ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 9

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When I try to imagine this terrible crime in my head, I just don’t understand how one person (assuming it’s one) can stab 4 people without others in the house not being alerted. I would assume there would be a lot of yelling or screaming? If M and her boyfriend were sleeping in the same room and one is stabbed, how is the other not awakened and screaming/fighting back/running for the door? Wouldn’t it be hard to subdue 2 people by yourself especially if one is male? And then no one else in the house hears anything while he’s attacking his first victims? I just can’t figure this out.
Intoxicated people sleep hard. We don’t know that there was yelling. Slit throat. Victim fights for life but top priority isn’t to try to yell. They are focused on trying to defend themselves. LE stated some of them had defensive wounds. So assuming that means some did not. One or more may have been fatally wounded before they could even defend themselves.
are there apartment complexes by the DDS? i imagine they may have friends that could be living in complexes by that. that would be super interesting to look at, though.
I guess this is hypothetically possible, but not likely tbh.
NB: I am a GenX latchkey kid. I lost my keys I don’t know how many times! But I almost always found a way into my house, whether climbing up the carport and wedging open the window over the kitchen sink with the shoehorn I used to jam my feet into my cheerleading shoes or punching out a screen and using a splinetool to put it back in order before my parents got home.

I am trying to square some data points, including:

*surviving roommates called friends/family of the victims before calling 911.

*multiple people spoke to 911.

*E’s parents said he was found in “the hallway.” Other reports say that all were in beds.

*a ladder was seen in photos at the scene.

*The 911 call has not been released. It may, therefore, contain data that LE does not want to be released.

Here’s a scenario that squares all of this data:

Surviving roommates awaken. A dog may be barking, a phone may be ringing, etc. They begin knocking on their roommates’ doors, but there is no response. They might try calling or texting their roommates. No response. They start yelling through the doors, no response. What to do? Certainly no reason to think anything nefarious, but concerned, nonetheless. Maybe they start reaching out to friends who also try calling and texting the roommates. But there is no response.

So the surviving roommates start trying to get the doors open. Depending on the door lock, it could be a turn lock on one side with a keyhole on the other or a button lock with a hole on the other side.

They can’t get it open, so they ask for in person help. (Got a ladder so we can reach the window? Can you get the door open without breaking the frame?).

Friends/family come. One with a ladder can peek through a window and sees E lying on the floor, but they can’t see much.

Discussion ensues, and the surviving roommates call 911. They explain the morning’s events. They put ladder guy on the phone.

The police come post haste and burst through the locked doors. The devastating crime scenes are revealed.

The police do not want the public to know that the doors were locked. Since it was revealed on the 911 tape, it is not released.

E’s parents are told that he was not in a bed but in “the hallway.” We take that to mean that he was outside of the bedroom, when in fact, he is within the bedroom, just not on the bed but by the door.

What say you, WS’s?
And would indicate no blood on floor, at least in second floor hallway.
These are just some of my thoughts based on what police have said and the fact that the crime scene was described as sloppy and here we are 9 days after the murders and the crime scene is STILL being processed.

There are RUMORS about the crime scene photos. I can't describe this as anything other than rumors as we all know how Nancy Grace can be...inaccurate. Also, none of the victims in this case were sexually assaulted. University Of Idaho Slayings Crime Scene Photos Like Ted Bundy's Dorm Massacre, Nancy Grace Reveals

However we have this statement from the Moscow Police Chief: "You're seeing things humans probably shouldn't see" said Moscow Police Chief John Fry. That statement seems to allude to something much, much worse than what has been described to the public thus far. 'You're seeing things that humans probably shouldn't see': Killings of 4 UI students leave mental toll on officers

There are other statements;
  • 'We have investigators who have been on the job for 20, even 30, years, and they say they have never seen anything like this,' one police source said
  • 'There was blood everywhere,' said one source close to the investigation.

And I started thinking about this case in Florida in 1990 that inspired the movie "Scream" and a KaBar knife was also used in that case. Danny Rolling - Wikipedia

Scream 6 is being filmed right now and has been in the news. Could some unbalanced person have read about that, tied it back to the Rolling murders and acted upon a sick fantasy?

The thing about this house is that the back of the house is very visible from the parking lot of the apartments beside it. The parking lot would be a perfect location for observing what was going on in the house. And I think we are all aware that those Venetian blinds don't really provide much privacy. If they are turned up you can still see in from below. If they are turned down, you can still see in from above. If you are close to the windows you can look right through the holes that the cords are threaded through.

All JMO, only.
I just don't agree that someone who commits a crime this horrific can not blend back into society. I choose Ed Kemper as one of many examples. They are in fact damaged. They are just getting smarter. Thankfully LE is smarter also. mmo jmo yrmv
"No-one that kills 4 people will be able to function normally and stay hidden - they are too damaged." You are applying your own morals to this. You couldn't be undamaged. A sociopath can be undamaged by what he did.
With his technology, he can apparently create manually made data boxes that he can hover over certain residences and businesses. Boxes were said to be roughly 50-100ft. So supposedly it’s very accurate
Depends on location services selected and apps etc. If logged in and app has location services, your location is tracked to 10-20 ft. Apps can use wifi locations and gps Stores track blue tooth and wifi Mac address and depend on third party services to provide information on who you are. Stores might want to track how much a person visits a store and where they look in the store.
Apologize for replying to myself. One thing I find interesting in this dialogue with Snell happens when he’s asked if they still think this is a targeted event. One of the reasons he indicated is the autopsy report. That’s just one of several he mentioned, but we’ve heard all the others before, but not this. Why would the autopsy report show targeted? Number of stab wounds?
I have read of stabbing deaths in which the murderer has carved something (initials, a word or two, etc) into the skin of their victim. Perhaps this was the case, in which I would think that it would be noted in the autopsy.
Maybe this has already been mentioned as it’s hard keeping up…. Isn’t it a little strange that no reward has been offered for information, etc. by the Moscow police or family members, etc. Is it possible police know who did this and are building an iron clad case before an arrest... Thoughts?
Now that I see they have taken a lot of boxes out of the house today, more makes sense. IMO, no reward has been offered because LE has not finished their investigation. Once they go through everything and if they end up at a standstill, that is often when rewards are offered, imo.

It also makes sense, assuming they have been assembling things in the boxes for this entire time, that there is a lot of pieces of information that haven't been able to put together yet.

Example that has no basis in fact: Finding something in one room that might seem suspicious, because it really belongs in another room. The fact that it was in the house is not unusual, but the location of the item is, unless they find a valid reason the item is there with information they get elsewhere in the house.

It's a giant puzzle with pieces that might eventually make sense once it is all mapped out, but until then is just jumbled disarray. Logging everything they take, exactly where it was, taking pictures is all very time consuming if it is done correctly, and I have to say the people doing this might need a few (maybe long) breaks. This isn't Los Angeles or New York. And sometimes you have to get items away from the site and maybe even have another set of eyes looking at it that hasn't seen the original crime scene. JMO, as always.
I agree. While it's tempting to think of this as some sort of creep/stalker with a situation gone wrong, it seems more of a "rage" killing, IMO. Especially with no (reported) signs of sexual assault. Idk. Unless it was supposed to be a different kind of crime and then E/X interfered, the "plan" wasn't panning out, etc. I also find it hard to believe it was a burglary gone wrong. I think there have been some examples cited of burglaries gone wrong that led to murder, but this just seems over the top for that to have been the case. It had to have been a really messed up burglar. MOO
I agree. While it's tempting to think of this as some sort of creep/stalker with a situation gone wrong, it seems more of a "rage" killing, IMO. Especially with no (reported) signs of sexual assault. Idk. Unless it was supposed to be a different kind of crime and then E/X interfered, the "plan" wasn't panning out, etc. I also find it hard to believe it was a burglary gone wrong. I think there have been some examples cited of burglaries gone wrong that led to murder, but this just seems over the top for that to have been the case. It had to have been a really messed up burglar. MOO
Maybe the girls came back with perp and the couple got home at the same time around 1:45am. (Perp parks up top, so knows house) The couple saw the killer or could identify him. The girls go upstairs with the perp to hangout. The couple goes to bed. The perp starts acting strange, so one of the girls calls ex boyfriend ( from 2 different phones) in panic or to get help. Girls get killed. Perp has to kill couple because he can be identified, so kills them in sleep. Other roommates never saw the perp so he does not bother with them. Drug tox will be interesting and insightful. That’s my guess.
And regarding the murder weapon ... obviously the perp knew how to use it (possibly worked on a ranch, farm) and/or hunted (boar, deer, wolf) but if LE described it as a "relic" that suggests it's an older version (WWII, Navy, Marines) it then could be a weapon of convenience as opposed to choice (if the perp had access to older ex-military family/friends) and especially if the perp was not old enough to purchase a gun or whose background report would not clear for the purchase or who had enough intellect to know bullets are more traceable. The fact LE says no sexual assault took place strikes me as odd given the implied crime scene, suggesting the perp may not have experienced the stereotypical childhood psych or sexual abuse often associated with serial/mass murderers. Is there a reason LE seems to think the perp is a man? If it's true that the perp locked the bedroom doors, that detail feels more like something a female would do as opposed to a male.
Regarding suspects ... I understand that the white hoodie guy in the food truck video was cleared. What about the guy one of the girls hugs? And the larger guy with him who you can only see from the back? Then there's the older? man in the camo jacket behind them seemingly texting. Why haven't we heard anything about them being cleared? Or have we? This link shows the footage: Police seek ‘Rambo’-style knife in probe of Idaho student murders: report
For the police to mention and list all of the people WHOM ARE NOT suspects would take an incredible amount of time. Also if no one is a suspect, everyone is a suspect. Even the ones LE has cleared.

The clientele does not appear to be collegiate.

Maybe late at night it's a different story? Otherwise I wonder why this would be their bar of choice.


Looks like a bit of both. You can see the guys with their backs to the picture have fraternity letters on them.
Yes after hours and game days are huge. Typically standing room only.
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