OH Pike Co., 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #57

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You had to ask! .. LOL

Here is why I think Angie stayed home.

3 guns were used in the murders and LE thinks GW4 used the 40 caliber Glock firearm, Jake used the Colt 1911.22, and I think Billy used the 30 caliber rifle. There were 30 caliber bullet fragments found at Chris Sr's and I always believed Billy shot Chris. Those 2 were the patriarchs of their families, knew each other a long time from when their kids were young, and who had been friends and then had a falling out and physical fight.

No mention of a 4th gun used.

Not just that but according to Canepa, just a few weeks before the murders Jake and Angela and George were preoccupied with Jake and George dying and so they signed fake custody documents giving Angie custody of their kids if they died. Not custody to Hanna, they knew she would already be dead, but custody to Angela.

This is because the Wagners knew they could be killed by the Rhodens if the
Rhobens detected them on their properties that night.

So Angie stayed back at Peterson Road to not just watch the kids but to stay alive.

This makes complete sense: SOMEONE had to remain free and clear of the sites as there was always a chance 1 or more would possible not make it back alive. Hence, AW remained out of the scene to be thee survivor in worst case scenario. Additionally, she may have thought since she didn't participate/physically be in attendance she wouldn't be held responsible in any way; not knowing how the law works.
This makes complete sense: SOMEONE had to remain free and clear of the sites as there was always a chance 1 or more would possible not make it back alive. Hence, AW remained out of the scene to be thee survivor in worst case scenario. Additionally, she may have thought since she didn't participate/physically be in attendance she wouldn't be held responsible in any way; not knowing how the law works.

Ya gotta wonder?

How entwined would AW look in all this if she had not downloaded those custody documents April 3rd 2016, from that TX website?

Bet she regrets it now.

These custody documents and what she did with them are really tying her to these murders.

Oh yah, and the shoes she bought. Alot for her to think about in the Ohio Delaware County Jail.

2 cents
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I found this article interesting because he stated running pills from Florida to Pike Co. Glad he turned his life around, but I would like to know who the dealer was he thought was pertinent to the massacre. Bci must have checked it out, but Florida thing is interesting. Jmo

Pike Co. school resource deputy was a one-time drug dealer, audio reveals - Scioto Valley Guardian

Perhaps someone is grasping for straws here since they will stop at nothing to even ruin a young man's life (subject of the article). Please read his own
account of these LIES on his FB. How cruel and hateful it is to try to bring him into these murders by way of this backdoor sabotage of an interview. JMO and IMO, it will not work. It will not change one iota of 4G of evidence.
Perhaps someone is grasping for straws here since they will stop at nothing to even ruin a young man's life (subject of the article). Please read his own
account of these LIES on his FB. How cruel and hateful it is to try to bring him into these murders by way of this backdoor sabotage of an interview. JMO and IMO, it will not work. It will not change one iota of 4G of evidence.

Not this guy again.

Yeah, someone is getting desperate, thus getting this "newspaper" to print this tripe. None of this tall tale makes sense and I seriously doubt this guy would pass a lie detector test. We're supposed to believe a former drug dealer, crooked cop and man who beats up on women has been sitting on some story for 4 years? No.
Jmo I am sorry I ever posted the article my intention was not to bad mouth the person the article was about. I believe he has been trying. I was just wondering what he knew and thought was important In 2016. I guess if was important I will find out at trial. Jmo
Jmo again not stating he was involved at all, he seemed to want to help the investigation out, but definitely would like to know who the dealer was and why he thought it was pertinent to the massacre. Now since he is in law enforcement I am sure he knows when something needs checked more than us. Jmo And for all we know the dealer could have been the Wagner’s. I would say if the defense didn’t know about this before they will definitely want to find out. Jmo

He says he already told his story to LE a long time ago. Who knows? See if he passes a poly exam. I'm sure a former drug addict, dealer and woman beater is someone we can trust.

Wasn't this reporter the only one who got the exclusive interview with Fredericka Wagner when her farm was being searched again by BCI last December?
He says he already told his story to LE a long time ago. Who knows? See if he passes a poly exam. I'm sure a former drug addict, dealer and woman beater is someone we can trust.

Well, we may have our differences on this thread, and we do, but you always get to the point @Betty P. :eek: Can't argue this one.
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You never said, or I don't remember, who you think was watching the 2 children? They were only 2 and 3 years old at that time.

Or do you think they were left alone?

I don't think it would be possible to kill 8 people at 4 locations with 2 toddlers in tow. Plus they anticipated a possible shoot out making sure custody documents were signed in case of their deaths.

Not an enviornment condusive for sleeping kids.

This brings me back to Angie being home with the kids.
I think the boy was asleep in the car. I think they picked up SW after they killed her mom. JMO
Well, we may have our differences on this thread, and we do, but you always get to the point Betty. :eek: Can't argue this one.

This whole story smells like another version of the same one anonymous sources were trying to peddle back in 2016. I've no doubt BCI interviewed this character and found his story lacking.
The LE has a wittiness that stated the two Wagner brothers watched the Boondocks Saints Movie the night before the murders just to pump them up, So Sluthers do you think that the wittiness was the Baby Sitter??? Now It’s Up To You All To Go Over The Wittiness List????
What? You are skewing the time frame. My opinion only.

We looked at the timeline many times in the past. AFAIK, there's no proof that Jake had S before the murders. He said (and later retracted the statement) that he picked up S earlier that evening. Aside from the Wagners, no living person knows exactly when S was picked up from Dana's home.
The LE has a wittiness that stated the two Wagner brothers watched the Boondocks Saints Movie the night before the murders just to pump them up, So Sluthers do you think that the wittiness was the Baby Sitter??? Now It’s Up To You All To Go Over The Wittiness List????

I hadn't heard that there were witnesses who made that allegation. Did I miss something? Not to say there aren't, but I don't recall LE mentioning it publicly.
What? You are skewing the time frame. My opinion only.
The time frame? Oh you mean when Jake said he picked her up. Which one was that? The "just missed it by hours or a week earlier? Like I would take his word for it? No one else has come forward to vouch for him, Guess we will find out which story if any of his is true at trial.

The agent says GW4 bought a Captain America mask and then added that an informant said the Ws didn't celebrate Halloween b/c it's against their religion. The mask is cute, though. Has a large "A" on it.
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