UT - Kouri Richins, 33, Author, wife, mom, charged in husband’s unexpected death last year, May 2023 #2

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I've been watching this case casually. Does anyone know what she meant when she said walk the dog? I saw her mom on 48 hours where she said the dog is old. Obviously it's code for something, but what?
I was thinking that she really meant WAG the dog, but got the saying wrong, because, well it's Kouri.

I've been watching this case casually. Does anyone know what she meant when she said walk the dog? I saw her mom on 48 hours where she said the dog is old. Obviously it's code for something, but what?
This is the million dollar question. It's code, but for what?

IMO she was asking mom to evade something, prolly scrutiny of some kind.
I've been watching this case casually. Does anyone know what she meant when she said walk the dog? I saw her mom on 48 hours where she said the dog is old. Obviously it's code for something, but what?
Here's the top of her letter:

From the addendum, "but take vague notes so you remember," my guess is that "walk the dog" means burn this letter after reading.
Here's the top of her letter:
View attachment 486444

From the addendum, "but take vague notes so you remember," my guess is that "walk the dog" means burn this letter after reading.
Yeah, her mom's comments about the dog being old and needing walks was weak. I could see it if the dog needed meds and timed meals, that's something a dog owner would be worked up about.
Here's the top of her letter:
View attachment 486444

From the addendum, "but take vague notes so you remember," my guess is that "walk the dog" means burn this letter after reading.
I think it's just some innocuous phrase that she came up with to use as code. She says it again later in the letter.

I transcribed the entire letter a while back because it's easier for me to read.

Here's the entire letter (grammatical errors and all):

Pg. 1
WALK THE DOG!! But take vague notes so you remember *

Skye is saying even if the gummies have fetanyl [sic] in them the prosecutor will say I tried to put the fetanyl [sic] in the gummies so Eric would have them. Stupid I know but that’s what she’s thinking. We will still test them though. However, she wants to link Eric getting drugs and pills from Mexico so we need some kind of connection. Her private investigator is doing some research on the ranch/cartel place Eric would stay at. Here is what I’m thinking but you have to talk to Ronney. He would probably have to testify to this, but it’s super short not a lot to it. He will need to tell Skye at the meeting next week.

Upon information and belief: (Just like they say)
A year prior to Eric's death, Ronney was over watching football one Sunday and Eric and Ronney were chatting about Eric's Mexico trips. Eric told Ronney he gets pain pills and Fetanyl [sic] from Mexico from the workers at the ranch. Not to tell me because I would get mad because I always said he just gets high every night and won’t help take care of the kids (there are pictures in my phone of Eric passed out on the floor or in the chair. Ronney should have texts from Eric talking about getting high as well). Eric told Ronney he keeps them in an allergy pill bottle in his work truck so I wouldn’t find them. Ronney never told me about the conversation. Eric finally told me and asked if Carmen could get him some. Eric never wanted

Pg. 2
anyone to know he had an issue ecspecially [sic] get caught, he always wanted Kouri to go down for him. When they traveled, Eric would put his drugs in Kouri’s bag at the airlines right before they boarded. That way if they were caught, Kouri got in trouble not him. Once they got to wherever they were going, Eric would pull the drugs out of her bag and it would cause a huge fight. She was pissed he would risk her going to jail for his drug use. He just would laugh about it. Eric couldn’t ruin his image that he had drug issues so he would do whatever he had to. Kouri has never done any type of pills, didn’t like them. Rarely would she consume THC only if Eric begged her because it was a special occasion.

* Reword this however he needs to, to make the point. Just include it all * The connection has to be made with Mexico and drugs. Ronney will have the messages to prove Eric confided in him about getting high. It can be short and to the point but has to be done. Upon information and belief LOL. They never found pain pills or Fetanyl [sic] in my house because he hid it in allergy bottle in work truck. And Cody emptied out work truck within a week. So they were never found.

pg. 3
When you talk to Ronney about this, meet up with him in person. I worry sometimes your house and phone are bugged. Maybe drive down to SL and meet him after work without Bri. Skye has to make the connection between Eric and Mexico because that makes the most sense in her mind. If it’s Ronney’s information and belief about the conversation over football she can use that as a connection. Tell Ronney don’t overanalyze it. It was a quick 2 min. conversation LOL. Tell him I need him to do this. Bring me home and then we will get those damn *advertiser censored*!

Also, please text Lotto. Or call. Tell him do not text me anything about us doing things together ever! Like church, skiing, trips! Nothing that puts us together, it doesn’t look good.

We’re so close to the end. Let’s push through. Have the conversation with Ronney before he meets with Skye. Then tell him to tell Skye at the meeting about the conversation. Hang in there, we’re almost there. Love you to the moon.

*Take vague notes of all this so you remember before you walk the dog.

Pg. 4
I saw a commercial yesterday Utah Mortgage Relief google them please. It’s for people behind on their mortgage. Can you see if they can help at all on Marissa’s house please? We have to get hers, yours, and Chelsea's taken care of ASAP? Try to go to that place in Kamas. What about asking Lotto to do a loan solely in his name and not have you on there. I know he can do a home equity line of credit on his house in hideout. Not sure if he would but I know he has like a million in equity. Maybe he just doesn’t know about a HELOC (home equity). If he wants to help me, taking care of these loans is most important. I don’t give a s*it about the yotels.

Remember I told you, one way to get at Katie, is going through my phone and finding a picture of her girls even with the boys. Print 15 copies and send them out annonymously [sic] to different media companies. Obviously don’t email the pictures so it’s not traceable. She would be LIVID if it got out to the public. You would just have to do it sneakly [sic] and be careful. She would try and trace it back to you. If not, no worries!

Pg. 5
Skye is having the my [sic] girls do the first interview with Good Morning America. Please tell Chelsea to bring up that he hasn’t been to church in the 13 yrs she has known him. And Eric would brag to her about how much he drank and did pills in high school. Tell Kelsey to say “Eric always wanted Kouri to go down for him.” For example he would put drugs in her suitcase when we would travel together so if anyone got caught it was Kouri. He would put it in her bag right before they left the house so Kouri didn’t know. Then when we would land wherever, Eric would take them out of her bag and Kouri would be pissed and they would argue about it. Tell Kelsey to say how Eric didn’t care and would just laugh about it and say, “Well I can’t get in trouble.” As if it was okay that I got in trouble. Have Selma talk about Eric in Spain not being able to drink so he was looking for drugs the entire time. And explain the drink the waitress gave him. And how I called his doctor and went to the pharmacy immediatley [sic]. Have Ali talk about how the sisters have always

Pg. 6
been jealous of me because anything they could do, Kouri could do better. Being a mom, college, stay at home wife until she built a million dollar company. A nice house, car, everything she had, they wanted. This comes down to jealousy, money, and Eric’s partying that they don’t want to acknoledge [sic] and sadly an accidental overdose.

Lastly, don’t forget to work on the gun reciepts [sic]. We want to file charges and let the prosecutor not do anything about it, to use in our defense.

Will you buy a box of Crest White Strips, open them up, put them in an envelope and have Skye give them to me. You can tell her what’s in the envelope, I’m sure she won’t care. I’ll make sure they can’t be found in my cell. My teeth are yellow from so much coffee and tea all day. I love you, I love you, I love you! Hang in there, we’re getting there, slowly. Your [sic] the best mom in the whole world! I’m so lucky to have you!
I've been watching this case casually. Does anyone know what she meant when she said walk the dog? I saw her mom on 48 hours where she said the dog is old. Obviously it's code for something, but what?
The slang dog walk is "to overpower" or "outsmart" someone, as if in utter control of them, as when walking a dog. Or it could be also to walk the dog to go take a …… and get rid of the evidence.
This is only my own opinion of that saying.
I was thinking that she really meant WAG the dog, but got the saying wrong, because, well it's Kouri.

FWIW this is absolutely what I believe Kouri meant, she doesn't seem like a particularly bright bulb.
FWIW this is absolutely what I believe Kouri meant, she doesn't seem like a particularly bright bulb.
That’s the expression, “the tail is wagging the dog”, when you have something inconsequential diverting you from your main goal. I find it hard to imagine an imperative of that idiom. Also, I’m not sure if I could relate that to Kouri’s annotation “Take vague notes so you remember”.

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I watched this last night and was really surprised by how biased it was toward the defense.
I think they were just trying to get both sides of the story - however I think the producers know that the defense “side” shows a lot as well about what the prosecution will present. We all saw through it anyways!
From the article:

KAMAS, Utah — An unsealed search warrant shows Kouri Richins’ mother lost her partner under very similar suspicious circumstances.

The search warrant was served in 2023 just over a year after the death of Eric Richins. Eric Richins died from fentanyl poisoning in May 2022. Kouri Richins is charged with one count of criminal homicide relating to his death.

Death by oxycodone overdose​

In the search warrant, detective Jeff H. O’Driscoll with the Summit County Sheriff’s Office wrote that he discovered the partner of Lisa Darden, Kouri’s mother, died in 2006. Darden’s partner died from an overdose of oxycodone.

O’Driscoll also noted that Darden had been named the partner’s beneficiary just before her death.
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