ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 58

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I think it was very personal against one of the girls. But I can't imagine stalking (imo) as he did for so many trips near the house, how could a grown man be so infuriated by a rejection? Especially if there never had been a relationship except maybe in his own mind. I'm lost on how this could fester in someone way beyond his teens.

When I was 20, 21 I thought 24 was old. Certainly 28 was really old. When I was 28 my thought was that females that were 20, 21 would have thought I was old and I would not have been infuriated by any type of rejection. He didn't seem to have that same self awareness (I'm not tooting my horn here)
HomeOwners Ins. for Damages to Parents' House, by LE's Entry???
Best bet for BK's parents is latter's home owner's insurance policy
snipped for focus @GOBliaison
Checking a (well, actually, my) HomeOwner's ins policy (in a state other than PA. & likely a different ins. co. than his parents' ins. carrier), if LE serving an arrest warrant, damages or destroys windows and doors, appears imo that homeowner is SoL (not covered, at least not w this particular policy).

Among this particular policy's exclusions: "We do not insure loss caused directly or indirectly by any of the following....
"16. Loss caused by:
"a. The conduct, act, failure to act, or decision of any person, group, organization, or governmental body, whether intentional, wrongful, negligent, or without fault...."
# 16 of 24 exclusions. LoL, but not kidding.

Not possible (for me) to know what BCK's H/O ins policy language is.

As always, welcoming clarification or correction, esp'ly from our legal professionals. imo nmo moo icbw
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I’m a dozen or so pages behind. Things from the PCA that stood out to me:

Suspect vehicle 1 (was there more than 1? I’ve never read a PCA that numbers something if there is only 1)

D.M. did not state that she recognized the male. (I’ve read hundreds of PCAs and legal documents as well as prepared them. I can not understand what they’re getting at with this wording. I’m not implying anything but this wording is intentional and I don’t know what it means.)
An irrelative question. I jump back into websleuth again after taking a break for 4 years. I read the news LE broke windows and doors to arrest BK. But do they really just that dramatic? I though the dramatic scene we see in movies are for visual effects only. Can they just knock the door and ask him to step out (with guns pointing at the doors). Who will pay the fees to fix the damages?
I know someone whose doors and windows were broken in for police to enter to arrest a family member for selling drugs. I believe insurance paid some of the repairs.

BK was a suspected mass murderer on the run from a quadruple homicide.

Dramatic, yes, but necessary. Had they not, he might have been armed and killed officers, and even innocent family.

I’m a dozen or so pages behind. Things from the PCA that stood out to me:

Suspect vehicle 1 (was there more than 1? I’ve never read a PCA that numbers something if there is only 1)

D.M. did not state that she recognized the male. (I’ve read hundreds of PCAs and legal documents as well as prepared them. I can not understand what they’re getting at with this wording. I’m not implying anything but this wording is intentional and I don’t know what it means.)
"D.M. did not state that she recognized the male." means this was not a person she could name- had not seen before and she did not ID the male voice she says she heard
Question for the legal eagles among us. Are public defenders given budgets? Since they are appointed to represent "indigent" defendants, who pays for expert witnesses, crime scene analysts, private investigators, etc.?

Thanks in advance for any assistance or guidance to resources I could study.
I’m sure others will have more cogent answers but I have a friend who is a private criminal defense attorney who is contracted by the state in cases like this. The state pays her an hourly rate because she is qualified and they need her.

JANUARY 7, 2023 / 11:02 PM / CBS NEWS
''CeCe Moore: People are talking about how smart he supposedly is. And I just can't see how that could be true, because any student of forensic science or criminology would have to know that it's virtually impossible not to leave your DNA behind at a very violent, intimate crime scene like this.

CeCe Moore: You know, Ted Bundy thought he was smart. But he wasn't that smart, as it turns out.

After the murders, Roberts says Kohberger appeared disheveled, tired and chattier than usual.

But nothing could prepare Roberts for what he learned of Kohberger's arrest.

Benjamin Roberts: Looking back over the last four months, I feel like there should have been signs that I should have seen. And I didn't ... I was blindsided.

Jason LaBar: This is out of character for Bryan, these allegations.

Monroe County public defender Jason LaBar represented Kohberger before he was extradited to Idaho.

Jason LaBar: The family would want the general public to know that Bryan is a caring son and brother —that's he's responsible, that he is devoted to them.''
I’m a dozen or so pages behind. Things from the PCA that stood out to me:

Suspect vehicle 1 (was there more than 1? I’ve never read a PCA that numbers something if there is only 1)

D.M. did not state that she recognized the male. (I’ve read hundreds of PCAs and legal documents as well as prepared them. I can not understand what they’re getting at with this wording. I’m not implying anything but this wording is intentional and I don’t know what it means.)
Do you mean it makes more sense for the wording to be: DM stated that she did not recognize the male? I agree the wording is either clumsy or intentional.
Is it normal for college kids to order food at 4am?
Yes, and one scenario is being intimate with partner, partner falls asleep, and you are awake and hungry after being intimate. It's easier these days for college students to order DoorDash then to go to kitchen and make a meal or snack. I just wonder if DoorDash delivery person happened to be driving a white car that looked similar to Elantra that cameras picked up around 4AM.
I’m a dozen or so pages behind. Things from the PCA that stood out to me:

Suspect vehicle 1 (was there more than 1? I’ve never read a PCA that numbers something if there is only 1)

D.M. did not state that she recognized the male. (I’ve read hundreds of PCAs and legal documents as well as prepared them. I can not understand what they’re getting at with this wording. I’m not implying anything but this wording is intentional and I don’t know what it means.)
The second item stood out to me as well. If she definitely did not recognize him and said so I would expect "DM stated that she did not recognize the male." Is it possible LE asked if she recognized him and she nodded (as opposed to speaking) in response? That seems very far-fetched to me. But the phrasing is curious.
Question for the legal eagles among us. Are public defenders given budgets? Since they are appointed to represent "indigent" defendants, who pays for expert witnesses, crime scene analysts, private investigators, etc.?

Thanks in advance for any assistance or guidance to resources I could study.
$3.8 million

The public defender budget for fiscal year 2023 is $3.8 million.Oct 20, 2022

Kootenai County conflict attorneys get wage raise - KREM 2​ › article › news › local › idaho › k...

About featured snippets


Public Defense Commission - Idaho Legislature​ › committee › jfac

Feb 14, 2022 — Public Defense Commission. FY 2023 Budget Hearing. February 14, 2022. Legislative Budget Book, 5-77 ...
I’m a dozen or so pages behind. Things from the PCA that stood out to me:

Suspect vehicle 1 (was there more than 1? I’ve never read a PCA that numbers something if there is only 1)
Interesting question!
D.M. did not state that she recognized the male. (I’ve read hundreds of PCAs and legal documents as well as prepared them. I can not understand what they’re getting at with this wording. I’m not implying anything but this wording is intentional and I don’t know what it means.)
Another interesting question!
This one I have been thinking about since the PCA came out. Since they didn't say affirmatively: "D.M. stated that she did not recognize the male." we are left to assume that it's possible she made no mention of it at all. It almost sounds like she just made a statement to LE, but wasn't questioned or specifically asked if she recognized the male.
PCA Said 'Vehicle 1." Why?
I’m a dozen or so pages behind. Things from the PCA that stood out to me:
Suspect vehicle 1 (was there more than 1? I’ve never read a PCA that numbers something if there is only 1)....
Snipped for focus. @iamnotagolem
Imo, simply allows for POSSIBILITY of LE finding/learning [ETA: in the FUTURE] of another vehicle somehow being involved in the crime.

For ex., BCK borrowed friend's vehicle or rented a vehicle which he used before, during, or after crime.
Or a vehicle someone else aiding or abetting in the crimes used.
Or a vehicle that a co-conspirator used.

Holy cow, imagine how confusing it could be if two Elantras were used.

imo jmo moo icbw
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He left not expecting Ethan to be there. After he killed him. He was likely only expecting the girls, so he decided to leave the house in case any other males were around. He took a lot of risks entering a house where multiple people live anyhow.

Just jumping off your post here.

Maybe that's why he didn't do anything to DM IF he even saw her. Not ready to tangle with another unexpected boyfriend - just wanted to GTFO asap.

(I personally don't think he did notice her, but some peeps do.)
Possible IMO. I am trying to think outside of the box

I was long thinking about a potential scenario. Supposedly, BK was driving to Moscow for drugs, or drugs and dating someone? In the area of the party house and frats there probably quite active business. In this situation, switching off the phone is not unlikely. I don’t know what happens, but whatever it is, it renders BK comatose for a while. BK doesn’t know the inhabitants of the house, but the other person does, and has a beef with someone there. An ideal moment - he parks the car next to the house, takes BK’s knife, enters the house, kills whoever he planned to, and maybe, KG as the side victim. Leaves the sheath. Then takes the car with very sleepy BK, drives him around for two hours till he BK up, then brings him back and says, “you made a mess there this night”, I’ll drive you home. BK doesn’t remember what happened, so he accepts the “help” of his “friend”. Next day, he reads about the murders. He tries to get in touch with his “friend”, but that one is less responsive and ultimately, disappears. BK basically has amnesia for that night. Two front seats of Elantra need to be checked for DNA, not BK’s but someone unrelated to him but known in Moscow.

This scenario is lax, but at least considers that the killer had a motive, and targets. BK doesn’t seem to have either.
When I was 20, 21 I thought 24 was old. Certainly 28 was really old. When I was 28 my thought was that females that were 20, 21 would have thought I was old and I would not have been infuriated by any type of rejection. He didn't seem to have that same self awareness (I'm not tooting my horn here)
That could be it. It could also be that he had a very high opinion of himself and expected "college girls" to be very impressed by/attracted to the fact he was a PhD student...instead he made advances at one of them and they were creeped out.

It isn't just they were in their early was they were undergrad students and I think kids in that specific *demographic*/stage in life are mainly interested in each other (i.e. other undergrad students).

I remember being a senior in undergrad and a guy who was in first year law school hitting on me at the library and being put off...this guy would have probably been only 1 year older than me at the time but just the different academic situation made him seem a world away from me (ha ha ironically i went to law school myself the next year...but even then, i remember briefly going out with a guy in first year law who was a year younger than me - he'd skipped a grade in school - and it was fine...but i would have never started dating a guy who was a senior in college, even if he was the same age as the guy who'd i'd dated when i was in first year law).

Anyway...leaving behind my early 20s dating and back to seems he held himself in very high esteem and was potentially misogynistic (going by the reports of him being verbally aggressive to female staffers at a PA restaurant). If he had it in his head that younger women ought to be privileged by his advances and he was shutdown rudely that could have set him off.
"D.M. did not state that she recognized the male." means this was not a person she could name- had not seen before and she did not ID the male voice she says she heard
I would have expected it to say “DM stated she did not recognize the male” so she didn’t state that she recognized him, she didn’t state that that she didn’t recognize him. Just weird wording, again speaking from having prepared many legal documents, we only know what she didn’t say, not what she said. That’s just odd. I don’t think DM IS ANYTHING OTHER THAN A VICTIM. just super confused on why it was worded that way.
FWIW, this is a huge hardship for BK's family. They are victims in this situation. Do they fly to Idaho for each hearing to support their son? Find money for an attorney for him? Which could easily run over a million dollars, especially if this is a death penalty case. I doubt this family has that type of money available.
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