Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #77

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I wish I understood why they share some things & not others! When asked about a gun tonight, the NPPD representative said he doesn't have permission to talk about the other belongings that were found. I wonder why they tell the public about a notebook, but not a weapon? JMO
Maybe that's all they found and don't want to tell us that yet. JMO.
Is he distancing himself from his clients today??
I'm kind of distracted because there's some kind of live music event in our community and it's driving me nuts, even with the doors closed :eek: but...there was a long pause when AB asked if the Laundries were told (by BL) what had happened to GP. He then went on to talk about privilege and went as far as to say he didn't KNOW what RL and ChL knew. (Hope I have all that right!)
One of the many elements in this case that is so unsettling.
How much did certain people know and when ?
I'd expect LE to be sifting through phone records and gps logs to see who said/texted what and who drove where.
A question : Did anyone visit Brian while he was in the preserve and how often ?
How did CL know where to find this specific bag when trained searchers missed it ?
I'm assuming the bag was on dry land --was it ever submerged ?
Or just BL's remains ?
Assuming the bag was a distance from the bag, notebook, and any other of Brian's items.
I can't wait to see the TV show they will eventually make about this. Be it Forensic Files, See No Evil, Dateline etc...It'll be interesting I bet.
BL was 'upset' when he left the family home on September 13, the family lawyer said on Thursday evening, and his father pleaded with him to stay but could not stop him leaving.

He told his parents that he wanted 'fresh air', and was going for a hike at a nearby nature reserve.

If his father pleaded with him, that suggests he had real concerns for his safety. If so, perhaps his dad could have suggested accompanying him, but there was also the option to notify LE, tell them this and ask if they could look for him.

Nothing was stopping the Laundrie parents from getting in their truck and following him
Maybe that's all they found and don't want to tell us that yet. JMO.
That could be the case, true. Hadn't thought of that. They're under a lot of heat so they maybe don't want to say something like (pure speculative scenario here, on my part), *we know it was a gunshot but we haven't found the gun yet*... wouldn't be a great look. JMO
I tried to keep track of the cadaver dog searches - and none were near where BL was found - they were farther north, and in deeper, interlocking waters. I don't know why.

In one of the SB quotes today he said that the water where BL was found 'was previously 3 feet deep'

Do alligators dwell in water that is only 3 feet deep? I think it was Florida Girl & an expert on TV a couple of weeks ago who both said that was not the case. Deeper water areas of the Reserve
A bullet can also shatter a skull.
I think that if that had happened, the coroner would not have said that both the manner and cause of death were undetermined.

I mean, they still might not know the manner, though of course suicide seems likely. But if his skull had been shattered by a bullet, my guess is that that would have been apparent and that might've been mentioned as the cause of death.

A reporter went to where they found his body. If you scroll down a bit, you can see a photo

Brian Laundrie was 'grieving' when he vanished, before Petito found dead, lawyer says: LIVE UPDATES

And here's the orange spray paint again that we saw in the area where Gabby was found.

Someone posted many threads ago that the orange spray paint marks were calibration points for a 3D scene re-creation program, but in this instance it was just to show where the remains were found.
I don't think NN goes live on YouTube does it? I'd watch it but don't think I can watch that channel live from the UK
During the Watts case I used to recap Ashleigh. I can do it tonight for ya! I'll keep editing this comment :) (parentheses MOO)

A: When did u become involved with the L's pertaining to this case:
S: Sept 11 (seems unsure)
A: So you didn't talk to them from Sept 1st-Sept 11th?
S: That's privileged info...I didn't say that, you asked me when I became involved in this case and it was Sept 11th. (...)
A: But you weren't retained as counsel till the 11th so anything before that wouldn't be privileged?
S: Not true, anything we say with respect to legal matters is privileged
A: How did u first connect w the Laundries after Brian returned on the 1st?
S: Everything is confidential and I can't speak about that.
A: How was Roberta reacting to your conversations?
S: I can't tell you much but she's been distraught and grieving.
A: bla bla bla
S: I can't discuss anything prior to Sept 11.
A: So did you have good conversations with the 3 of them on the 12th and 13th?
S: I had private conversations with all three, I had an understanding of how the house was functioning. There were some convos with all 3 together. ( sounds like they were talking a lot)
A: When you spoke to Brian was he suicidal?
S: He seemed alert and responsive, I spoke to Roberta about 45 minutes ago about this and she said how does anyone know what's going on inside? He didn't seem suicidal and the parents didn't think he was either.
A: So was he grieving over the death of Gabby?
S: A poor choice of words on my part, he was upset.
A: Did Brian know Gabby was dead
S: Confidential info, can't answer
A: Did Brian kill Gabby
S: I can't say he did or didn't I'm sure the FBI may be able to fill those answers in at a different time.
Did Chris and Roberta know their son killed Gabby?
S: I don't know what their son told them
A: What was in the notebook?
S: Not sure could be a suicide note, drawrings, not sure.
A: Could there be a confession?
S: Nothing would surprise me with this case, even the fact Chris and Roberta were the ones to find the items, there have been so many twists and turns, I don't think anything would surprise me.
A: Did Brian have any substances with him?
S: Not that I know of prescribed or otherwise
A: What was in the backpack?
S: No one knows
(a bunch of questions about timeline, and Steve saying everything was crazy and everyone made mistakes about days. ...Steve is going on and on and on about when B was reported missing, FBI said he was missing, he said they were missing, FBI came to the L's, ...OMG I don't even know. Steve needs to stop talking. He's saying someone else besides the parents or him reported Brian missing? I don't know what he's trying to say. He's trying to cover his behind)
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SB admits (?) that the press's comments about the Mustang being in the driveway on Wednesday is what prompted the reexamination of the timeline re: going into the reserve, them going to look, bringing the car back, etc.

AB says she struggles with this timeline alteration/change.
Following up on a question I had posted in a prior thread.. has anyone asked SB about the police report of a "suspicious incident" involving the Laundrie family at 11:30 pm on Sept 18? Any developments on that at all? Incident report No. 21-054246.


Was that day someone called in possible gunshots were heard? FBI raced over and determined it was nothing?
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