ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 68

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Not to nitpick or split hairs, but: “At least 99.9998% of the male population would be expected to be excluded from the possibility of being the suspect’s biological father…”. That’s a 2 person out of a million possible inclusion.

A little stronger than 99.8% ;)
I figure that once LE arrested BK they had to make sure that his DNA matched rather than his father's DNA. Otherwise I can't imagine BK would have allowed extradition without a fight. JMO
I agree to a large part. The constant resort to "unnamed sources leaves me skeptical. Often times reporters make a statement and then cite "sources say." Reporters frequently cite Twitter or other social media. Everyone should read with skepticism and engage in critical thinking..

As always, depends on the publication. Most need two, verified, corroborating independent sources to go to press. The WSJ, NYTimes, WashingtonPost (there's more too) would much rather lose out on a scoop then go to press and have to apologize.
I figure that once LE arrested BK they had to make sure that his DNA matched rather than his father's DNA. Otherwise I can't imagine BK would have allowed extradition without a fight. JMO
The only grounds he had to fight extradition was that he's not Bryan K. Since we know thats not the case...he was being shipped back to Idaho no matter how little they had on him (and they have a LOT without the dna).

This would be different if he was in a foreign country of course.
Unfortunately this is turning into a prime example why LE should withhold investigative information from the families. It can seem cold but it needs to be done.

The family by all means should be discussing the memory of their loved ones in the media if they so desire, however discussing unreleased evidence even through their attorney isn't really helping anyone or ensuring a successful trial.
Would you please cite what you consider to be information shared by family memebes that would affect a trial? I honestly don’t remember anything of that nature.
Trying to follow this convo but I'm having trouble, because WS. Not sure what you mean. BK waived his right to a speedy trial. Both sides probably welcome that decision. I missed where the prosecution asked for that outcome.

When BK waived his right to a speedy trial, and June 26th was suggested, the prosecution first said that July would work better for them, because of other scheduling issues that they had. Then, the prosecution agreed to June 26. No big deal.

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When BK waived his right to a speedy trial, and June 26th was suggested, the prosecution first said that July would work better for them, because of other scheduling issues that they had. Then, the prosecution agreed to June 26. No big deal.

Ah, thank you! I thought I missed something.
Would you please cite what you consider to be information shared by family memebes that would affect a trial? I honestly don’t remember anything of that nature.
Certainly very hard to say that victims' families should be muzzled. I would certainly have a very hard time keeping quiet if this was done to one of my family members.
Unfortunately this is turning into a prime example why LE should withhold investigative information from the families. It can seem cold but it needs to be done.

The family by all means should be discussing the memory of their loved ones in the media if they so desire, however discussing unreleased evidence even through their attorney isn't really helping anyone or ensuring a successful trial.
Hard to judge all of that out of school. When I lost someone to murder, I wasn't quiet. But that's just me. Not that it did any good since no justice was served. JMO
I would beg to disagree. With the gag order, rightfully being challenged in court, eunor and innuendo will abound.
At the same time. hopefully, more anecdotal or background information will become available.
Otherwise, we are at the mercy of clicbait. IMO
The media and the nation will move on to other crimes until the trial. This happens every time. Every time we all say it's going to be different this time, this case is too special, this case is too weird - but it always happens. Attentions are short and there's only so many times the media can run the same bit players over and over.

Cases should not be tried in the media. That's how you get mistrials and hung juries and issues for appeal. Defendants, even the worst among us, are tried in open court in front of a jury of their peers with the right to confront witnesses against them. That's how it has been and that's how it will continue to be.

There are plenty of interesting and active open cases on WS for when things slow down. Plenty of missing people that need to be identified. Plenty of trials slated for the next year. The work continues!
I think this is one of our more interesting discussion topics. I still have "he targeted no one" on my card, but I also have "he targeted 1 or more specific persons" on my card.

It has troubled me all along that Kaylee left suddenly in the middle of the semester, telling her mother she could do all her capstone courses online (probably true; but when a course starts out on the ground, a student typically has to give a valid reason for changing to online, such as illness or work issues, otherwise students would be in and out of classes, classes would be forced to be hybrids, and the prof would have no control over these behaviors). Typically capstone courses must be in person, unless disability or illness makes it impossible. Anxiety would be a valid reason, for me anyway (it's up to the prof).

She comes back after 10 days with a new car. There was a pre-party at the house on Friday night, AFAIK. I believe BK was coming over to U of ID on weekends frequently, possibly parking in the neighborhood to visit Greek Row. I do not believe that each house on Greek row was completely exclusive to its members, as I've seen instagram photos from several houses that say otherwise. It would have been a good question to ask the Sigma Chi president when he was interviewed by a journalist.

By now, I'm sure LE knows exactly what the situation was with BK and U of ID "stalking" (quotes because he isn't charged with stalking).

I also have "he came to rape and not to kill, at least in his own conscious mind" on my card, but I think that's a distant third.

The interesting discussion is who, exactly, if anyone he targeted. InsideLooking (whose identity is very doubtful; very probably not BK - but possibly is, as the timestamp/travel issue was never worked out here - we don't know what time zone the reddit posts were stamped to, as the timestamp will be the timezone of the person reading and copying reddit, not universal time). But I'll put InsideLooking aside (claims Maddie and Xana were the targets).

If this news that BK was following all three girls is true, then I have that on my card as well (he figured he could enter that house and find at least one of them there). The unnamed source seems to indicate that he was messaging one girl in particular and that it was KG, IIRC.
I have a wild card, too.
Inside looking and Papa Rodger were contacts he made through the survey. MOO
I was just looking at the timeline again and Google maps. It’s interesting to me that he was travelling north on SE Nevada street at 2.44am (away from 270 highway that would take him into Moscow) and then south on the same road at 2.53am. Then I looked at the phone pings and noticed that the phone lost service / was turned off at 2.47am right in between those two times. I wonder whether BK set out on route to Moscow, realised he had forgotten to switch his phone off (to prevent a digital forensic trail) so turned back, stopped his car and turned his phone off, then went back south again on SE Nevada street towards 270 highway. JMO.
I had not heard this before, great catch! That seems strange to go north, then south. It was recently reported that there was an accident near his house. Maybe he had to detour? JMO

“This order is unnecessarily sweeping and broad and severely impedes the public’s understanding of a significant criminal investigation that profoundly impacted the community,” said Josh Hoffner, national news director for The Associated Press.
“Courts across this country are frequently able, even in the highest of high-profile cases, to find ways to balance defendants’ rights with the rights of the public to have vital information. There is no reason why this court can’t do the same,” Shelley said.
“This order is unnecessarily sweeping and broad and severely impedes the public’s understanding of a significant criminal investigation that profoundly impacted the community,” said Josh Hoffner, national news director for The Associated Press.
“Courts across this country are frequently able, even in the highest of high-profile cases, to find ways to balance defendants’ rights with the rights of the public to have vital information. There is no reason why this court can’t do the same,” Shelley said.
Not sure what to think of this but I find it concerning as it throws doubt toward cell tower data:

The affidavit states that on November 13, the day of the killings, Kohberger's cellphone number pinged a cell tower near his apartment at 1630 Northeast Valley Road at 2:42 a.m. At 2:44 a.m., Kohberger was seen on surveillance footage from Washington State University "traveling north on southeast Nevada Street at northeast Stadium Way."

However, Newsweek drove from Kohberger's residence to the street listed in the affidavit, and the trip took just over seven minutes. Other possible routes shown on Google Maps have estimated times of seven to eight minutes.
he drives 3-4x as fast as Newsweek does?
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Would you please cite what you consider to be information shared by family memebes that would affect a trial? I honestly don’t remember anything of that nature.

None of us can say definitively what would or wouldn't affect trial until we have more information about the evidence, but there were things said that I, personally, don't think should have been -- such as KG's wounds being worse than the others, that LE had said only one student was the target, a big battle on the 2nd floor, KG and MM called J a bunch of times, etc.

I feel for the families and believe they should be able to speak out if they want to. I just hope they're getting appropriate guidance. The media has been exploiting them, IMO.

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