Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #38

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I can’t imagine LS missing this search, unless she has info related to the case and is awaiting an even bigger development.
LS stated last week she would be going to the search "if her boss allows it."
Maybe her news editor assigned her to a different story today.
I know she must be sooooo disappointed.
Last phone activity around 8am on Saturday morning is a huge spanner in the works! Are you telling me she didn't use her phone for an entire day prior to Barry leaving her at 5am in the morning on the Sunday? NO CHANCE, That is a Ginormous red flag right there.

I want to know what time the girls tried to contact her on mothers day and did her phone ring or was it off? I wish we had clarification to whether her last phone activity was activity as in, messages sent, social media used, or whether that last activity was the last time it pinged and was actually on.
Also when did the texting start on Sat.? Did Barry feel ignored, that she wasn't preparing his breakfast?
Actually, LS not reporting from AM’s first search day is giving me pause. I think of this as her story as a reporter from that area. It’s a nice clear dry day. The energy and momentum will be high.

Now I’m speculating if she will be talking to BM today maybe. IMO
Also when did the texting start on Sat.? Did Barry feel ignored, that she wasn't preparing his breakfast?

8am sure is a strange time to abruptly stop texting, its also a strange time for a friend to go into panic mode after replies stopped, 8am is a time somebody could easily fall back to sleep while texting which would not raise alarm bells.

Now if the wedding was on that day that would change things, strange activity that didn't seem like her could also be somebody using her phone to say something like "I'm going on a bike ride" that would be strange to somebody who knew she planned to either chat or facetime during a wedding.
Remembering this, from I think PE's first video--

Suzanne had been messaging her friend, about a wedding (all day, up to 9pm when it abruptly stopped)...

Some time later there was more communication but it was off...

Putting those together.... I think Suzanne was messaging her friend Friday night... until 9 pm....

The next morning, I don't think SHE was communicating.... someone else was, and not necessarily with her device.

I wish we had pictures of this Broomfield wall that is going to be looked at today. My mind is racing on that topic and I’d love to see what the area looks like.
I'd love to see pictures of the Broomfield wall as well. My goodness, wouldn't it be something if while AM and the army of searchers are in Salida, LE finds Suzanne's remains mixed into that wall?

I pray that Suzanne is found and brought home for a proper burial. And, I really think BM needs to be held accountable for his atrocious actions. Please, before he opens his mouth again publicly and says something even more despicable than his last comment. Andy Moorman is NOT organizing this search for "publicity!" Sheesh!


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