Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #35

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Has it been revealed why BM fired MG? I mean, we have her side of the story, but what does BM say? Surely he's not saying it's because she gave LE her phone ..... h'mm, what did he tell LS, very curious, I feel like it was left out of the interview for some reason.
All we heard from BM is that MG is a methhead and she was mad because he fired her and he doesn't let her work for him anymore. He didn't really say why he fired her, although it would make sense that he would not be happy about her cooperating with LE, especially if he knew she might say something to incriminate him. Imo
If the timeline plays out and Barry was in Denver all day Saturday then who threw the bike in the ravine and when?
MG claims she worked with BM in Salida on saturday till 11:00 a.m. and then claimed he was shopping saturday afternoon also met JP saturday afternoon in salida.... not sure how the timeline 'plays out' that he was in Denver all day saturday
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A bit like the surgeon asking the SN to hand over that smallish cutty thing, or a chef looking for that flat flippy thing to sauté with or an accountant wondering about those table-y numbery things needed to complete the audit.

People who work with with tools and instruments regularly know how they work and what they do and what they're called. Unless they're trying hard not to mention them because their mind is a bit not in the right place, or whatevs.

If the trial started today, and I’m prosecuting, my star witness has to be SM’s texting friend - she better have something good.

After that, it gets sketchy. I could call AM as a witness and have him share his recollections. But AM better hope the reasons for the family estrangement that happened in Indiana aren’t relevant - if they’re even remotely relevant, the defence will bring them up.

The other employees MG, JP and CC. I guess I could call them up, but do I know what I’m going to get? Are they going to get their facts straight and will their accounts line up? If not, and the defence starts digging, it’s possible that the employee testimonies just end up making the waters dirty.

The witnesses all have a story to tell and there’s an element of truth in all of their stories, but without any digital info, it’s as clear as mud.
I think that as a man who works with heavy equipment would not normally use the words he used in describing "doing a mechanical thing" with the Bobcat. He would just go on and say what he actually did unless it would sound suspicious. It was like he was purposefully not saying what it was that he actually did with the Bobcat. JMO
Agree. It a very strange thing. MOO he is using talking down to LS as a woman, to avoid giving details.

A bit like the surgeon asking the SN to hand over that smallish cutty thing, or a chef looking for that flat flippy thing to sauté with or an accountant wondering about those table-y numbery things needed to complete the audit.

People who work with with tools and instruments regularly know how they work and what they do and what they're called. Unless they're trying hard not to mention them because their mind is a bit not in the right place, or whatevs.
Got to say...I know nothing about cars. NOTHING. If I happened to bring my car to the shop for some reason, say it was overheating, or making a noise ... and they said "we fixed was a mechanical thingy" I'd be saying "AND.....waiting for the explanation, "mechanical thingy" wouldn't hit it at all. I know I wouldn't pay them without a further explanation.
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Personally, I think the fractures that lead to homicidal domestic violence are longterm and seething. That's why people snap. 'The wife' becomes increasingly viewed as dead weight (by some husbands). Or, the husband becomes increasingly viewed as a nitwit and a spendthrift. It's a long build-up (IMO, I have no specific citations on this).

DV is not just physical violence. My ex only tried to strangle me one time (in 1979 - we remained married until 1991). We both went into therapy/counseling. I was brought up that marriage was forever. After the therapy, the violence was lessened (he had already "accidentally" cracked a rib by pushing me down some stairs - but that was "kind of an accident.")

The violence was lessened, in part, by my near total acquiescence to everything he wanted. Things were good, right? Until they weren't - at some point in the future.

Long term marital issues and the seething things that some spouses keep to themselves often result in violence. I've learned that when people snap, they can actually use fantasy-plans (if only I didn't have a spouse leads to various fantasy scenarios in which the spouse has evaporated - but with no real planning or strategies).

I predict that this was a sudden explosion of rage - but that the rage, itself, had been intermittent and that the person with the rage problem had had many thoughts of harm, vengeance, starting anew, etc. There's probably a sexual element here, as well, although we may never seen evidence or hint of it. I think it's there.


I'm so sorry that you went through this. Awful.
MG claims she worked with BM in Salida on saturday till 11:00 a.m. and then claimed he was shopping saturday afternoon also met JP saturday afternoon in salida.... not sure how the timeline 'plays out' that he was in Denver all day saturday
I agree. I think he went to Denver Sunday morning like he said. So the timeline tightens from sometime late Saturday afternoon to early Sunday AM perhaps.
I found his text to LS to be extremely obnoxious. This isn't about rumors or protecting BM or yourself from gossip, it's about a missing mother and closure for her girls. Justice.
He should replace that smug little attitude with some straight talk and empathy. jmo
As long as he was willing to meet with LE, it’s his right to refuse to comment publicly. If I found myself in the middle of a missing person investigation, I would definitely not talk to any media unless LE asked me to. I’m an extremely private person and I wouldn’t enjoy being hounded by the media either. If he hasn’t given LE what they’ve asked for, he’s as bad as BM but I don’t think we know the story on that.
Agreed. Though what if the bike was staged in the wee hours of Saturday night. The DM (if we believe them) say BM had a room on Saturday night. So say he had to get a car to Broomfield for a cleaning so he drove it over night and left it in the parking lot and did some cleaning of tools in the room. Took a quick nap on the bedspread in the room waiting for the dealership to open and cooked up his alibi of the Broomfield job and then grabbed the car from the dealership when it was ready and headed back to Salida (none of the crew say they saw him in Broomfield - what was he driving?) parked the car and did some shopping met & with the crew guy? Lots of driving but it sounds like he wasn't actually prepping the Broomfield job..JMO.
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Personally, I think the fractures that lead to homicidal domestic violence are longterm and seething. That's why people snap. 'The wife' becomes increasingly viewed as dead weight (by some husbands). Or, the husband becomes increasingly viewed as a nitwit and a spendthrift. It's a long build-up (IMO, I have no specific citations on this).

DV is not just physical violence. My ex only tried to strangle me one time (in 1979 - we remained married until 1991). We both went into therapy/counseling. I was brought up that marriage was forever. After the therapy, the violence was lessened (he had already "accidentally" cracked a rib by pushing me down some stairs - but that was "kind of an accident.")

The violence was lessened, in part, by my near total acquiescence to everything he wanted. Things were good, right? Until they weren't - at some point in the future.

Long term marital issues and the seething things that some spouses keep to themselves often result in violence. I've learned that when people snap, they can actually use fantasy-plans (if only I didn't have a spouse leads to various fantasy scenarios in which the spouse has evaporated - but with no real planning or strategies).

I predict that this was a sudden explosion of rage - but that the rage, itself, had been intermittent and that the person with the rage problem had had many thoughts of harm, vengeance, starting anew, etc. There's probably a sexual element here, as well, although we may never seen evidence or hint of it. I think it's there.

IMO, the key word is acquiescence.
Maybe, for the first time, she was done with that.
I think it was simmering for at least a day based on what MG said. He was upset on Saturday, heading home to spend time with 'the wife'. Then, by Sunday morning he sounded as if he had had the worst night of his life. I think he killed her on Saturday, maybe in the evening?

My point about a history of DV doesn't seem to apply here, based on what we know thus far. That could change.

My sense is they were very much in love and had a lot of good years together.

Time will tell.

Did you watch the PE show where they interviewed a doctor about DV and she said that not all DV requires violence, the main part of DV is control and as we’ve heard in a couple of places BM likes control, also abuse can be emotional or verbal. It was a very good episode and could very well be what happened to beautiful SM. MOO
Agreed. Though what if the bike was staged in the wee hours of Saturday night. The DM (if we believe them) say BM had a room on Saturday night. So say he had to get a car to Broomfield for a cleaning so he drove it over night and left it in the parking lot and did some cleaning of tools in the room. Took a quick nap on the bedspread in the room waiting for the dealership to open and cooked up his alibi of the Broomfield job and then grabbed the car from the dealership when it was ready and headed back to Salida parked the car and did some shopping? JMO.
My gut says he was around Salida Saturday even if MG isn’t exact on her times. It seems improbable to drive 3 hours to Broomfield and back on Saturday and then there and back on Sunday and risky with cell phone and vehicle tracking.
Question - BM has personally attacked (verbally) the individuals who have spoken out against him. Has BM directed any personal attacks towards AM?
I wonder if it’s a calculated strategy on BM’s part or as weird as it sounds, some ‘respect’ for SM’s brother, a guy he may have been friends with at one point in his life?
If the trial started today, and I’m prosecuting, my star witness has to be SM’s texting friend - she better have something good.

After that, it gets sketchy. I could call AM as a witness and have him share his recollections. But AM better hope the reasons for the family estrangement that happened in Indiana aren’t relevant - if they’re even remotely relevant, the defence will bring them up.

The other employees MG, JP and CC. I guess I could call them up, but do I know what I’m going to get? Are they going to get their facts straight and will their accounts line up? If not, and the defence starts digging, it’s possible that the employee testimonies just end up making the waters dirty.

The witnesses all have a story to tell and there’s an element of truth in all of their stories, but without any digital info, it’s as clear as mud.

Good post! I think if your two strong witnesses are the friend in IN & the brother in IN, who has not had much contact with his sister since moving to CO, we’re off to a bad start. The friend might have heard of marriage issues but the defense will probably argue more than 50% (not sure of the actual number) of marriages in the US fall under that category, tell me something new. Then a thousand reasons a text conversation could end abruptly.

My gut tells me this case will have to come down to strong physical evidence of a murdered SM, hopefully a recovered body, with forensic & digital evidence like you mentioned, that nail the bad guy.

If this case were presented to me today, with just info we’re permitted to discuss on WS and BM was in the hot seat. I would have to vote, not guilty.

It’s possible that he was purposefully not saying what the mechanical thing was, I guess. However , when I describe certain aspects about my job to friends/other people who aren’t in my line of work , I often say things like this. Easier than trying to explain in detail when I know it’s Greek to them.

That exactly the way I took it.
I say the same kinds of things to those who I think will likely not understand what I'm talking about, because it's a technical thing in my line of work (which not everyone is in).
I'd still like to know exactly what it was, and what the time discrepency was.

A bit like the surgeon asking the SN to hand over that smallish cutty thing, or a chef looking for that flat flippy thing to sauté with or an accountant wondering about those table-y numbery things needed to complete the audit.

People who work with with tools and instruments regularly know how they work and what they do and what they're called. Unless they're trying hard not to mention them because their mind is a bit not in the right place, or whatevs.

Thank you for the laugh! So perfect.. “Could you flip that switch to make the wheelie things come down” - Before landing... So perfect!
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