Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #77

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A bullet can also shatter a skull.

Shatter it?

From a distance with a big sized round, maybe. In a suicide, really rare. Unless it was some big huge round - even then, "shatter" (to a forensics person) jeans "break into small fragments." Several bullets needed for that.

Or blunt for trauma, repeated (not a suicide, a smashing).

Guns blow holes in skulls (either ending up with the bullet inside for small caliber) or exiting into the environment otherwise. Exit hole usually bigger than entry - with one side of the skull quite intact (except for a round hole) and other side shattered.

Still can tell was a gun and how close it was to the skull.
I hope the COD is determined, too, but AFAIK, the experts don't have a lot of info, i.e. body, to examine. Of course there certainly could be more than we know, as usual.
Brain tissue, if any, IMO, would be little or no help, seems to me.
If he hung himself, maybe his upper spine and neck area would help.
A bullet to the head would be certain COD, imo, but that should already be apparent. Dunno, but I'm very curious. Very.
I sure hope we find out the details of the examination even if they can't determine COD.

I don't think that any cord he used to hang himself (if that happened) could go unnoticed. We have rope from 100,000 years ago (a little) and tons of rope from 40,000 years ago. Whole point of rope is that it is sturdy. Even if it no longer looks like rope, forensic anthropologists can suss out the DNA or chemicals showing the make-up of the rope (synthetic rope more common these days).

Since we heard that the Laundries might hear today what the CoD is, I'm guessing bullet wound...

In suicides, details are often withheld. I doubt the financial fraud charge will influence that decision much.
Shatter it?

From a distance with a big sized round, maybe. In a suicide, really rare. Unless it was some big huge round - even then, "shatter" (to a forensics person) jeans "break into small fragments." Several bullets needed for that.

Or blunt for trauma, repeated (not a suicide, a smashing).

Guns blow holes in skulls (either ending up with the bullet inside for small caliber) or exiting into the environment otherwise. Exit hole usually bigger than entry - with one side of the skull quite intact (except for a round hole) and other side shattered.

Still can tell was a gun and how close it was to the skull.
Possibly a hollow point bullet ?
FBI must know if he owned a gun or had access to a gun. They aren't going to tell us though. Of, course. jmo
I wish I understood why they share some things & not others! When asked about a gun tonight, the NPPD representative said he doesn't have permission to talk about the other belongings that were found. I wonder why they tell the public about a notebook, but not a weapon? JMO
SB is on Banfield now and the way I understand it, he's saying he was retained by the Laundries on this case on September 11, 2021

I don't think NN goes live on YouTube does it? I'd watch it but don't think I can watch that channel live from the UK
BL was 'upset' when he left the family home on September 13, the family lawyer said on Thursday evening, and his father pleaded with him to stay but could not stop him leaving.

He told his parents that he wanted 'fresh air', and was going for a hike at a nearby nature reserve.

If his father pleaded with him, that suggests he had real concerns for his safety. If so, perhaps his dad could have suggested accompanying him, but there was also the option to notify LE, tell them this and ask if they could look for him.
The Laundries indicated his favorite area, and it was searched. Did LE think of suicide at the outset? I don't think they did, but they certainly could have known much more than we'll ever know, of course. Did cadaver dogs linger in the area but did not alert? Or did they alert early on which would have made LE concentrate on the area and wait for the water to recede? That would make sense to me. Maybe they suspected and used the area for newbie training, etc., knowing that the water would recede.
I know that many of us here were frustrated that they didn't fan out as much as we expected. But we also knew that we didn't know what the investigators knew or at least suspected.
Anyhoo, it's done.

I mean I thought he was gonna off himself immediately when he was reported missing. His actions of running and hiding behind parents show he was completely unwilling to cooperate. I don't see him confessing anything in that notebook or to have ever run and risk having to be captured and charged by LE. He wanted to be ahead... controlling it all no matter what until the end
Still trying to catch up, but that timeline being posted is missing August 31st. People seem to keep forgetting those crucial 24 hours when calculating BL's travel times and activities on his way back home to Florida after GP's alleged murder.

On Aug 31st, I believe, there was a sighting of him at two gas stations in Benton Illinois, using Gabby's debit card fraudulently.

It was originally reported at I remember reading the short article. Unfortunately it only keeps 25 articles archived on its webpage at a time. So I can't link to it now. However I did find this reference to it:

Reports: Laundrie credit card purchases possibly linked to Benton, IL gas station - NewsBreak

Also Gray Hughes discussed it in more detail on his live show. He had a direct source who apparently worked at one of the gas stations the FBI was getting the surveillance footage from.

This sighting has been talked about on the threads previously already, but I don't know if I'm allowed to link to GH's youtube vlog on this or not.

So perhaps we should view it as unconfirmed at this point until the FBI releases some kind of final report.

Never-the-less, let's not forget August 31st on Brian Laundrie's timeline.
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