Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #33

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At this point, I'm interested in CCTV depicting the red truck w/topper leaving North Port for parts unknown on or about the evening of the 11th and returning on or about the early morning of the 13th.
I'm also interested in CCTV of Brian's route from the crime scene to North Port.
Gonna take some time.
Do you think BL can be charged with interstate transportation of a stolen vehicle and grand theft?

1. First para. are we absolutely sure that the Truck/camper was not away the weekend of the 3-4-5th Sept ? 5th being the Sunday. (or perhaps 4-6th) There was a statement from a neighbour that this was the time the vehicle was away . Then the Purple haired lady butted in. She says the weekend of the 10th. People I believe are recalling a weekend but they are not sure which. The Tenth was the day I believe that Gabby's father was involved in a minor Fracas at the Laundrie house - if that incident were late evening (which I can't verify ) they HAD to be there on the 10th Sept.

The Red Truck is a Red Dodge Ram 1500 approx 2018 build date. They cost around $35.5 K new I believe. I just used Google image search on a decent photo of the Laundrie vehicle to get this information.

If Brian had his personal Cell ph on only intermittently during the trip back there is Sweet Fanny chance of getting TV snaps of the Ford Escort on the way back. We know from other comments that the Gabby P Iphone was turned on and off during the trip (off might NOT be in Aeroplane mode - it is hard to tell but likely yes).

Brian might have left his on because he has to have some corroboration of his trip back when the scheisse hits the fan. Only with Cell tower records of the transit of the van are you going to have a hope in hell of searching CCTV and gas station footage for this vehicle. This technique was used in the Chad Isaak case to catch CI in transit doing the dummy run of the murder day.

Last para . Answer is Yes. Will the charge be made NO. The existing CC charge is only a holding charge. The do not need another holding charge. If old Brian boy manages a Plea bargain on Murder (1) out of Canada , the LE might think up a whole slew of minor charges, add em to the rapsheet and whisper in the beak's ear - "do the right thing and make the penalties consecutive when he gets sentence". That way you could take 35 years to life and turn it into say 48 yrs to life (based on two obvious possible federal charges other than murder).

"Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence are killed. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 95% of assaults on spouses or ex-spouses are committed by men against women. Nearly one-third of the women who seek care from hospital emergency rooms are there for injuries resulting from domestic violence."

I thought part of LE's job description was to prevent crime?

.....and I am going to go out on a limb and say if the Officers actually observed the account of Gabby as the victim they would have proceeded differently. Unfortunately they were not privy to that info and the video I watched was what They observed and she was not the victim in that instance.
They made a decision on the information they had at the time. They had no reference of the prior incidence .
Here is the transcript from one of the 911 calls, they viewed BL as the aggressor.

Full transcript of 911 call received about Gabby Petito before she went missing

CALLER: "Hi, I'm calling... I'm right on the corner of Main Street by Moonflower and we're driving by and I'd like to report a domestic dispute to Florida with a white van with Florida license plate ... gentleman, about 5'6 ..."

DISPATCHER: "Where's it at?"

CALLER: "They just drove off. They're going down Main Street. They made, uh, a right onto Main Street from Moonflower."

DISPATCHER: "And what were they doing?"

CALLER: "What did you say?"

DISPATCHER: "What were they doing?"

CALLER: "Uh, we drove by and the gentleman was slapping the girl."

DISPATCHER: "He was slapping her?"

CALLER: "Yes and then we stopped. They ran up and down the sidewalk. He proceeded to hit her, hopped in the car and they drove off."

DISPATCHER: "Okay you said it's a white van?"
Thanks. The transcript shows us that the caller didn't say that BL was chasing GP.
Strangers are coming together to grieve her death, including a Parrish, Florida, woman who drove about an hour, and gather in front of Brian Laundrie's family home.

“I strongly feel they gave him time to get away. Period. I am so sad," said Terri Desesso, referring to the Laundrie family. They have not recently spoken about the case.
Strangers mourn Gabby Petito |

Gabby Petito: Community mourns loss as authorities search for Laundrie

Manhunt for Brian Laundrie in alligator-infested Florida swampland has cost $1.2million so far | Daily Mail Online
I think they spoke to the witness directly. Then they heard on the scanner a white van and people fitting the description had been pulled over and went to the scene.
There were two witness, one who called the assault in and another who flagged down an officer. Unfortunately, the 911 call went to the county sheriff's office and the officers who pulled Brian over were from Moab PD and were getting their information from the eye witness who had flagged an officer down. This article explains the situation.
Witness describes Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie's Utah fight |
It's possible that BL had no intention of pulling over. They had just got into a physical alteration, he was most likely irate and had lost control of himself. He may have decided to try and out run the cops! C'mon, one doesn't accidentally go 30+mph over the speed limit.

They only pulled over due to GP hitting his arm. He had lost control of himself and Gabby snapped him out of it.

Why his speed didn't warrant a Super Speeder ticket has me baffled...??

At around 9:08, GP is asked about BL’s driving. She explains that she had been yelling at him and then when she saw the lights, She punched him in the arm and called him stupid.

I think if he really wanted to get away via hitchhiking he could have done it. He was picked up twice in the same day, so that wasn't a problem, and both rides seem to be an attempt to get back to the van, not away from it. Even if that meant ditching the van somewhere around Jackson, he could have still hitchhiked or taken the bus from there to get away quietly without a trace. Instead he drove her van and used her debit card all the way with no attempt to cover up or hide anything.
I think it was easy to get rides in Jackson because of the community there. I doubt he would have been able to hitchhike all the way home once he got out of "camping" areas so to speak. MOO
No she didn't and that makes me so mad. I had to leave other social media because people were putting the blame on Gabby. Those people are all foam and no beer, as my grandpa used to say.

Discussing what may have preceded Gabby's death I don't see as victim blaming. Unfortunately, people become quite emotional in these cases and find it hard to see the victim as anything other than perfect. Nobody is perfect.

I think this was a very toxic relationship as a couple of her friends have stated. Obviously he killed and obviously Gabby deserves some justice.

Nobody I've seen has said she deserved to die. I feel that is a given.
Yes, she did say that, among other things. They both seemed to portray (aligned with BOTH witness statements) that putting hands on each other during times of frustration was at least normal enough to speak pretty openly about it. MOO!!!

Putting hands on each other suggests parity.
There was no parity that I could see in that footage we all watched.
One was clearly reactive violence. She is dead.

I think he played games with her head to entertain himself while gaining complete control over her.
Homicide is the ultimate control, is it not?
What if he was running away from her, they both got to the van and that's when he hit her. We can't tell from that 911 call on who was chasing who. JMO.
There were two different witnesses. One saw them running up and down the street and saw him slapping and hitting her. The other witness, Christopher, was the one police spoke to. He was the one who saw Gabby climb through the window and reported Gabby hitting Brian. He told police he never saw him hit her, which is probably why they concluded that she was the aggressor. He never hit her once they got in the van. Both Gabby and Brian said she was hitting him in arm in order to alert him to pull over. That was apparently what led him to hit the curb. Imo
I will say I find it particularly interesting that it was two men who called in to report the dv incident. They were concerned and did something about it. Maybe they weren’t 100% sure of what was happening but they saw enough to think something was amiss. I respect that. Immensely. Meanwhile, at a packed restaurant Gabby is allegedly crying inconsolably while her maniac boyfriend is raging in and out of the place - this according to the multiple women who've come forward about it now. I’m not saying they’re lying, but not one of them was concerned enough about Gabby to call in and report it, nor did they attempt to speak to her woman to woman. They knew it was her boyfriend though. They saw he was in an alleged manic state. It was a busy time of day for the restaurant and not one diner thought anything of this alleged scene. So much for “if you see something, say something.”

/JMO… don’t hate me!
Im still not 100% sold on the restaurant story, idk why
Here is the transcript from one of the 911 calls, they viewed BL as the aggressor.

Full transcript of 911 call received about Gabby Petito before she went missing

CALLER: "Hi, I'm calling... I'm right on the corner of Main Street by Moonflower and we're driving by and I'd like to report a domestic dispute to Florida with a white van with Florida license plate ... gentleman, about 5'6 ..."

DISPATCHER: "Where's it at?"

CALLER: "They just drove off. They're going down Main Street. They made, uh, a right onto Main Street from Moonflower."

DISPATCHER: "And what were they doing?"

CALLER: "What did you say?"

DISPATCHER: "What were they doing?"

CALLER: "Uh, we drove by and the gentleman was slapping the girl."

DISPATCHER: "He was slapping her?"

CALLER: "Yes and then we stopped. They ran up and down the sidewalk. He proceeded to hit her, hopped in the car and they drove off."

DISPATCHER: "Okay you said it's a white van?"
How many times can this possibly be dissected??
I think if he really wanted to get away via hitchhiking he could have done it. He was picked up twice in the same day, so that wasn't a problem, and both rides seem to be an attempt to get back to the van, not away from it. Even if that meant ditching the van somewhere around Jackson, he could have still hitchhiked or taken the bus from there to get away quietly without a trace. Instead he drove her van and used her debit card all the way with no attempt to cover up or hide anything.
This part of the story is really the strangest- What was he actually doing? Did he hike without her for days, then hitchhike back and kill her? If she was already gone, then why go back? He wanted to get back to the van, he then drove it straight to HIS OWN HOUSE and stayed right there. He used her cards as you said. Makes no sense.
It seems as if he perceived or had the instinct that the video would be seen and judged by all.

His perception was correct.

Perception comes from subconscious.

The idea of perception is an interesting topic.

I understand perception as being key to our constant reality. Magic feeds on our perception and the movie our mind creates.
That's probably why their stuff was in a storage unit - but the cost apparently started to bother them (or some other reason came up, to move the stuff back to the garage). BL's RT airfare wasn't that much - but of course, Gabby's hotel bill had to be significant.

None of this adds up to me. I rented a couple of storage units last year and the cost per month was about $100 each. You can generally pay month by month, and unless there are large items of furniture in there it doesn't take two people to unload them. So the cost of BL returning, plus hotel for GP, let's say $500 all told, would have been far greater than the cost of keeping the the unit until, say, Thanksgiving. So I don't doubt they unloaded the storage unit but I very much doubt that was the only, or even primary, reason for his return.
I thought they VERY much wanted to arrest her until the big man on campus showed up and re-centered the situation. My two cents, only.
I have to agree that there was one officer who could benefit from some training or a vacation. I don't live his life and I appreciate the hard work that he does, but he appeared to be closing in on burnout.
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