ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 58

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I had thought because he killed 4 that he had killed before and this was escalation.

But on the other hand, the overkill and leaving the knife sheath shows panic and that he didn't really know how to proceed once he actually got into the rooms. Looks like disorganized crime scenes from an amateur
wanna be killer.
Do you know when this is scheduled to air? I didn’t see a date/time… I would like to DVR if you know?

NM — googled it and says it’s supposed to air at 10 PM ET on CBS… However, I’m ET and CBS is not airing the episode in my area until midnight… just in case anyone else is looking for it in the 10 PM timeslot and can’t find it, try midnight.
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Hello all. Long time reader buy made an account because this case hits close to home for a handful
or reasons. I did want to share a story about an incident that happened to me a few years ago just to illustrate that you honestly have NO idea how you would react in this situation and the people criticizing DM are killing me. On what planet does a 19 year old female, living in an extremely safe college town (per LE) think noise at 4am in her shared party house and seeing a man she doesn’t recognize = 4 of my closest friends have just been murdered?

I’m a professional woman in my 40’s (mom, husband, kids) and live in what you would consider an affluent suburb (leaning toward rural with 1+ acre lots) town. A few years ago I went for a run around 10am on a regular Tuesday. I was running down a main road at the edge of town where houses lined one side and forest lined the other. This was not a desolate road, there is traffic and borders a much more populated town.

As i was running a truck pulled up beside me and a somewhat friendly guy asked where the closest gas station. I stood back and told him to follow the road to one or he could turn around and follow another route. He thank me and continued down the road.

I changed direction and headed back on the same road (my planned route) and maybe 5 min later he had done the same and stopped me again. Said he was confused with my directions and asks again to the closest station. I repeated what i said and he thanked me and took off. I thought it was unusual but figured he was flirting or confused and I was on mine 8 and tired - it was late winter and I was getting cold so I was just focused on getting home and warm.

Until half a mile up the road, i saw he had pulled over to the side and was standing standing leaning on the hood of the truck. My initial
thought was sort of ‘huh? wonder why he stopped again?’ I wasn’t exactly scared, but it made me nervous. I crossed to the other side of the road and there happened to be a street into a neighborhood that I took instead of staying straight and running by him. I looked at him as I turned and he looked at me, waved and said ‘hey, good to see you again’. The neighborhood houses didn’t start for a bit so the road in was just woods. I looked back once i was in the sidestreet and he was back in his truck slowly following me.

At this point I knew this was not normal but I was confused and my mind sort of went blank because I couldn’t understand why someone would follow me. It didn’t make any sense to me. I was running like I always do. I sort of froze there in the middle of the street looking at him and trying to understand what was going on. He stopped the truck, got out, and started to jog towards me and by that point I was terrified and my mind just told me to RUN.
He followed me down the street and though one yard, maybe two, then stopped. I ran through a few more and then stopped and hid in a child’s playhouse in someone’s back yard. At that point I called my husbands cell which went to voicemail so I left him a sobbing message that I was chased and scared and didn’t know what to do. I waited in that little house freezing my *advertiser censored* off and scared out of mind for about an hour and then I ran home and locked myself inside. I look back at that day and can’t understand why I didn’t take a picture of the truck and license plate or call 911 or scream or bang on someone’s door. Even when I was hiding in the playhouse terrified my mind kept questioning if I made up with happened or it wasn’t as scary as I had thought. Maybe the guy just needed directions? The idea that someone may have been trying to take me or hurt me is just so hard for me to wrap my head around. It doesn’t ‘fit’ into my life. I ended up reporting the incident to the police but was beyond humiliated that I couldn’t think more clearly or strategically in the moment.

So, please be gentle to DM. We know a tiny portion of what happened that night and we should all hope to god we never experience a fraction of what she has had - and will have to process.
Oh my, I am so glad you are okay. Bolded, Amen
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So we really don’t know if he targeted the house for one of the victims or the house itself (easy to get into from sliding door, lots of coming/goings, parties). I go back and forth depending on what I read.

But, if he just wanted to kill and/or rape someone, why would he go into a house with 6 occupants? Wouldn’t it be easier to find a young woman who lived by herself or with a roommate in an apartment? Going into a house with 6 roommates is just insane.

Wanted to hit the record books and be famous.

My main guess.

Wanted to skip the steps where one learns a profession or a subject and gets credit that way. Very few people get much credit for that, but criminals get lots of publicity. I think his mind is set up to think that way.
Huh, the one that was at his hearing isn't his attorney anymore?
That's my question. Was watching the news with my mom and I rewinded to hear it again. Knowing the news these days, it could have been a reference to BK having a different attorney in ID than the one he had in PA. It's maddening how these newscasts snip things to the point of possible misinformation. JMO
Don't know how I missed this link first time around.
It's very Bryan K

As a teenager
'Bryan Kohberger allegedly attempted to punch through an "unbreakable" glass window a salesman was showing his neighbor..........

She tells us Kohberger wasn't able to break the glass'

link is 31st December

Do you know when this is scheduled to air? I didn’t see a date/time… I would like to DVR if you know?

NM — googled it and says it’s supposed to air at 10 PM ET on CBS… However, I’m ET and CBS is not airing the episode in my area until midnight… just in case anyone else is looking for it in the 10 PM timeslot and can’t find it, try midnight.
tonite 10pm east
Sorry but can someone bring me up to speed on BK's new public defender? Heard on NBC TV news that he got one.
Poor sources, but here is the NY POST article, and her name is on the court order appointing a public defender. I am still learning of "good sources" but this Independent UK article includes helpful background. I did not google around to learn but there are confirmed photos of her at the crime scene too.

Anne Taylor has been working for Kootenai County for the last 19 years and was given the top job in the public defender’s office in 2017, reported the Daily Mail.

The 57-year-old attorney previously worked on the high-profile case of Jonathan Ellington, who was accused of running his car over a woman.

While he was initially sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment, she helped in overturning the case, after she established “false testimony” had been given by an Idaho police officer.
This says 10/ 9 Central Time

I’m in Colorado ( Mountain Time) and my online TV Guide says 9:00
for me.

Thanks to you both!

A friendly tip for others:
Advertised that it’s supposed to air at 10 PM ET on CBS, However, I’m ET and CBS is not airing the episode in my area until midnight… not sure why, but just in case anyone else is looking for it in the 10 PM timeslot and can’t find it, try midnight. :)
An irrelative question. I jump back into websleuth again after taking a break for 4 years. I read the news LE broke windows and doors to arrest BK. But do they really just that dramatic? I though the dramatic scene we see in movies are for visual effects only. Can they just knock the door and ask him to step out (with guns pointing at the doors). Who will pay the fees to fix the damages?
I was trying to determine if it was a normal thing because I was wondering if someone other than X might have ordered the food. I was not attacking the behavior of ordering food. JMO

Good point. I also wondered if BK sent food there to distract X while he snuck into the sliding glass door in the back. But I'm sure X's app to DoorDash would show if she placed it or not.
Sorry if my response came across harshly directed at you that wasn't my intent. I'm angry at BK for taking away these people's lives.
Question for the legal eagles among us. Are public defenders given budgets? Since they are appointed to represent "indigent" defendants, who pays for expert witnesses, crime scene analysts, private investigators, etc.?

Thanks in advance for any assistance or guidance to resources I could study.
I swear I was going to post that BK reminded me of a cross between Brian Laundrie and the character Riffraff from The Rocky Horror Picture Show film (played by Bristish actor Richard Obrien) a few days ago when OPs were giving opinions on BK/s looks or who he remined them of, before I saw this article just now!

"IDAHO murders suspect Bryan Kohberger has shown eerie similarities to “charming narcissist” Brian Laundrie, a body language expert has said."

Eerie similarities between Idaho suspect and Brian Laundrie revealed by expert



Riff Raff


Just MOO
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I had thought because he killed 4 that he had killed before and this was escalation.

But on the other hand, the overkill and leaving the knife sheath shows panic and that he didn't really know how to proceed once he actually got into the rooms. Looks like disorganized crime scenes from an amateur
wanna be killer.
Certainly lots of that are likely.
But I think we can't exclude that he may have expected one person in each room. That would mean he may have assumed lower threat to his person and his control of evidence if he had expected sleeping petite females -- one person in each room -- to murder. Two people per room means likely more noise and shouts, thus higher likelihood of other housemates being roused as well.

It may well be that this is why he dropped and was not able to retrieve knife sheath, why he may have noticed surviving room mate and yet being focused on getting out.
The threads have been flying for days. I haven't seen this discussed. I certainly could have missed it. If true, the final nail IMO.

According to Nancy Grace, in Pennsylvania trash “they found
discarded items that match back to the Sheath that was left beside one of the dead…..”

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