, which infected 500 million worldwide, and killed her sister.

Spanish flu survivor dies from coronavirus aged 108
I predict the commission will have a meeting like none before.

MS Zaandam - Wikipedia

Port of Registry- Netherlands.

Are they going to quarantine everyone for 14 days? In a hotel? Military base?
No temperature doesn’t mean they don’t have COVID-19 or possibly infect others. How are the passengers supposed to get home if they come to Florida? Are international flights still being flown out of Florida?
I'm in Indiana, the county with approximately 70 cases. I've been exposed and have mild symptoms, no test just presumed so don't know if they're counting that. Eli Lilly is doing private testing with a doctor's order so that may be why so many high negatives. I'm in nursing and work in a residential facility with known positive and none of us with symptoms have been tested. Insane......moo
Hope you remain well. I think a lot of tests are performed by a private physician, maybe on a whim.
Is your facility short staffed?
MS Zaandam - Wikipedia

Port of Registry- Netherlands.

Are they going to quarantine everyone for 14 days? In a hotel? Military base? How are the passengers supposed to get home if they come to Florida? Are international flights still being flown out of Florida?
Lol, you need to pose your questions to the commission! Suit up & head south.
Dolphins in the canals in Venice, Italy; Ducks in the fountains in Rome, Italy; Boars on European city streets:




Venice canals run clear, dolphins appear in Italy’s waterways amid coronavirus... - Classic FM
Coyotes in my neighborhood and neighbors' yards too, though I know they've always been here, along with foxes and owls, raccoons and deer, skunks and opossums. they seem to be getting bolder.. One neighbor posted on our town FB page a video of one casually strolling up her driveway.
DeWine says Ohio lab develops process to sterilize 160K surgical masks a day

A local non-profit laboratory has developed a way to get up to 160,000 surgical masks a day back in use by medical professionals, Gov. Mike DeWine said during his Saturday COVID-19 coronavirus update.

Battelle Institute, based in Columbus, has developed a machine that can sterilize 80,000 surgical masks a day, according to DeWine.

The institute is building two machines and is awaiting FDA approval to begin using the machines, DeWine said. The machines would be based in Ohio.

DeWine made a public appeal to the FDA to approve the process as soon as possible.

“Please, please, give us the approval to use these,” he said. “We have nurses, we have doctors, we have people working in nursing homes who need the masks.”

Unfortunately, the FDA authorized the production of much less per day than what DeWine asked for.

Will try to find today's article updating this.

1/ Is there is any evidence that stay-home orders put into place in the past week or two have had a measurable impact on slowing the outbreak?
Where would we see it first? (We need better eyes!)
We *may* have some early signals in public data that infections in NYC slowed Farzad Mostashari on Twitter

2/ There are three sources of timely surveillance data we might look to, to understand the current dynamics of the outbreak, and all three are flawed right now. WE NEED TO FIX THESE FLAWS URGENTLY.
a) Case growth
b) Positivity rate
c) ED visits

3/ Case growth.
As you can see, it looks like the slope of the exponential line has slackened just a bit. That's actually a huge deal, if doubling time goes from 2 days to 5 days.
But to build a proper epi curve you need to plot cases by date of onset. CDC - Quick Learn: Create an Epi Curve

4/ if you do a lot more tests, old infections could show up as recently reported cases
The curve could look much different if you could reconstruct it properly by onset date- without the lag in testing and reporting


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