Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #51

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I'm curious on everyone's opinion. How many do you know, who are prepared for and expecting a second wave? Is this going to be exactly like the first wave or will it be better/ your opinion?

I'm worried that we still don't have some supplies restocked and we might have a second wave before they are restocked.

ETA: how do we prepare when we can't get the essentials?
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Resuming certain surgeries during outbreak; what changes Monday? Here is what hospitals in Iowa have to do if they want to resume elective surgeries on Monday, April 24.
Gov. Reynolds announces plan to start reopening the state in phases And here is the governor's complete proclamation about allowing elective surgeries and farmer's markets. IMO-I don't think most farmer's markets start in Iowa until mid May anyway. I'm fairly certain that I don't recall the one in my town starting at the beginning of May anyway.
I'm curious on everyone's opinion. How many do you know, who are prepared for and expecting a second wave? Is this going to be exactly like the first wave or will it be better/ your opinion?
I think most of my siblings are (one says they get it, but then ends up around my dad without a mask), as well as many of my close friends. I really don’t even see many people on my Facebook friends list not taking it seriously. And everyone seems to know the 2nd wave is coming. Most that I am close to will be prepared, I think.
Just a thought-- I mentioned being afraid that maybe vacuum cleaners could spread the virus. I just heard about some study speculating that it's possible the Covid virus can live and be spread up to 100 feet by microscopic particles. Wouldn't some air fans and vacuum cleaners blow those particles around? We weren't born to worry and clean so much!
But if your vacuum has a hepa filter, it ought to catch it - I hope.

Edited to fix stupid autocorrect

My vacuum is at least 20 years old and I bought it for the addition of a hepa filter that was the latest research. (I think all vacuums have hepa today). I think the application here is the same for COVID-19.
I'm curious on everyone's opinion. How many do you know, who are prepared for and expecting a second wave? Is this going to be exactly like the first wave or will it be better/ your opinion?

I am sure that there will be a 2nd wave. And it will be much worse.

Nothing I can do about it, but wait for it.
United States Coronavirus: 923,612 Cases and 52,092 Deaths - Worldometer
Case counts seem to be increasing significantly today especially in MA with 4,946 cases. This is the first day I can remember any state other than NY or NJ having more than 4,000 cases in a day. Similar trends in PA and IL. I think daily US cases are at a new high of about 37,000 cases. Maybe it's an increase in testing but I don't feel like this is getting any better.
And Georgia opens up... What else can I say?
I'm worried that we still don't have some supplies restocked and we might have a second wave before they are restocked.

ETA: how do we prepare when we can't get the essentials?
Our next door neighbors specifically bought a freezer for the second wave. We thought it was excessive. Maybe not.
Someone posted a pretty cool info graphic about masks and risk earlier, but no source. I just happened to find this similar one on Facebook and I have a source link!

Henry/Stark County Health Departments

that was me
I did edit and add the source but I think the source I got it from copied it from somewhere & did not add their source so :oops:
RSBM for focus

Losing sense of smell and taste is interesting to me because that has happened to me multiple times in the past when I've had bad colds. This doesn't happen to me with every cold or flu illness, though.

From what I've read, this symptom in people with COVID-19 occurs without a runny nose or nasal congestion.

A recent Livescience article discusses a study at UC San Diego that "...found that smell and taste loss appear to be common initial symptoms in patients with mild infections." ...

"...Of the COVID-19-positive patients in the study, about 68% said they experienced smell loss and 71% reported taste loss, as compared with 16% and 17% of negative patients, respectively.

Among the COVID-19 patients with smell or taste loss, the decrease in sensation was often "profound, not mild," according to the UC San Diego statement. However, the majority of patients recovered their sense of smell and taste within about 2 to 4 weeks, around the time they'd recovered from infection. "

'Profound' smell loss is a common COVID-19 symptom, study confirms | Live Science

Yes, isn't that weird? I have a terrible sense of smell (constant allergies), but I do have one. I can smell all of my perfumes. I cannot smell half the stuff my DH can smell. My nose is also small which, in fact, is a variable. Plus yes, it's ALWAYS stuffed up.

But I can still smell freshly cut garlic or my perfumes. Apparently, CV-19 often has a symptom where you can't smell anything you can ordinarily smell. So I seriously do reach for this small perfume bottle, right after I wake up and do my morning bed stretches and put in my eye drops.

Your post really reminded me that I shouldn't regard myself as CV+ just because I can still taste and smell.

I guess what with my eye issues (very recent), my dry cough and THEN if I suddenly stopped being able to smell, I'd treat myself as if I had CV. But now that I think about it, I don't think I'd spend the energy trying to get medical care at that point.

MOO: (this is not based on scientific research, so I need a disclaimer): I think CoVid is super-unpredictable, we only know that older people are more susceptible, and that's a very nasty disease even if it doesn't kill you.

MOO: Aside from trying to avoid getting it, I don't think there's much I can do about what will happen if I get it. I don't think going on a ventilator will help - but that might not be up to me, my DH and daughter will decide. I trust their intuition and they're knowledgeable and sensible and they know that I don't want Hydroxychlorquinone or any other heart-impacting drug.
I think most of my siblings are (one says they get it, but then ends up around my dad without a mask), as well as many of my close friends. I really don’t even see many people on my Facebook friends list not taking it seriously. And everyone seems to know the 2nd wave is coming. Most that I am close to will be prepared, I think.
What really bothers me is the confusion between the peak (Okay, let's open back up...) and the continuum of the virus. It's still gonna be there!!! To add to all this, scientists/doctors are predicting the second wave - in the fall/winter - to be worse than the first.
I have not been around for the past few days, this virus is truly scaring me. My step daughter had a heat attack at 39 years old and she tested positive for the virus. My state is supposed to come off of lockdown on 4/30 and I think it is too soon. I am not ready to be around my co-workers and I am still having anxiety attacks whenever I have to venture out 2 days a week.
If I don't return to work, I will probably be fired. What do you do?? I may have posted this earlier and I am sorry if this is a duplicate, my mind is mush. If I was 20 years old, I would not be scared.

ETA, my step daughter is doing fine.
What really bothers me is the confusion between the peak (Okay, let's open back up...) and the continuum of the virus. It's still gonna be there!!! To add to all this, scientists/doctors are predicting the second wave - in the fall/winter - to be worse than the first.
Will There Be a Second Wave of Coronavirus—and How Bad Could It Be? Here's What Doctors Say
Dr. Redfield believes this second wave could be even more dangerous. Speaking to The Washington Post, he said there is a possibility that “the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through," because it will happen during flu season.

Will Coronavirus Keep Coming Back? Here's What Experts Think
I'm curious as to why let criminals out rather than remove the prisoners who have the coronavirus? Certainly, that would be safer and easier in the long run. jmo

I'm thinking of what happens on a cruise ship.

A prison, by definition, contains the inmates together with the shedding virus. They can't escape it. Releasing low-level/risk inmates means fewer numbers inhouse to deal with. As for the infected inmates, they are probably being removed too (sent to hospital).

I did hear today that Gary Ridgeway - the Greenriver killer is not going anywhere!

ETA: to clarify that I did not mean release and send prisoners on a cruise vacation! o_O
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Yes, isn't that weird? I have a terrible sense of smell (constant allergies), but I do have one. I can smell all of my perfumes. I cannot smell half the stuff my DH can smell. My nose is also small which, in fact, is a variable. Plus yes, it's ALWAYS stuffed up.

But I can still smell freshly cut garlic or my perfumes. Apparently, CV-19 often has a symptom where you can't smell anything you can ordinarily smell. So I seriously do reach for this small perfume bottle, right after I wake up and do my morning bed stretches and put in my eye drops.

Your post really reminded me that I shouldn't regard myself as CV+ just because I can still taste and smell.

I guess what with my eye issues (very recent), my dry cough and THEN if I suddenly stopped being able to smell, I'd treat myself as if I had CV. But now that I think about it, I don't think I'd spend the energy trying to get medical care at that point.

MOO: (this is not based on scientific research, so I need a disclaimer): I think CoVid is super-unpredictable, we only know that older people are more susceptible, and that's a very nasty disease even if it doesn't kill you.

MOO: Aside from trying to avoid getting it, I don't think there's much I can do about what will happen if I get it. I don't think going on a ventilator will help - but that might not be up to me, my DH and daughter will decide. I trust their intuition and they're knowledgeable and sensible and they know that I don't want Hydroxychlorquinone or any other heart-impacting drug.

Funny--my husband is the one with bad allergies, sinus troubles, and a very poor sense of smell. I have always had a very good sense of smell except for those colds where I lost it temporarily. Years ago my husband went to a new job in another city and was living in an apartment for a couple of months while I remained behind to sell our house. I went to spend a weekend with him and as soon as I walked in the apartment, I smelled gas. We called the management office and got them to come and fix it. It was a leak from the stove. I couldn't believe he couldn't smell that.

I forgot to say that I had conjunctivitis (pinkeye) too, in late March, and was prescribed erythromycin gel to apply to my eyes, which cleared it up. It was odd because I don't believe I ever had it before (now in my 70s). It would be nice if I had a mild case of COVID but I seriously doubt that.
Had to go to the vet today for a sick duck. (Yes I’ll spend money on a sick duck.). I am thankful at the moment they are essential. No one but employees were allowed inside the building, doctors were only allowed to interact with you over the phone, techs interacted with the people. Did my best to maintain social distancing, others not so much. First time I’ve been in public and have been able to watch people’s behavior instead of running in and out. Not a lot of sense regarding social distancing, instead of walking behind cars (I know inherent risk) people walked in front near (about a foot) from where people were sitting. Sat in my car while I waited and positioned myself not to be in the way or around others when they brought her out. Wore my mask (have officially made over 100 of them now) and wiped down my cc with Clorox wipe when I got it back.

One of my favorite birds I fear has egg yolk peritonitis. Vet couldn’t fine anything wrong with her other than fever and being skinny. Gave her shot of long lasting antibiotics and we see if she improves. Outlook is guarded. Her appetite is much better tonight and her attitude is still full of herself despite feeling down.
Today I had to mow the lawn, it's been raining a lot and the grass has grown pretty high. I kept changing directions and areas of mowing when people would walk by with their kids or a dog, I tried to get out early p.m. before most people take their walk later in the afternoon, according to patterns I have noticed from my window.

Tonight when I was watching the news, I heard that in Michigan people aren't allowed to go outside to mow their lawns. I don't know if that's true, but if so, that's going too far. Don't see how anyone can stop you from being on your own property.

EBM grammar change
I'm curious on everyone's opinion. How many do you know, who are prepared for and expecting a second wave? Is this going to be exactly like the first wave or will it be better/ your opinion?
Does 2nd wave mean a) surge in cases as social distancing is abandoned or b) surge in cases owing to flu season.

I think a) depends on how cautious states are in reopening. A wise strategy may be to watch what happens in other places that are opening now. Let them be the science experiment. For b) yes, I do anticipate this'll be around next winter, tho again, how common will depend on controls in place to contain it. For eg, will I and half the people I know be going to Mexico next winter? I doubt it and have already stocked up on firewood instead.
Will There Be a Second Wave of Coronavirus—and How Bad Could It Be? Here's What Doctors Say

Will Coronavirus Keep Coming Back? Here's What Experts Think
Ok, so speaking of the flu, I want to bring something up about vaccines that I didn’t know until this season. I got my flu shot but then needed my tetanus and they didn’t want to give it to me until they knew two weeks minimum had passed, but preferably 1 month.

So if any of you are due for any other vaccines before the next wave, plan ahead to get them about a month apart.
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