Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams & Liberty (Libby) German - The Delphi Murders - #151 *ARREST*

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I missed the PC as was late for my break. Thank you for the updates, so glad the right person has been caught. I'm pretty sure they have the BG as no arrests at all in the last 5 years until now, they must have some strong evidence. Well done Delphi PD.
Just my very humble opinion here. Reflecting on the PC of April 22, 2019 and subsequent interviews with TL and DC, I feel very, VERY strongly that they’ve known since that time. I think they have been very thoughtful in their comments, perhaps keeping RMA from acting out again. Likely very clandestine surveillance until they could put the pieces together to prove probable cause. NO ONE wants someone like RMA to get off due to rushed or shoddy police work.
DC and TL are my kind of LE. Kudos to them! I have no doubt that the families of Abby and Libby have nothing but respect for these fine men and their extended staff. They have mine too!! ❤️
HLN is showing photos of the time period surrounding the search (October 13) warrant on the home. They removed bundles of something (neighbor couldn't tell but thought it could be clothing), and a Macy's shopping bag. They also searched the backyard, to include a shed.

They also towed his car after apparently showing him a warrant (a piece of paper was shown to him before the tow truck left).
So nearly 2 weeks before they arrested him they did the search. Amazing that this was leaked. I will be interested to know what he did during those 2 weeks? Worked and went about life as normal? This is very interesting.
I don’t believe he was in this alone. I have a feeling LE knows there is more to come. Much more.
Sadly, incredibly, I think you’re right. I am also wondering if there’s any evidence of other past crimes that they’re trying to link RA to. Hasn’t it been long thought that the perpetrator had to have had experience? That it couldn’t have been his first time?
"Today is the day."

Indiana State Police has announced the arrest of 50-year-old Delphi resident Richard Allen for the murders of 13-year-old Abigail “Abby” Williams and 14-year-old Liberty “Libby” German in 2017.

"I know that today's announcement will not diminish your resolve, but I hope you've found just a bit of peace in this most complicated world," ISP Superintendent Doug Carter said to the families of Abby Williams and Libby German.


READ MORE: Delphi man arrested for murder of Abby Williams and Libby German in 2017
I don't remember LE saying that, but that's been my hunch for a long time. I think humiliating and disturbing "visuals" matter to the perp(s).
The idea that the perpetrator took photos of the scene comes from an interpretation of information laid out in the search warrant for RL's property (the type of things that were listed as being searched for). It's not confirmed that this happened. But I agree, humiliating and disturbing visuals probably did matter to this killer, whether or not he did what people are speculating about based on the warrant.
HLN is showing photos of the time period surrounding the search (October 13) warrant on the home. They removed bundles of something (neighbor couldn't tell but thought it could be clothing), and a Macy's shopping bag. They also searched the backyard, to include a shed.

They also towed his car after apparently showing him a warrant (a piece of paper was shown to him before the tow truck left).
What kind of car does he have?
Awe, I was looking forward to your transcript. I thought maybe there was a nugget hidden between the lines. I appreciate your hard work.

If there was just a hint of something I would have done one. Not sure the last time, if ever, I've seen a presser that was just totally pointless in regards to sharing some info.
When case watchers don't get the info they expect, there's often an assumption LE doesn't have a good case or LE doesn't really know what they're doing, or evidence is weak, etc. etc.

Keeping affidavits sealed is not done because a case is "weak." It's done because the public is not yet entitled to the information.

When they say they're protecting the integrity of the case, it means not just for today, but they're thinking way in advance, even to inevitable appeals after a successful conviction. They want to ensure, to the extent they can, the defendant gets a fair trial, with as few errors as possible, so they will make sure he's put away forever.

The public always wants more information...always. LE & the DA want and need to successfully solve and then prosecute cases. Those who have followed cases before know the drill. They'll disclose as little information as they have to, for as long as they can.
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