Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #77

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Jeez guys, SB said that BL was "mourning" the day he went missing, the 13th? Can you imagine how this makes GP's parents, family and friends feel, are you kidding me? She hadn't even been discovered and SB states that? He held the key and they knew it, he ran, they knew something and they let it ride. While she was out there, dead.. I can't. MOO. I was working today so just getting to this now.
He didn't say mourning, but grieving. Very different.
I call BS. How curious that BL’s parts were ID’d AND autopsy completed AND made public in 24 hours. This never happens
IMO it could happen if there’s only a few bones or bone fragments, which is reported to be the case here. They don’t seem to have much to work with, so it wouldn’t have taken long. Jmo
From what I've gathered from the posts & input from everyone in this group, this, to me, is the most likely timeline.

Aug 27 - BL kills GP in a fit of rage. (Not planned.)

Aug 28-29 - BL hikes alone to the Northwest (or hitchhikes)

Aug 29 - BL hitchhikes back to GP (Confirmed by 2 drivers), begins driving home?

Aug 30 - BL begins/continues home. Likely also calls home.

Sept 1 - 11am - BL arrives home. Just to buy himself time to think, talks about a breakup. NOT a crime.

Sept 11 - Gabby’s parents’ freak out; Brian has to talk to his parents to ensure they don’t respond

Sept 11-13 - Brian ends up sharing everything with his parents

Sept 13, PM - Brian leaves home on a “camping trip.”

Sept 13-15 - Brian kills himself.

Sept 14-16 - Parents don’t share Brian is gone because it looks suspicious. They haven’t decided what to do yet so want to buy time & protect him in the meantime

Sept 17 - Parents decide it’s been too long, are worried about Brian. SB suggests his odd parsing of them offering to help with Brian, but NOT with Gabby, as “they are two separate investigations”

Sept 17-Oct 21 - Parents prod LE to keep searching in the place where they eventually find Brian.

Obviously MOO!
I think this is an accurate summation.
All else was just speculation, most of it wildly off-base.
Bethune video went viral the 19th sept. SB said in one of his interviews that he spoke to Brian on the 12th and 13th. But he also said that B went on his hike in the morning... so how early in the morning did SB speak with Brian? jmo
HEY everybody!!! I said wrong date for Bethune Video it was the 19th, I corrected it but don't want anyone thinking it was the 12th. SO SORRY! jmo
Anti Freeze would be a easy purchase in something like this if it was suicide, but who knows, anything is possible when it comes to opinion and speculations. jmo
That’s a really good point, it could have been some kind of intentional poisoning & if so it might be really hard to determine from his condition. Jmo
Personally, I have always surmised that BL was upset with the results of the conversation with SB the day he ran. Perhaps he was being advised to do what so many of us thought he should do - negotiate a plea, give up her location and surrender. Or maybe he just got the facts of life of what he was likely facing in the case against him. But it has always stuck with me hard that the day he speaks with SB is the day he runs.
I assume Nicole Schmidt's plea on the evening of the 12th is what led to him going for a hike the morning of the 13th.

In addition, the van was taken away late on the 11th, and the P family had been texting and calling, and his parents were likely trying to get answers from him. LE had already come to the L house several times. He knew IMO that the jig was up.
Blatant clickbait headline on the part of the news outlet.

"Based on what we know so far… the only exposure, potential liability, would be either after the federal warrant was issued or if there was some assistance given while he was a fugitive," Geragos told Fox News, meaning Laundrie's parents would likely only be accused of a crime for actions committed after the U.S. District Court of Wyoming issued a federal arrest warrant for their son." (BBM)

"Additionally, if Laundrie confessed to his parents "prior to fleeing," that could potentially be "problematic" as well, Geragos said. Such an outcome, however, is purely speculative, the lawyer insisted." (BBM)
A big missing piece of the puzzle here is what was found in Gabby's autopsy.

SB indicated early on that BL wasn't talking because LE tends to look for at SO's in cases like this, which implied BL was innocent and this case was headed towards a "bushy haired stranger" defense.

So now we know BL was upset when he returned to his parents house on Sept. 1 and he was upset after the Bethune video was released and after talking with SB that same day. One of these events led to him heading to the park to kill himself on that particular date.

We also know BL took more than $1000 out of Gabby's accounts - more money than would be needed to buy gasoline/food/even hotel rooms while driving back. What did he do with the rest of the money?

What I would like to know from Gabby's autopsy is if BL's skin/blood/DNA was found in locations on Gabby such as under her nails, on her neck, etc. That information would be very helpful in answering any lingering questions as to exactly what happened to Gabby. I'm frankly surprised this has not been released now that it is known BL is deceased. Hopefully it will be released soon to put to bed any lingering questions.
Which is why the sister said they did not talk about Gabby at the campground!
They all knew!
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Thank you. From your link:

“Based on what we know so far… the only exposure, potential liability, would be either after the federal warrant was issued or if there was some assistance given while he was a fugitive," Geragos told Fox News, meaning Laundrie's parents would likely only be accused of a crime for actions committed after the U.S. District Court of Wyoming issued a federal arrest warrant for their son.

“Early on during this, when people were speculating that [Laundrie's] parents had done various things to assist [Laundrie], they said he was exposed," Gregaros said of the now-deceased fugitive. "And I just thought that was a lot of chatter."

He added that what gives him "pause," however, is Bertolino's statement saying the Laundries informed law enforcement on Tuesday night — a day before law enforcement discovered their son's remains discovered — of their intentions to search the park on Wednesday. Bertolino confirmed at the time that while searching areas that Brian frequented, "some articles belonging to Brian were found."
Forensic Anthropology - Crime Museum
Forensic and physical anthropologists use the same standard techniques but forensic anthropologists use these techniques to identify human remains and detect the presence of crime. Bones can determine age, the time of death and the manner of death.

In reading about this it appears they may need the skull to make this determination.
IMO, thinking they have this since they have teeth to determine it is him.
Have any of you heard of Dr. Doug Owsley or Kari Bruwelheide? They are forensic anthropologists and although I've only read one book of theirs it was amazing at what i learned. They can study your bones and determine if you did lots of physical labor while alive, fascinating stuff.
I believe they would study any bone breakages and try to determine if the damage happened before or after Brian's death.
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