Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #41

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Respectfully snipped. I'm just really confused by the word leo.
Do you mean leo as in the astrological sign? An "end of days" belief? That might kinda work, IMO, but where did it enter the case? In CD's books?
I hadn't really thought of astrology being in the picture, but not a whole lot would surprise me any more in this case, what with pendulums and portals and prior lives and zombies.... Not to mention, "my woo portal says TD will soon be in a car accident, so seize the opportunity to move towards a new relationship". And off rushes LV to Idaho, thinking TD would meet her imminent demise, and she had permission to shack up with the "new relationship", no scruples needed.
On a tangential subject, I wonder if CD got ideas for his prognostications from the astrology column in a local newspaper? He really doesn't seem creative in his own right: maybe he just cribbed all his woo writings?
Not sure if this has been answered yet as I am trying to catch up in here but LEO is "Law Enforcement Officer"
Hope that helps :)
Is the MBP trip to Hawaii something new, I missed? That seems like new information. What in the world was she doing there? That just adds more strangeness to this bizarre case!
Women loving angels and thinking they'll be with them in the after life is quite common. She diminished its importance (not a ufo). Being zealous is seen as a good thing by many who proclaim faith.

My opinion, that cop didn't find it off the rails.
"Loving angels" would in no way be seen as normal by a Mormon, but the female cop did not react as I expected her to. She didn't even raise an eyebrow!

And am I correct in that I heard the cops in the second video snickering as Charles walked off?? What the actual *advertiser censored**?!

ETA: fixed so many typos!
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I honestly didn’t know you could do something like that. What would it be called? She had a mental evaluation / and assessment and passed. Would the suggestion you are making led to a more thorough evaluation, or just your thought that she would drop proceedings?

I'm familiar with mental holds in AZ. You might get lucky to keep someone in the first time if they display horrible behavior. They have a right to sign themselves out over 18. After that, which can happen time after time or hour after hour you need to file a petition with the courts for a judge to sign off on having someone evaluated for 72 hours. I've witnessed completely deranged people sign themselves out within an hour or so. Doesn't mean they aren't in need of being there, but they have a right to sign themselves out until you put the 72 hour petition on them. Many times it's 72 hours, some 2 days, some 2 weeks. Depends on the mental health facility and especially insurance. Some have no chance to leave because they are so messed up.

I feel so bad for CV. It's a rough road. The video of the Gilbert Police is about par for AZ. It was Chandler who did decide to investigate CV's death. Investigation started August 1st, 2019. Lori and Axc left by the 31, of August 2019, for Rexburg. Axc changed his name to his new wife's last name to avoid LE. Same reason for the move. At that point, how would LE know the kids were missing, BB would be shot at, Tammy would suddenly die and Axc would also die?
I wouldn't address a judge that way nor would I tolerate my kid speaking to a LE/judge/me like that either. However, none of that is relevant.

I don't know him and I'm trying to learn about his body language and overall demeanor and if this was out of character for him or not. Since I don't personally know him, I felt RexburgSleuth's insight was valuable.

I personally didn't think he was being disrespectful but I think as I stated at the time, "I will say a Yes sir, Yes your honor or something along those lines you have been a more ideal response."

In regards to the 2nd half. This is something I've gone over in my head a lot. I have watched Rob Wood's reaction quite a few times. I'll add there have been a TON of times when I'm on a google, skype, Zoom, etc...meeting and someone can't hear the person speaking and the speaker's reaction is to get close to the screen and almost scream (even though that's not really going to help). I'm not saying that is what CD was or was not doing. It's obvious how Rob interpreted it but it has crossed my mind that it is possible that it was not his intention.

Here's a post from Redvine86 regarding Chad's behavior in court. I don't know how to bring a quote from a previous thread to this thread but here's a copy/paste of the post from thread 37, post 649:

Ok, so I really watched and thought about it today. When I first saw it, I was in shock but I am a bit better now. Chad is absolutely being an arrogant little snot. Being the son of Jack Daybell, that boy definitely knows you say Yes Your Honor and No Your Honor to a judge. He is being purposely disrespectful. Rob Woods knows it too, that's for sure. Apologies to others here that are friends with Chad, but I grew up with him, I know his family, I know he knows about respect, and he is not showing it there. MOO

Hope that helps.
Is the MBP trip to Hawaii something new, I missed? That seems like new information. What in the world was she doing there? That just adds more strangeness to this bizarre case!
Yes! New info. Wish we knew. So interesting she never brought it up. I’m kinda glad this document came out after her interview and letter so we can see how she didn’t want to discuss it or bring it up!
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Yeah, she scares me a little
Not sure if she will be a viable witness or not.
Referring to MG...
I see MG almost as 2 different people, the one who is interviewed, and the one who wrote that letter.
She's very credible as a speaker. Clear, articulate, doesn't seem to be hiding anything. Easy to believe. This bodes well for the witness stand. When it comes to writing that letter, though, things get waaay murkier. It also seems quite self-serving: "with the help of JC, I beat the Devil [unlike CD and LV]. She also avoids blame for being in the middle of all the crazy (e.g. being on the vlog?) with LV, when she seems to have been in the mix for a loong time, actually even before LV was?
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Referring to MG...
I see MG almost as 2 different people, the one who is interviewed, and the one who wrote that letter.
She's very credible as a speaker. Clear, articulate, doesn't seem to be hiding anything. Easy to believe. When it comes to writing that letter, though, things get waaay murkier. It also seems quite self-serving: "with the help of JC, I beat the Devil [unlike CD and LV]. She also avoids blame for being in the middle of all the crazy (e.g. being on the vlog?) with LV, when she seems to have been in the mix for a loong time, actually even before LV was?
Yes.. I am on the fence with her
I tend to believe some of what she says and some of that will help solve the case.
I also think she is in CYA mode and will NOT reveal everything she knows.
Yes! New info. Wish we knew. So interesting she never brought it up. I’m kinda glad this document came out after her interview and latter so we can see how she didn’t want to discuss it or bring it up!
Agreed! She keeps claiming she just wants to put out the "truth" and yet she's obviously withheld critical information regarding her relationship/interactions with LVD during the critical point in time when the children were first missing! Where were they while YOU we on the beach with LVD, MP?!

Also, regarding BB. I'm so glad he has been vehemently protecting his children! Why would LVD/AxC/CD believe that killing BB would bring them anything? The only person who could benefit financially or otherwise from his death would have been MB. Full stop. There is a small chance the others would have believed they could have swindled her out of that money, but only if they thought she was one of them, IMO. I hope they are able to put her in jail, as well.

And IP?? So many questions. His initial texts IMO show genuine fear for the safety of his ex and kids. So I do not believe he was already a follower. Perhaps MBP convinced him that the earthquakes and Covid are signs of their "powers"? But it seems like if he had any hope in MBP, that would have left him when TR & JJ were found. And today, perhaps, he also just learned that MBP was with LVD in HI in October! If he ever had a single brain cell, it ought to be setting off huge alarm bells and telling him to RUN.

Do we know what happened in Henderson?

#17 - Henderson police Dept records and incident report.


Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix
MOO thoughts: MG called LVD when she heard Tammy had died. I think this was the day of or the day after CDs FB post re: TDs death. I bet LVD was in HI with MB, and that is how MG knows. Where are you? "Oh I'm in HI with MB, you know, it had been a few weeks so I needed to get back!"

Also, this is why MG said LVD had the kids over for cookies after LVD got back. It was either getting back from this trip to HI or the next one after she married CD.

Finally, others were wondering about why CD and LVD came back to ID in Nov. MOO it's simply that they had to complete their deception regarding their surprise meeting in HI and marriage. CD had told his kids he was going for work. He couldn't pack up everything.....yet. It was expected he would come back, so they had to complete that illusion and then pack up all their things for their new life. I think it's also likely the family was expecting him back for the Knott's Berry Farm trip. All part of the illusion that he hadn't planned TDs sudden death and his own sudden remarriage.

I have watched Rob Wood's reaction quite a few times. I'll add there have been a TON of times when I'm on a google, skype, Zoom, etc...meeting and someone can't hear the person speaking and the speaker's reaction is to get close to the screen and almost scream (even though that's not really going to help). I'm not saying that is what CD was or was not doing. It's obvious how Rob interpreted it but it has crossed my mind that it is possible that it was not his intention.

Working from home for over 20 years, I can vouch for the "screaming at the mic" thing. You learn to give a lot of grace and latitude to each other for glitches neither end can control.

If you factor out the non-Mom-approved manners :eek: and the audio glitch, I think Rob's eyebrows--and mine--were raised mainly by the subtly churlish tone and facial expression in that moment when he repeated himself. It was so brief, but we were definitely seeing a microaggression there. In that instant, he was channeling his inner contempt-filled child. JMO
Is the MBP trip to Hawaii something new, I missed? That seems like new information. What in the world was she doing there? That just adds more strangeness to this bizarre case!
During MBP tv interview, she never mentioned her trip to Hawaii in October. LV was there during October. This happened before she married Chad. I can’t imagine they talked about the beautiful weather. The kids were missing. This information was released today.
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"Loving angels" would in no way be seen as normal by a Mormon, but the female cop did not react as I expected her to. She didn't even raise an eyebrow!

And am I correct in that I heard the cops in the second video snickering as Charles walked off?? What the actual *advertiser censored**?!

ETA: fixed so many typos!

This belief is common despite you finding it incorrect doctrine. The effect of this group spiritual views has measurements. There was a nice bubble graph mapping the effects of certain issues in the LDS even. I saw it while diving into the cult groups Chad is involved in.

It could be doctrinally wrong, and still be common.

I am glad to have your experience about it though.
Leaving this here before I finish listening, I have already gagged in the first 10 seconds.
EXCLUSIVE: 'Cult Mom' husband wanted his late wife dead, former friend tells Nancy Grace

edited to add new info- Or maybe just new to me.

Julie Rowe says chad was texting another woman before Lori and that woman’s husband knew and threatened to expose him.

Tammy was on antidepressants.

Chad didn’t want Lori to stop by once when she was in town because Tammy was off her meds and dealing with jealousy.
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