Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #40

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(CNN)A North Carolina county is taking extreme measures to prevent coronavirus from spreading in its community.

Dare County, a popular summer vacation area in the state's Outer Banks, has established checkpoints around the county to stop visitors and non-resident property owners from entering.

"These restrictions may be inconvenient, disappointing and have financial impacts, however, they were made in the interest of public safety to limit the spread of COVID-19," Dare County said in a statement.

Since March 17, only permanent residents with proper identification -- including a permanent resident entry permit -- have been allowed to enter Dare County. Businesses must apply for entry permits for their out-of-town employees.

"The intent of this declaration is to decrease the risk of exposure and limit the spread of COVID-19 in Dare County by eliminating non-essential travel, thereby reducing the number of individuals in the county and ultimately reducing potential virus spread and the burden on our healthcare system," it added.

A North Carolina county is using checkpoints to block visitors and keep coronavirus out
Best tell the Governors of Texas, Florida, and Rhode Island that. They seem to differ with you.....moo
Apparently Texas, Flordia and Rhode Island have read their State Code. I posted Florida's State Code, earlier. Every State Code has provision/power for the State Health Commisioner to quarantine, physically restrain, demand testing, close borders, with the assistance of Law Enforcement.

Its legal and I hate RI backed down.

that is really cool... The need for long distance truckers will stay strong! i have a girlfriend, whose husband (a long haul trucker) had a stroke a year ago. He is getting better, she is getting her license so they can truck together!!!

(Reuters) - France used two high-speed trains and a German military plane to move more than three dozen critically ill coronavirus patients on Sunday to ease the pressure on overwhelmed hospitals in eastern France.

The Grand Est region was the first in France to be hit by a wave of coronavirus infections that has rapidly moved westwards to engulf the greater Paris region, where hospitals are desperately adding intensive care beds to cope with the influx.

France moves patients from swamped hospitals as death toll climbs
Old jingle:
If they could see me now
That old gang of mine
Eating fancy chow
And drinking fancy wine
If all my friends could see me now

Rewritten by @Trudie
If they could see me now
That old gang of mine
Hunkered down
All alone
If all my friends could see me now

I wonder just how many test kits were on that ship before it sailed. I'm guessing ZERO. So of course no one has "tested positive." It's like the stance West Virginia was taking ("Nope, we don't have it here!" No testing being done at the time).

Meanwhile, NY's mortality rates are tracking a bit higher than world average (per person positive for CoVid). The sheer number of test kits that NY has been able to use is amazing. California would love to have that many (we are keeping them in reserve to test people heading into hospital with severe symptoms, to segregate CoVid patients into their own wards).

NY continues on its exponential curve experience. Per capita, NY had 4X the increase in CoVid cases overnight, as compared to California. New Jersey saw a 20% increase in cases overnight as compared to 3% in California (using similar standards in both states as to who gets tested).

In Holmdel on Friday, New Jersey was testing people with symptoms without a doctors note.

Can any other State (other than New York) say they are doing the same?

Example - GEORGIA:
In just seven hours on Saturday, state officials confirmed 10 additional deaths. Officials announced the new death toll shortly after Gov. Brian Kemp’s chief of staff complained on social media that the threat from the coronavirus has been overstated.

“The media and some in the medical profession are peddling these doomsday models and projections,” Kemp’s top aide, Tim Fleming, wrote Saturday. “This has in turn resulted in people panicking and local governments across our state overreacting. As a result of their overreach, many small businesses will struggle and some will not reopen.”

‘Explosive spread’ of coronavirus in Georgia likely to worsen

I think you are probably attractive also...... Did you have a lot of toilet paper, coffee, and cigarettes in your shopping basket ?... You gotta watch out for those smooth talkers, my Mom always told my little sister.....moo

I hardly had anything- Walgreens has no paper products and no disinfectant wipes- i bought some lipstick and candy- this guy looked like he was a degenerate or the homeless---he was kinda gross!!!!
(CNN)Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday that President Donald Trump decided not to impose a strict quarantine on parts of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut after officials had "very intensive discussions" at the White House with the President last night.

Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on CNN's "State of the Union" that it was important not to enforce something that would create "a bigger difficulty," and instead issue a travel advisory for the New York metro area.

"After discussions with the President we made it clear and he agreed, it would be much better to do what's called a strong advisory. The reason for that is you don't want to get to the point that you're enforcing things that would create a bigger difficulty, morale and otherwise, when you could probably accomplish the same goal," Fauci told CNN's Jake Tapper.

Fauci said about 56% of the country's new infections are coming from the New York City area.

What you don't want is people traveling from that area to other areas of the country and inadvertently and innocently infecting other individuals," Fauci said. "We felt the better way to do this would be an advisory as opposed to a very strict quarantine. And the President agreed, and that's why he made that determination last night."

Fauci says Trump agreed not to invoke a strict quarantine after intensive White House discussions
Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia Texas, Florida, Rhode Island and any other State should be ashamed of themselves. The USA isn’t communist China.


Yeah, and many folks here on the threads said way back in thread #2 or #3 that it was going to go wild and out of control in the US because folks in the US would have the point of view that they would not follow guidelines to shut down and would not understand exponential growth, and what it means to isolate and protect others. It's not necessarily political, it's a mindset that many can't believe or grasp as they just can't fathom/do the math. (It's elementary math in my opinion)

..And that's exactly what many of us predicted in thread #2. That folks would not want to isolate/shut down to protect others.

And to have the wherewith all to stop the spread and state that "the USA isn't communist China" Yep, it was called out long ago that the US would have dissension on such, and I'm seeing it in the last few days here.

Many of us would like to live and not have our lives at stake due to not shutting down, but many folks are against such.
Did Florida discuss where they will be getting doctors and nurses for the 1,000+ passengers on this ship if they set up temporary shelter in Homestead? I hope they don't pull them from your hospital system.

I'm not in Flordia but lots of family in HC, on both sides of the state.

They can and may call up military reserves, that will take a big chunk of medical personnel from the hospitals. I come from a long line of HC workers and we've all helped in many disasters. I don't want to see my nieces young children grow up without a mother because of a cruise ship. No job is worth that.

Jair Bolsonaro has reportedly told his health minister he will sack him if he dares criticise his handling of the coronavirus crisis.

According to a report in the Estado de São Paulo newspaper, the Brazilian president’s warning came during a top-level meeting on Saturday as the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the country rose to more than 3,900 and the death toll hit 114.

The health minister, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, reportedly informed Brazil’s far-right leader he would have no choice but to publicly criticise him if he insisted on going out in public despite warnings to stay indoors.

Bolsonaro replied that, if he did so, he would fire him,” the conservative newspaper reported, citing anonymous sources.

Bolsonaro’s downplaying of coronavirus – and his public call for Brazil to relax quarantine measures and get back to work – have appalled critics and many citizens, sparking nightly pot-banging protests in major cities.

On Friday, the president shrugged his shoulders at the likely deaths, telling an interviewer: “Some will die. I’m sorry. That’s life.”

Estado de São Paulo said that at Saturday’s summit – which was also attended by Brazil’s justice and defence ministers – Mandetta tried to convince Bolsonaro of the gravity of the situation.

He reportedly said: “Are we ready for the worst-case scenario, with army trucks transporting bodies through the streets? And cameras livestreaming that on the internet?”

Mandetta, who is an orthopaedic doctor, noted that even 1,000 deaths would be the equivalent of four Boeing aircraft crashes.

Experts believe far more people are likely to die. Recent modelling by researchers from Imperial College London suggested Brazil could have more than 1.1 million Covid-19 deaths if no action were taken to control the pandemic; 529,000 if only elderly people were forced to isolate; and 44,200 if drastic measures were implemented.

Bolsonaro threatens to sack health minister over coronavirus criticism | Jair Bolsonaro | The Guardian
I'm not in Flordia but lots of family in HC, on both sides of the state.

They can and may call up military reserves, that will take a big chunk of medical personnel from the hospitals. I come from a long line of HC workers and we've all helped in many disasters. I don't want to see my nieces young children grow up without a mother because of a cruise ship. No job is worth that.
I worry when they say Oh we'll just send them to a military base. :(
I just took a steam shower after my four hours of cleaning. Both of them felt good.
I wonder if Steam showers are any help in fighting this virus. I know the water did not get up to 142 degrees but my face is bright red.

Still no make-up but I did put on some of my Ivanka Trump perfume. I may not look good but I do smell good.
It's against the 4th Amendment of the Constitution. Rhode Island pulled their road stops after it was brought to her attention.

Cuomo said today during the press conference that he did not know that Florida was also breaking the 4th Amendment and said he would address it later today. I expect those roadblocks will be coming down soon, too.
Link please, on where Rhode Island pulled their road stops after the Rhode Island Governor changed her orders to all out of state people have to go into quarantine. Has Rhode Island stopped the National Guard going door-to-door looking for Tri-State refugees ? If so, link please ?........ I don't think Texas Governor Abbot gives a rat's butt what Cuomo thinks or says.....moo
In Holmdel on Friday, New Jersey was testing people with symptoms without a doctors note.

Can any other State say they are doing the same?

Example - GEORGIA:
In just seven hours on Saturday, state officials confirmed 10 additional deaths. Officials announced the new death toll shortly after Gov. Brian Kemp’s chief of staff complained on social media that the threat from the coronavirus has been overstated.

“The media and some in the medical profession are peddling these doomsday models and projections,” Kemp’s top aide, Tim Fleming, wrote Saturday. “This has in turn resulted in people panicking and local governments across our state overreacting. As a result of their overreach, many small businesses will struggle and some will not reopen.”

‘Explosive spread’ of coronavirus in Georgia likely to worsen


California would be doing the same if we had the test kits. The entire UCLA system has only 500 per day, and enough for 10 days. Fortunately, most people are staying home with mild symptoms and not using those up. A nurse or doctor needs to okay the test, which they will do over the phone. Patient still has to drive to one of about 8 testing centers.

Georgia's situation is sad. I think they prefer to think of this as just a normal winter virus, old people die all the time etc. (although for them, there's a considerable uptick in people dying in their 60's) and, as everywhere, their healthcare personnel are at tremendous risk).

Medicine is definitely pitted against business in this pandemic. UK seems to have chosen a "test less" model as well, but even so, we are seeing them get to the exponential part of the curve, with doubling likely every 2-3 days. It's really hard for me to watch nations and states resist the idea of testing in order to curb the rapid transmission of CoVid19 (which truly is an unusual virus, it's going to be a while before there's any effective treatment).

Don't endanger your doctors, nurses, techs, EMT's, policemen, firemen! (Apologies for the gendered language, it just sounds better to my ear).
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