Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #33

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The reason Websleuths requires links to information stated as fact is to avoid inaccuracies and rumors.

To correct the record going forward ...

As per Officer Robbins' report

"Gabrielle stated that when saw my lights, she hit Brian in the arm to get his attention which in turn caused him to hit the curb while I was following them".

Gabby did NOT admit to grabbing the wheel as BL had claimed.

This is Websleuths folks. If you state something as fact, you MUST provide a link.
In the bodycam video she denies grabbing the steering wheel but then says she did “but only for like a second.” Then she denies it again. It’s at around 11:40.

It sounds like the cops believed the adamant denials and ignored when she very briefly admitted to it.

I genuinely think she was scared out of her mind with him speeding down the road with the police behind them.

I think BL will be caught and sooner than later. It's not like he is a trained special forces operative who did a decades worth of tours in Afghanistan and other hot spots. He's not a survivalist.

I also don't believe his parents are involved to the extent most people think. These people own / sell property and have some kind of juice franchise.

We are not talking about Whitey Bulger. They are not a well established criminal organization with the intelligence, connections or resources to fund an extended run from LE.

No one will ever be able to convince me that the three of them were able to collectively devise a master plan while covering up a murder.

I do however, believe that BL's father knows enough about real estate to have stashed him somewhere with enough supplies to last a while (re the "camping" rip")

Ethan Couch, the 'affluenza' teen who killed four people while driving impaired, his mother helped him escape to Mexico after he broke his probation. It also appears that Paul Murdaugh's parents looked the other way when confronted with the egregious behavior of their youngest child. You don't have to be a world class criminal to have parents who will overlook what their children do, at the peril of others.
Does anyone know how far the campground that BL and his parents stayed at is from the search site?
I’m wondering if BL could have stashed things that weekend .
There were two different witnesses. One saw them running up and down the street and saw him slapping and hitting her. The other witness, Christopher, was the one police spoke to. He was the one who saw Gabby climb through the window and reported Gabby hitting Brian. He told police he never saw him hit her, which is probably why they concluded that she was the aggressor. He never hit her once they got in the van. Both Gabby and Brian said she was hitting him in arm in order to alert him to pull over. That was apparently what led him to hit the curb. Imo
I agree with everything in your post. Do you see the point I was making about the 911 call?
As to the Jackson requests.......I think he wanted to go TOWARD Jackson on 191 and he was going to abruptly tell the driver to let him out as soon as he recognized the camping area road. Did not want to tell them specifically where he was heading. LOL got way too close with the second ride and when she offered to take him to his campsite he got very weird and jumped out of the moving vehicle..........not suspicious, at all....... jmo
This makes very good sense.... The first driver took the scenic route (instead of the main road that would go by Spread Creek)
Did anyone catch the parents on camera or video going to the library yesterday? How long were they there? Pretty strange for them to do that in my opinion

Early for the appointment with the lawyer, and the library is somewhere with air conditioning they were unlikely to be disturbed?

There was a link in the threads yesterday so I’m guessing it’s in the media thread. It did mention they spent 1/2 hr at the library and in an hour long meeting. For me what is odd is that they drive to Orlando to meet their NY attorney on the same street as the State Attorneys office. Why meet in person? It necessary why not be less public and meet in Punta Gorda area where there’s an airport, is much closer and less populated?
Regarding the white Camper that the neighbors said had been bought recently and that the Laundrie parents and Brian left in, an idea came to mind that perhaps Brian's parents dropped off Brian and that Camper somewhere with supplies and the Camper as a shelter for Brian, and then the parents went to buy an identical Camper and drove it home so that even if LE searches the Camper, they won't find any evidence or anything suspicious
\people stay for many years in DV relationships for well documented reasons.
There is no magic bullet about 72 hrs or realistic expectation that it will do more than 12 hrs or 20 minutes.
One size does not fit all.
Every case is different.

Had she informed LE that day that she was a victim, they would have acted immediately.
Without that, their hands are tied in the moment.
They did a lot more than many other police forces would do.
They showed her kindness, didn't destroy her life with a DV charge, provided her with a woman to talk to, gave her a drink, probably made sure she was made safe for the night.

They're not mind readers. They are not trained psychiatrists.

I recognised what was going on because I know it, personally and professionally.
But I reckon an awful lot of people would not have recognised it...
Bottom line is that she wasn't ready to leave him or face the truth of the reality she found herself in.

And that paralysed 'syndrome' seems to go with the territory as the victim is constantly being forced into a state of cognitive dissonance, skilfully programmed to believe only in her own sense of powerlessness.

When you don't believe you have any power...

ETA- all of the above is my opinion.

Gabby informed LE that she was the victim. She said he held her jaw and it really hurt. That is on top of the witness accounts. No one is asking LE to read minds - and reading minds was not required to handle this incident better.

LE is a profession. Professionals are skilled humans, keeping up with best practices in their field. They should be open to feedback that is helpful. (And I believe the dept. involved is open to feedback. So this is directed at others opining on the LE dept. behalf, not the actual dept.)

As to the Jackson requests.......I think he wanted to go TOWARD Jackson on 191 and he was going to abruptly tell the driver to let him out as soon as he recognized the camping area road. Did not want to tell them specifically where he was heading. LOL got way too close with the second ride and when she offered to take him to his campsite he got very weird and jumped out of the moving vehicle..........not suspicious, at all....... jmo

I can't make up my mind if he wanted to drive to Jackson (and leave) or go back to the van.

Jackson is the only real city in the area - besides Teton Village maybe; the city with the most resources (bus, car, food etc)

Jackson Hole airport ist the only airport in the area AFAIK and north of Jackson. Flights from there are more expensive (I personally didn't fly directly to Jackson for that reason when I visited Jackson Hole once)

The reason Websleuths requires links to information stated as fact is to avoid inaccuracies and rumors.

To correct the record going forward ...

As per Officer Robbins' report

"Gabrielle stated that when saw my lights, she hit Brian in the arm to get his attention which in turn caused him to hit the curb while I was following them".

Gabby did NOT admit to grabbing the wheel as BL had claimed.

This is Websleuths folks. If you state something as fact, you MUST provide a link.
She backtracked that, tho, right after. I watched it twice and now the only video I can find has much more of the conversation muted. Does anyone have the original that is only muted for names and addys? I will watch again...just because I am sure, well, I remember, she said, "no, well...just a little", or something like that. I may miss posting in this thread, it is so fast, but will share when I see it again.
I completely agree with this post and have a confession & a question.

When I watched the bodycam video I saw what I perceived to be a male DV victim and hysterical/unstable female perpetrator. I saw marks on his body and none on hers. Obviously I was wrong, for which I feel terrible, but hindsight is a thing.

My question is: what should I have seen? What did I miss (& not just me but experienced/trained police officers too!) I thought they’d handled the situation extremely well, but there’s old hindsight again.

RIP Gabby, I hope your family gets justice.

Well the first thing I'd see is a totally compliant woman in a state of low grade hysteria internalising everything, taking all the blame.
I think they did actually recognise that though, at one point the cop tried to bolster her confidence, he showed compassion and empathy. I forget the terms he used but I noticed it and thought it showed kindness.

I'm trying to find a key for you from my mind that might resonate. The closest analogy I can find is 'look for broken-glass like people'
They're the people, both male and female who are rendered egoless and psyche -less from their life experiences.
They don't have the comforting warm blankets of peace about them, they're constantly awaiting the next blow which can come at any time.
They are the people stripped of their rights dignity and autonomy.

It's possible that BL had no intention of pulling over. They had just got into a physical alteration, he was most likely irate and had lost control of himself. He may have decided to try and out run the cops! C'mon, one doesn't accidentally go 30+mph over the speed limit.

Easily done in a situation like this, 45mph limit that changes to 25 then 15 as you approach the entrance, similar to coming into an airport when the limit is stepped down incrementally.
I think the difference with this incident though is that Brian was reportedly being aggressive towards staff and not Gabby. So maybe this could be the reason they didn't inform LE.
Which raises the question as to why Gabby was even crying - which no one recalling the incident can even explain. Are we to believe she was crying, “hysterically” so, b/c he was mean to the staff? Over a bill? I’m just not sure that makes sense to me. /JMO
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I wonder if they find him if his parents will post bail.

Just to compare another case, Casey Anthony was charged with child neglect, making false statements and obstructing an investigation and the judge eventually set hers at $500,000. 2 more times after that she was arrested and charged with check fraud, ID fraud and petty theft posting another $500,000 bail and $1250 bail.

It will be very telling if anyone posts bail and takes responsibility of him while he is out. If it ever comes to this…
Judging by the parents actions or should I say inactions so far I think it's a pretty safe bet to say they will post his bail.
I couldn’t really see it on my phone, but I saw it on the computer earlier today, and it definitely looks like a man there!
I was trying to reply to the post about the footage from the helicopter.
Yes, she did say that, among other things. They both seemed to portray (aligned with BOTH witness statements) that putting hands on each other during times of frustration was at least normal enough to speak pretty openly about it. MOO!!!
The difference is that Gabby protected Brian by blaming herself and admitting to hitting his arm, and Brian protected himself by not admitting he hit her at all. Imo
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