UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 #4 *Arrests*

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He co
That post re the putney officer contact from a twitter post was on thread 1 by hed_ts on monday at 5.06pm. I can’t link it, sorry.

I have copied this part of his post.

Right, fellow Sleuthers, something very surprising has just happened to me. I contacted the Met Crime Centre on twitter last night, with the timestamped footage of the Poynders Road/Kings Ave CCTV at 21:30 showing the two individuals, with the dog and/or shopping bag, just in case they had missed it. Totally unexpectedly, I've had a call this afternoon (assume twitter has my number saved) from an officer from Putney Police, who asked me to point him in the direction of the TFL traffic jam archive- London Traffic Cameras - Live TfL JamCam Feeds
I was very taken aback to be contacted by an officer regarding this investigation, so I would urge all of you to contact the Met Contact Centre on twitter @MetCC with any of the information you have gathered. Something I considered basic to the investigation, like looking at CCTV cameras has ended up with a call from an officer asking how to access the archive itself.
Sorry I’m on my phone in bed and having a nightmare trying to go through the old threads. Can someone explain to me the link with the old Cavendish Rd police station?
On Twitter someone replied to the Met request for info that the door to the old police station was ajar. The met replied they would pass the info along to the local officers to follow up on. Originally when I read the post about it on WS, I believe that it was replied to by asking to get more information privately (by DM I assumed). However, that response is not there now that I have read it myself. I do not know if it was never there and what I read was a misrepresentation, or if it was there and subsequently deleted. I hope this makes sense, as I am a bit shaken up.
This depressing development casts a whole new light on detectives describing SE's case as "complex."

British tabloids will be working overtime right now trying to uncover the officer's identity. They have plenty of sources within the police. I doubt we will have to wait for another official statement.
Not that it matters, but IMO if they said the arrests were made in Kent, they mean somewhere within the current boundaries of Kent, not somewhere that used to be in Kent but is now within a London borough.

When the tier systems were first announced there was numerous arguments regarding Kent/London boundaries. Bromley borough specifically but also Bexley.. both of these are technically London boroughs but have areas within them which do not have London post codes and would be classed as Kent (Biggin Hill, Downes, Crayford, even areas closer to the “London” boundaries such as Chislehurst & Sidcup
Actually the hit & run scenario becomes much more possible now, IMO. A police officer hit her while she walked and scrambled to cover it up, knowing his career would be over. The woman could've helped hide the vehicle damage or something.
but it is a busy road and likely someone would have seen this. To me it appears that nothing was out of the oridinary and she got in his car (if this is what happened) with very little if any questions
Do we have an idea of how many times she would walk from her home to the friend's house and back?

If it was fairly regular, he could have noticed her, petite and in that green jacket that stands out against all the darker colors and started stalking her. Maybe even to and from the friend's place.

Now reading that the A205 / Poynder Road is a main thorofare for communting to Kent, he might have very well planned this for exactly the Poynder Road area for it's exit the area.
I tend to agree with your second point. It seems needlessly brazen and, frankly, pretty nuts for a police officer to purposely plan to abduct and harm a woman in such a public area. I tend to think he stopped to talk with her or pick her up and it wasn't premeditated.

Yes. I used to live a short distance from there. The location is all wrong for an abduction or f the offender has any degree of planning or self control.

Conversely, I just can’t seeing someone reckless enough to do that there, being able to hold down a police job for long.

There are always cases that come along and surprise though.
My friend and I (both young, female) were once walking home quite late in the evening and a police car pulled up beside us and offered us a lift home. There were two officers in the car and we didn't think twice about accepting.... I think I might have a different answer after today.

This happened to my friend while she was hitch hiking in Glasgow, although it was daylight. The police stopped & gave her a lift to the station I guess because they didn't think it was safe where she was stood.
Oh my Lawd. Well, if Sarah isn't in Clapham Common, or the flats near Poynders Rd, and if she's not at the address in Kent where they've arrested this police officer and other female living there.....then where is she? What have they done with her?!?

I'm really cross and also scared now, that a current serving police officer has been arrested in connection with it.

A police officer?!?!! After all the suspicions about local perverts, drug addicts and evil random takeaway drivers....

I'm horrified. I could cry.
Based on what has come to light, is the current thinking that SE finished a phone conversation with her BF and within a couple of minutes was interacting with a PO and a couple of minutes later her phone went off? That seems like alot going on in a very short space of time. Did SE mention anything to her BF about a police car pulling up? (according to his account of the conversation) Or did this happen moments after she got off the phone?
My thoughts after these developments...
1) Always found it strange that the call with BF ended before SE arrived home. Did SE end the call because she had planned on meeting someone in that area? Perhaps her BF was not made aware of this...
2) The arrest has been described in a way that makes it clear, this isn’t someone tampering with an investigation, this is someone who will be charged with a very serious crime very shortly IMO.
3) A RTA cannot be ruled out. Perhaps over the limit? And that would explain the woman who has ‘assisted an offender.’
4) The woman who assisted the offender is crucial here. What did she do? Lied about the persons whereabouts? Said she was driving a car that was in the area that perhaps he was driving? (The police must have something substantial on HIM to get something on HER also!!)
IMO etc.
On Twitter someone replied to the Met request for info that the door to the old police station was ajar. The met replied they would pass the info along to the local officers to follow up on. Originally when I read the post about it on WS, I believe that it was replied to by asking to get more information privately (by DM I assumed). However, that response is not there now that I have read it myself. I do not know if it was never there and what I read was a misrepresentation, or if it was there and subsequently deleted. I hope this makes sense, as I am a bit shaken up.

It also weirds me out that the Met tweeted that they would pass this information onto local officers. That’s odd to me because all the other information people tweeted at the MetCC was met with replies of ‘send us a DM to discuss this privately’ and no further response publicly because I assume it was all happening legitimately in DMs. The fact that this one was replied to with ‘the information will be passed on to local officers’ is weird to me but maybe it’s just because I’m now questioning every single thing the Met have been doing in relation to this case.
Actually the hit & run scenario becomes much more possible now, IMO. A police officer hit her while she walked and scrambled to cover it up, knowing his career would be over. The woman could've helped hide the vehicle damage or something.

It’s pretty horrifying that this could be best case scenario. I hope this police officer did nothing to intentionally hurt poor Sarah, he was just a selfish piece of *advertiser censored* that valued his own life over hers. I pray that this or something similar is the case.
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