TX TX - Jason Landry, 21, enroute from TSU to home, car found crashed at Luling, 14 Dec 2020 #2

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I’m not a local exactly but I live about 1 1/2 hours away, and I can totally see cops in Texas calling meth a narcotic, but I do not think they would use that term for weed. JMO
I did some research on this upthread, they do indeed class it as narcotic.
But in light of his dad's statement earlier I'm choosing to disregard it entirely.
It's not gonna help us find him at this stage.
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Texas Drug Law: What Are the Types of Controlled Substances? | Neal Davis
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I did some research on this upthread, they do indeed class it as narcotic.
But in light of his dad's statement earlier I'm choosing to disregard it entirely.
It's not gonna help us find him at this stage.
I know we’ve all discussed it a lot on this thread, lol, but just saying that as a Texan I’ve never heard LE refer to weed as a narcotic. Maybe they did in this case, but I would be really surprised. Who knows, and I agree it might not help us find him. But it does make a huge difference in possible narratives whether he had a little bit of weed in the car or a big bag of meth. But we just don’t know at this point.


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Not where I live (California). We have huge amounts of meth made right here, particularly in the Central Valley. I'm sure a lot does also come from Mexico. When I did fieldwork in a poor neighbor (topic had to do with single welfare moms), the main conduit for them to get meth was truck drivers, who in turn mainly got it up and down I-5, where it was being made.

LE told me that it pretty easy to learn to do, if one didn't mind the risks.

I do wonder why LE said "narcotics" were found in the backpack, as cannabis is not a narcotic and most LE would not use that term for cannabis - but...I don't know the local culture, perhaps they still use that term for all drugs.

In the State of Texas (and most of United States) Narcotics are scheduled 1-5 based on risk level of dependence or abuse. The highest risk includes Meth, marijuana, PCP, crack, etc. are considered “schedule 1” narcotics due to having no recognized medicinal purposes. I know cannabis is legal in some states but federally it’s not recognized by the DEA...
Are there any cctv cameras which might record entrances or exits to that road? Any possibility that a full record of all vehicles that used that road that night exists, do you imagine? Thanks a lot.
I haven't noticed any cameras. I'm assuming that LE has checked gas stations on Hwy 80 between San Marcos and Luling to see if they show anything. Also, in previous posts about the intersection of Hwy 80 and 183, the things that look like cameras are actually sensors that cycle the lights if there is an emergency vehicle approaching the intersection. There are no cameras that I know of at the intersection and I looked today and the church at the intersection doesn't appear to have cameras outside. Unless a house between 183 and about 4 blocks down Austin street from there have a ring doorbell or outdoor security camera, I have never seen any cameras that would record traffic on SFR.
Drug use goes to a person's potential mental state, so in my view, yes, it can help find people.

There's a bill before Congress to change marijuana's scheduling, only 17 states treat it as a controlled substances.

I do think it's relevant. If, like many of my students, this young man was using a stimulant to get through end of term (and to remain on the road), then falling asleep at the wheel becomes an issue. However, it would be strange for that same person not to take their backpack with them. It's very concerning that he could not find his phone and did not take his backpack. LE seems to think his injury was minor, but we don't know that for sure.

I don't think LE would just make up narcotics, btw. It's getting harder for me to believe that he remained in the area of his car and seems more likely that he may have hitched a ride - but to where? I'm still very suspicious of the pond, as no details of the tech they used have emerged. OTOH, it's not exactly easy to just drown oneself in a pond (drugs or no drugs, although certain substances could make it way easier to drown oneself).

If I had a student who was in trouble/depressed (whatever) and I also knew they were using any medicines (including some that are prescribed), I would treat that as essential information in trying to understand what was going on - and what might happen next. Let's face it, if it were in fact an opiate, that's a very different concern than if it is weed or meth.
Are you hearing anything from other students at Tx St? Seems odd that no news has come out about people that were with him before he left and whether anyone at the school has any knowledge of what was going on with JL before he left San Marcos.

Most of the student and locals I have seen are frustrated and confused as everyone’s being kept out of the loop. I’ve seen news organizations ready to publish stories but have not heard any updates from LE. The groups I have seen online mainly have students asking for info, I did notice his manager has come forward on social media. What worries me the most is with LE withholding info from the public so much, that these theories and speculations only make this investigation harder as any new info is spun in a certain narrative. The other thing that frustrates people the most is not being allowed to help search or look for Jason. A girl I went to highschool with lives about 2-3 miles away has offered to help search with her husband as they live so close, however they were told not at this time. If law enforcement isn’t searching, and the family isn’t having people privately search, then why can’t locals and friends search for him. What is there to hide, why has this been so tight lipped?
*Sorry for the long winded post, but as a fellow student it has been worrying and frustrating with how this is being handled.
I haven't noticed any cameras. I'm assuming that LE has checked gas stations on Hwy 80 between San Marcos and Luling to see if they show anything. Also, in previous posts about the intersection of Hwy 80 and 183, the things that look like cameras are actually sensors that cycle the lights if there is an emergency vehicle approaching the intersection. There are no cameras that I know of at the intersection and I looked today and the church at the intersection doesn't appear to have cameras outside. Unless a house between 183 and about 4 blocks down Austin street from there have a ring doorbell or outdoor security camera, I have never seen any cameras that would record traffic on SFR.
Picture really does suggest he was picked up or disappeared from the road where his bag was found?
That is where dog trail stopped too.
I'm unclear of sequence from abandoned house to pond and back and if this occurred prior to bag being dropped.
I wonder what he was wearing or if anybody even knows. Colours help locate people.
If you look back at the pictures I posted, 2379 is the northernmost house that appears abandoned. It is the house closest to the accident site.
It is interesting because I can find where there was an incident that happened in the 3000 block of Salt Flats Road (they misspelled it as salt flats) in 2014. So if it was occupied then and appears occupied from this google earth photo, I wonder if it was on the night Jason went missing? The house appears to have a satellite in the back and an additional large antenna and propane tank and actually google attributes the image to 2019. Surely these occupants have been questioned and helpful.

Google Earth

I did some research on this upthread, they do indeed class it as narcotic.
But in light of his dad's statement earlier I'm choosing to disregard it entirely.
It's not gonna help us find him at this stage.
eta link
Texas Drug Law: What Are the Types of Controlled Substances? | Neal Davis

Thanks, @kittythehare. From the link you provided, both the Feds and Texas have their own laws, enacted a few years apart:

Federal - 1971 - Controlled Substances Act which as @Nurseleanna pointed out includes 5 schedules or classifications of controlled substances;

Texas - 1973 - Texas Controlled Substance Act-- divided into 4 groups of drugs (Penalty
Groups). Of note is that marijuana is in its own separate group, with its own penalties.

In legal terms, being charged with possession of a controlled substance in Texas means that a law officer has probable cause to believe you had “care, custody or control” over a substance which is deemed illegal under the Texas Controlled Substances Act.

I also believe that recovering Jason's remains will be dependant on boots on the ground. I think most of the initial search mapping was based on drone coverage which is helpful for mass acreage but drones still cannot look under obstacles or between crevices.

One day or one month is too long for any family -- hoping for resolution sooner than later.
Southminster Presbyterian Church Missouri City, Texas
Kent recently spoke with Bobby Horecka at the Luling Newsboy about Jason's disappearance. The article is below for those asking for an update...
Investigators still searching for missing Texas State student
"The Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office continues the search for 21-year-old Jason Landry, who went missing along an isolated country road outside Luling a month ago while headed home to his parents’ place near Houston.
The young man is believed to have been involved in a single-car collision in the 2300-block of Salt Flat Road sometime during the overnight hours of Sunday, Dec. 13, 2020.
Investigation of the accident scene led authorities to believe that Landry was able to walk away from the accident with little or no injury. His cell phone, wallet and several other personal items were left behind inside the vehicle, investigators said, and a backpack containing a few clothing items and other personal items was found in the roadway, some 900 feet south of the accident scene.
Law enforcement officers, volunteers and search specialists have scoured the more than 20,000-acre area surrounding the crash scene, searching for any clues to his whereabouts. Investigators are also now actively searching online records, in hopes of finding a digital footprint that may lead to finding him.
Texas Search and Rescue TEXSAR conducted an extensive, several day search of the area, in which more than 3,900 acres were searched by foot, horse and canine units, and another 16,900-plus acres was searched by air, using drones, fixed-wing planes and helicopters.
Landry’s family and friends have not seen or heard from him since before the Dec. 13 accident, and his whereabouts remain unknown.
Kent Landry, Jason’s father, visited recently with The Newsboy about his son’s disappearance.
He described Jason as a kind and trusting young man, the youngest of three children in the Landry household, where his father, a former trial attorney, pastors the Southminster Presbyterian Church in Missouri City.
Jason is a junior at Texas State University in San Marcos, where he was working to land a degree in the school’s top-rated sound recording program. Just this spring, in fact, Jason’s auditions to formally enter the highly competitive music program were scheduled in coming weeks, his father said.
Jason loves music, his father said, and he was just starting to write some of his own songs.
“I don’t care what their age, parents never stop worrying about their children, any time they walk out of our door,” Kent Landry said. “Jason’s disappearance, especially during the Christmas season, has been difficult on all of us, and like most any parent, we just want to know what happened. It’s been like a bad dream that just won’t end.”
Complicating the search have been misleading and untruthful reports from some media sources about items found at the scene. Those have greatly upset the family these last few weeks, his father said.
“The important thing to remember is that Jason—our son—is still missing,” he said, pleading with the public to “help fill any holes in the timeline” that might help locate his son, for better or worse.
“We just want to find out what happened,” he said. “He’s an amazing kid, and I hope you get to meet him sometime soon. We’re all still praying for the best.”
Anyone with information is urged to contact Detective Jeff Ferry with the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office. He can be reached at (512) 398-6777, Ext. 4516, or by email at Jeff.Ferry@co.caldwell.tx.us."


Thanks for sharing that article. I wonder if any of his songs can be found online? What is that site for posting your own music? Soundcloud maybe?

Also, I didn't realize Jason's dad was a former trial attorney.
Thanks, @kittythehare. From the link you provided, both the Feds and Texas have their own laws, enacted a few years apart:

Federal - 1971 - Controlled Substances Act which as @Nurseleanna pointed out includes 5 schedules or classifications of controlled substances;

Texas - 1973 - Texas Controlled Substance Act-- divided into 4 groups of drugs (Penalty
Groups). Of note is that marijuana is in its own separate group, with its own penalties.

In legal terms, being charged with possession of a controlled substance in Texas means that a law officer has probable cause to believe you had “care, custody or control” over a substance which is deemed illegal under the Texas Controlled Substances Act.

I also believe that recovering Jason's remains will be dependant on boots on the ground. I think most of the initial search mapping was based on drone coverage which is helpful for mass acreage but drones still cannot look under obstacles or between crevices.

One day or one month is too long for any family -- hoping for resolution sooner than later.
After reading his dad's most reent statement I'm now wondering if there was any chance somebody picked him up prior to vehicle that saw his wrecked car and informed LE, also wondering whether same driver would have noticed the bag on the roadside or not? When was the bag placed there?
That search sounds like it was very thorough.
Further searches were to be conducted by experienced searchers only which is why general public were discouraged from searching..
Is it possible he is not actually there at all?
Thanks for sharing that article. I wonder if any of his songs can be found online? What is that site for posting your own music? Soundcloud maybe?

Also, I didn't realize Jason's dad was a former trial attorney.
I just searched, there is a singer called Jason Landry, he's quite good but he's not our Jason unfortunately.
I'd be surprised if he has not uploaded music however, worth another trawl for sure
After reading his dad's most reent statement I'm now wondering if there was any chance somebody picked him up prior to vehicle that saw his wrecked car and informed LE, also wondering whether same driver would have noticed the bag on the roadside or not? When was the bag placed there?
That search sounds like it was very thorough.
Further searches were to be conducted by experienced searchers only which is why general public were discouraged from searching..
Is it possible he is not actually there at all?

Unfortunately, I believe JL is probably in water or maybe crawled inside a culvert-- not far from the crash. Reportedly, temps were near freezing the night of the crash. I don't think he's being held against his will and don't believe he'd put his parents through a staged disappearance. MOO
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Hopefully these can be opened. The first is the accident site, second is the location of the search HQ, third is the northernmost abandoned house, fourth is the southernmost abandoned house and last one is what I believe to be the nearest occupied dwelling.

Thank you so much for the pictures and info. It really helps having someone local who can drive down Salt Flat road. I am still confused as ever as to where JL is....
Unfortunately, I believe JL is probably in water or maybe crawled inside a culvert-- not far from the crash. Reportedly, temps were near freezing the night of the crash. I don't think he's being held against his will and don't believe he'd put his parents through a staged disappearance. MOO
I agree with you but why did trail stop suddenly where it did?
This has always been the big fly in the ointment.
I cannot get past this one point.
Could he have been picked up by someone who was on that road for actual nefarious purposes?
Picked up or hit leaving no trace? There would have been a trace though.. Quite a large one had he been hit..
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