Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #54

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I thought about drawing a smile on my masks but haven't done it yet. Yesterday at Aldi I noticed how many people still smile with their eyes. I hoped my eyes were smiling back.
I mostly wear my Rx sunglasses when out. I am smiling with my regular smile and with my eyes, but no one can tell. It is a strange feeling.

I had been thinking that there is an atmosphere of judging, where people are looking at each other's masks and social distancing with a critical and disapproving eye, but now I'm wondering if I think that just because I can't see friendly (or neutral) faces.

I'm getting in the habit of basically ignoring everyone I pass by. :(

I work for a personal injury attorney: we are trying to figure out how trials are going to go forward-- how will they pick juries---
I just don't see trials happening for quite a while-- already the court system is changing and i think these changes could be permanent: for example status conferences and case evaluation have always been conducted at the courthouse: now i think this will change- i expect these types of legal situations to be conducted via Zoom.
I never even thought about juries - yes, things will have to change, at least for awhile.

And don't trials have to be open to the public? I know attendance can be limited, but we can't have completely closed-door trials, right? Maybe more video access or even just audio?

Wow - we're in for so many changes.

If you are asymptomatic does that mean you can spread it? I thought you had to have symptoms to spread it like a cough for instance. I am getting confused with all these different terms.

BBM. No. It is also spread by breathing or talking. You do NOT have to have a cough or fever to spread it. You can be contagious without symptoms (asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic). Also, I have read studies in this thread showing people may be MOST contagious a couple days before symptoms. I will try to find links for this for you. IMO this is why it spreads quickly in places like nursing homes and meat packing plants. Those places were likely checking their employee temps everyday or telling people to stay home if they got a cough or fever, but if they are contagious 2 days before they get a fever then the practice of checking temps is useless. By the time someone has a fever they have likely already infected others on the previous days they worked. MOO.

ETA links:
COVID-19 patients most contagious 1 to 2 days before symptoms: Study

COVID-19 may spread through breathing and talking — but we don't know how much | Live Science
Coronavirus could be spread 'just by talking and breathing', Harvard doc warns
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Cuomo says it's 'shocking' most new coronavirus hospitalizations are people who had been staying home

Most new Covid-19 hospitalizations in New York state are from people who were staying home and not venturing much outside, a “shocking” finding, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.

The preliminary data was from 100 New York hospitals involving about 1,000 patients, Cuomo said at his daily briefing.

It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%.

This suggest that the virus prefers a climate controlled environment.
I have resting “B” face. Hardcore. I might have looked friendlier in a mask. Except I have wicked droopy eyelids so I really look pretty scary with one honestly lol.
And yet I’m still having to go out of my way to avoid close casual contact with people. Omg back up. And please stop holding doors open and waiting for me. Cause I’m going to stop in my tracks until you leave that doorway
I mostly wear my Rx sunglasses when out. I am smiling with my regular smile and with my eyes, but no one can tell. It is a strange feeling.

I had been thinking that there is an atmosphere of judging, where people are looking at each other's masks and social distancing with a critical and disapproving eye, but now I'm wondering if I think that just because I can't see friendly (or neutral) faces.

I'm getting in the habit of basically ignoring everyone I pass by. :(

A lot of people are mistrustful of stats coming out of China but perhaps one reason for their low infection rate could be because everyone wears a mask, even when there isn't a virus. Mask wearing has become a kind of cultural identity in Asian countries like China, South Korea and Japan. It's an identity that rooted in a Taoism philosophy and ancient Chinese medicine that breath and breathing is a central element of good health.

Western culture sees face coverings of any kind to go again the grain of our beliefs of open and direct interaction with others. Wearing hoods, masks or veils suggest foreignness, subterfuge and lack of good intent.

But where the two cultures can become one is the realization that the very thing that sustains our own life: breathing, can impact another so greatly. That's why we are outraged when someone, like the woman in NC purposely coughed on others and licked change during a pandemic. So we have to do some internal self assessment of our belief system when it comes to who we share the planet with.

There are still those that choose not to wear a seatbelt while riding in a car, those who choose not to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle and those who choose not to eat healthy food. It's their right, I suppose, since the argument is that their choices affect only themselves. That's a debatable point; there is always collateral damage from those choices.

I wear a homemade mask. I know it's not perfect. I am still waiting for my masks I ordered nearly a month ago. But when I go out I'd like to believe I'm doing my part to ensure those I come in contact with can breathe a little easier when they see I am attempting to ensure their safety.

I think you're right. In Hawaii (where I'm from and where my family lives), everyone is super accustomed to seeing masks, due to the high rate of Asian tourists and on Big Island, people are apparently wearing them in public more than here in SoCal. Hawaii has a different worldview/cultural aesthetic (at least for the long term residents, whether Native or not, but Native Hawaiians certainly have a more Taoist approach to the world; less individual ego).

Joseph Campbell said that Western egos were so big and strong that Taoist teachers were perplexed on how to even get through that so that the willing Westerner could see a different kind of world, in which people are all connected and ego is a fiction. Jerry Garcia said the same thing. Joseph Campbell specifically said, "It takes a psychological sledge hammer to crack some Western egos."

So when Wuhan shut down, the vast majority of people complied with such speed and thoroughness. Of course the penalties for non-compliance were draconian. Also, people who were quarantined while contact tracing and testing went on (Wuhan had vast testing capacity compared to most US cities) faced severe consequences if they didn't stay inside. Polls in China done by Western polling specialist show that 95-97% of Chinese were in favor of these policies.

In the US, we probably can't find a single question where 97% of us would give the same answer - even a question such as "Is the earth flat?"

"How do you know World War II took place?" is a question I actually faced from a student this semester. I gave a couple of reasons, including my parents' experiences and my dad's presence at the Battle of the Bulge - and a newspaper article documenting an heroic action of his in the Italian alps. Student said, "But my parents weren't there, so why should I believe it happened? The pictures of bombed out cities could be doctored. The politicians just posed for pictures and made it all up."

Okay, kid. This kid was a bright kid in other ways.

I told him he was going to have a hard time in college if those were the level of his questions. Oddly, when the pandemic happened, same kid was suddenly very concerned about not getting it and not giving it to his parents or grandparents. I asked him how he knew it was even a real thing. He said, "Well, you told us it was."

Wife shopped this morning. NK95 masks for sale inside entry for $5.00 each. No line waiting to go in nor line waiting to checkout. Shelves filling up again but far from overflowing. Disinfectant section sparse. She did get me a bottle of 65% alcohol hand wash for use when I'm out and about. Forgot to grab a couple clorex disinfectant wipes yesterday when I went out for car service. Meat limited purchases and fresh fish counter closed.

Southern NY state.
I went to the IRS site today and put in my information. I was under the apparently mistaken impression that since I use direct deposit for my Social Security benefit, I would not need to do that. I believe I'll need to wait until tomorrow to check on the status at IRS. Maybe I will have to wait for a paper check now.

Thanks! Wish I'd done this sooner.
Here's a tip for you when checking on the status of your check. It has worked for several people who were unable to find out the status of their check. You type in your SS#, your street address, and your zip code. When you type in your street address, use all upper case letters. i.e. 123 MAIN ST., instead of 123 Main St. I hadn't been able to find the status of my check and tried it. It worked for me.
"A community health center treating Native Americans in the Seattle area issued an urgent call for medical supplies to local, state and federal agencies – but instead received 'a box of body bags,' according to a report....

'We asked for tests, and they sent us a box of body bags....'

The federal government has an obligation to provide health care to all Native Americans according to longstanding treaties with Indian tribes."

Another article on Native Americans across the country

COVID-19 is surging through the Navajo community, which is suffering one of the highest infection rates per capita in the country. And the peak is still weeks away.

Dr. Sriram Shamasunder, co-founder of the HEAL Initiative at the University of California San Francisco, has been practicing emergency medicine from the back of a car. He’s there with a team of UCSF nurses and doctors helping the Navajo COVID-19 response team on the ground. The care this team can provide is extremely limited.

“[The] native population [is] similar to vulnerable patients all over the country, whether black or Latinx population… They are more susceptible,” Shamasunder told “Nightline.” “New Mexico Native Americans only make up 5% of the population but they make up 20% of COVID-positive [patients].”

Shamasunder has teamed up with locals like the COPE program’s Nitumigaabow Champagne. They’ve been doing rounds at a motel in Gallup, New Mexico, where the unsheltered and the sick can go to get off the street and away from extended families.

Most of the burden of caring for the sick in their community falls on the fellow Navajo. Historically, the U.S. government hasn’t helped much, breaking dozens of promises with Native American tribes for centuries, dating far past Johnson v. M’Intosh in 1823.

An estimated 30% of people who live on the Navajo reservations do not have access to running water, and turn to outdoor pumps to get their supply. It makes it that much more difficult to fulfill the constant handwashing necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the urgent care facility, patients pull up and they’re intubated even though it’s not technically an ICU or hospital. If their condition is critical, the only way to save their lives is to get a helicopter. But after that, Tom says, she doesn’t know what happens to the patients.

Congress has approved $8 billion for tribal assistance for COVID-19 relief, but that money has to be split among 574 tribes. Tribal governments say the money still hasn’t arrived yet.

Navajo community left to fight COVID-19 with limited resources
They are buying in to the possibility of 3,000 deaths per day in June. The range here is
1,950 per day with STAY at home orders
2,700 with partial openings
5,833 per day with full openings.

To me, the important take-away is that I've not seen a curve that tends down. All the forecasted daily death curves trend up.....frankly, that's scary.
That means we have to depend on government officials to close it back up when the numbers skyrocket. That's also scary.....

Yes, it is scary. I don't believe that gov't officials will close it up again, no matter how many deaths we see each day. There are three reasons why I don't think closing up is going to happen again.

I believe the gov't will reframe the Covid story so that it's no longer about human lives lost, but it's about economic costs. We already see a move toward making this switch and people accepting it. The role of Health officials will be downplayed, their warnings will not be given priority, and there will be so much information about why and how health officials are getting it wrong, that folks will willingly brush off anything that they hear about the number of deaths, the rate of spread and the death rate. People won't even remember that we once had a goal of eradicating CoV-19.

Gov't will also focus on the fact that closing the economy didn't work this time, and it's not likely to work if it's done a second time. People don't want their freedoms curtailed, even if it means they will die a horrible, but preventable death. The gov't will never again have a goal of eradicating the virus. They'll preach the hope that a vaccine is just around the corner, probably next month. We see this misinformation already happening right from the highest government authority.

Also, people just can't fathom the huge number of lives that are lost. I believe that our eyes glaze over so that we don't see the difference between 100 deaths per day and 3000 deaths per day. We'll will also likely be told that these lives lost are mostly people we don't care about anyway, old people, immigrants, the poor, minorities, prisoners, etc.

I don't think history will tell a kind story of how North America managed the CoV-19 pandemic.
Cuomo says it's 'shocking' most new coronavirus hospitalizations are people who had been staying home

Most new Covid-19 hospitalizations in New York state are from people who were staying home and not venturing much outside, a “shocking” finding, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.

The preliminary data was from 100 New York hospitals involving about 1,000 patients, Cuomo said at his daily briefing.

It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%.

This is why I will continue to wipe my groceries.
Stop the bickering over POTUS and Pence and anyone else who does or doesn't wear a mask and why or why not. It's been discussed at length and members need to make their own informed decision.

Just stop the bickering and move on from that discussion. State your opinion and move on without belabouring it to death. Nobody is here to win an argument.

Also, members have been told numerous times that MSM links about the protests/protesters are allowed as an FYI only. Comments/discussion of the content within those links is not allowed as it leads to nothing but bickering which can lead to loss of posting privileges.

Thread is open again.
It's sad how these vulnerable people have been trapped in these care facilities.

Another 1,700 Virus Deaths Reported In NY Nursing Homes

Updated May 5 at 7:51 PM

"New York state reported more than 1,700 previously undisclosed deaths at nursing homes and adult care facilities in a tally that included for the first time people believed to have been killed by the coronavirus before their diagnoses could be confirmed.

The tally, released late Monday, emerged as state officials faced scrutiny over how they have protected vulnerable residents from the coronavirus.

At least 4,813 people have died from COVID-19 in the state’s nursing homes since March 1, according to the new totals.

Exactly how many nursing home residents have died remains uncertain despite the disclosure. The list released by Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration did not include nursing home residents who were transferred to hospitals before dying."

Another 1,700 virus deaths reported in NY nursing homes
I thought about drawing a smile on my masks but haven't done it yet. Yesterday at Aldi I noticed how many people still smile with their eyes. I hoped my eyes were smiling back.
That's a great idea! They should make masks with smiley faces. Maybe I'll draw one myself. Although knowing my luck it will probably look like I tried to put lipstick on and forgot I was wearing the mask.
<modsnip: quoted post was removed>

My point is that it’s stupid to jail people trying to open their businesses or for not wearing masks, etc. while releasing violent criminals. I have to wonder why, because at that point it’s not about health. IMO.

There are many more links than this, unfortunately.

Inmate released early due to COVID-19 accused of killing man

IL Coronavirus: Convicted Murderers Among 4,000 Released Inmates

Livermore mayor outraged after rape and kidnapping suspect released from Santa Rita Jail due to COVID-19 concerns

Local jail releasing inmates due to COVID-19; Marsy’s Law officials criticize decision
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Cuomo says it's 'shocking' most new coronavirus hospitalizations are people who had been staying home

Most new Covid-19 hospitalizations in New York state are from people who were staying home and not venturing much outside, a “shocking” finding, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.

The preliminary data was from 100 New York hospitals involving about 1,000 patients, Cuomo said at his daily briefing.

It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%.


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