Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #159

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This is in regards to a video recording of him saying those words, to which, at this point, there is no video of. If there were he would have been arrested long ago.
We do not know what the video shows, no official papers have told us. Just because the footage isn’t clear or doesn’t show his face or any more useful identifiers, doesn’t mean he definitely isn’t shown producing the audio heard
Here is a pic of a 9mm p226 (one of mine) with extractor engaging a dummy round just for reference. IMO the quality of the match cannot be known by us; just the conclusion a match was determined by the examiner which supports the PCA. The defense would likely make attacks on the process and the conclusion.
Of course they will attack the findings, it's their job to vigorously defend RA, whether or not I hate his rotten guts.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">NEW FBI response: <br> “As stated in the past this is a complex multi-agency investigation. The implication that an alleged clerical error by an FBI employee caused years of delay in identifying this defendant is misleading. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Angela Ganote (@angelaganote) <a href=" ">December 1, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
This is in regards to a video recording of him saying those words, to which, at this point, there is no video of. If there were he would have been arrested long ago.
As in a clear shot of his face? Oh yeah, for sure! (……..I hope)

I've been thinking for a while now that he knew the layout well and had walked not only the bridge, but the path down, and around the area down there. I think he also checked out the cemetery as he apparently decided to park the car a ways down and walk through it to get to his car. I think he had a really good idea of that area before this went down and that it wasn't his first trip out there. With all that said, it leads me to believe this was a planned attack. Maybe not Abby and Libby specifically (although I'm not ruling that out), but it just feels planned from what little I know from the PCA.

All MOO.

Agree … this was his turf & he knew just what evil he was there to do… the PCA descriptions of him stalking around glaring at people & finally walking out bloody… eeeeek chilling.

How could this normal-seeming “helpful” family man have so much rage & loathing in his heart for two innocent girls? No crim record at all …. was this a depraved break with the rest of his life??

Eta actual reply
Awesome this video is really helpful would recommend to every one with questions about the layout. It's crazy how much closer everything looks together than i had imagined it. Its not a long tail and you can easily see the bridge from the cemetery (might be different at ground level).

Does look like you *Could* walk across the creek with 2 captives. A little tricky but doable. This was a really ballsy attack though much more open than i thought. Was this super meticulously planned or was it a super rash, impulsive, aided by liquid courage, and lucky (from RAs point of view) I'm beginning to think it one of those two extremes and not something in between.
Obviously the KK aspect makes us think there was something more planned. We won't know that until trial. Without that it would be a matter of someone "hunting".

I would imagine the first set of girls were too risky, and they were apparently in the middle of the bridge, lucky for them.(think about what they've been saying all this time!) He then realized and focused his attention and disgustingly, desires, upon 2 girls who were at the end of the bridge knowing there would be no escape from and that no one else was present. He waited to see what they would do or where they would go and they went the wrong way, which is exactly what he was waiting for and planned on. He must have gotten so excited that he just spazed out and took them to a more secluded area no longer able to control himself or concern himself with the possibility that someone else could be around or hear what was happening, lucky (unfortunately) for him.
3:14 Libby’s dad arrived to pick them up. But he didn’t immediately walk to the bridge.

This website illustrates a good timeline supported by media links.
interesting tidbit from this page relevant to my earlier question. It states

In between the south eastern end of the bridge and the body disposal location there is a shallow section of the creek. This shallow section varies between ankle to knee deep and can be waded through.
The PCA says the male "is seen and heard" telling the girls "guys down the hill"
I wanted to re-read the wording and you're correct, that's exactly what it says.


Re-reading it just made me feel so dang sad all over again. I can't even imagine how terrified they must have been, especially after one of them mentions "gun".

Justice can't come soon enough for these girls.

We do not know what the video shows, no official papers have told us. Just because the footage isn’t clear or doesn’t show his face or any more useful identifiers, doesn’t mean he definitely isn’t shown producing the audio heard
That's correct. I didn't say that was not the case. I said there is nothing that is available to us that shows BG saying the DTH phrase. which is what the original response was about. A poster said they thought he was on video saying that. It is presumed to be be him, which is entirely logical to conclude. Unless I'm not aware, there has been no other video released that shows anything else.
Yeah so we’re in agreement. Bridge Guy isn’t filmed saying anything.
we don't know we just know he is not speaking it the snippet of the video made public. Is the camera pointed elsewhere (or even in a pocket) when he speaks we don't know + or -
The defense claims that RA staying in Delphi assists to explain his innocence when actually he would have been more on the radar if he just up and left Delphi after the murders. Someone skipping town suddenly would draw more attention than staying put.

But I get the lawyer speak.
That's correct. I didn't say that was not the case. I said there is nothing that is available to us that shows BG saying the DTH phrase. which is what the original response was about. A poster said they thought he was on video saying that. It is presumed to be be him, which is entirely logical to conclude. Unless I'm not aware, there has been no other video released that shows anything else.
Ah I misunderstood, apologies

I cannot imagine we will ever see the rest of the video, but perhaps descriptions eventually. I hope it is clear that it is the same man throughout
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