Found Deceased MN - Madeline Jane Kingsbury, 26, mother of 2, Winona, 31 Mar 2023 *arrest* #2

One tip, according to a search warrant, came in 10 days after Maddi Kingsbury vanished. A neighbor of Fravel's parents told investigators their trail camera captured Fravel riding the family's utility terrain vehicle with a shovel on its bed on the neighbor's property. When investigators seized the vehicle, cadaver dogs alerted to a scent on the shovel. Cadaver dogs, according to the search warrant, are trained to ignore live human and animal scents, and only indicate human remains.

Fravel's family told "48 Hours" that there is an innocent explanation for the dogs. They say Fravel's dad used that shovel to move a dead raccoon the previous weekend.

Fravel is currently being held on a $3 million bail and awaiting trial. "I believe Adam 150% that he is innocent, that he didn't do this," his sister, Theresa Sis Mejía, told "48 Hours." Fravel continues to deny any involvement with Maddi's death and his lawyers are fighting the charges.

Off to watch the show - it's recorded, so I'll fast forward through the Fravel family nonsense.
Maddi Kingsbury is seen with Adam Fravel and her children on daycare surveillance video the morning of March 31, 2023, FRIEND OF MADDI KINGSBURY

Adam Fravel is seen on surveillance video returning to the daycare center alone to pick up the children later in the day, FRIEND OF MADDI KINGSBURY

View attachment 497089
Maddi Kingsbury is seen with Adam Fravel and her children on daycare surveillance video the morning of March 31, 2023, FRIEND OF MADDI KINGSBURY

View attachment 497090
Adam Fravel is seen on surveillance video returning to the daycare center alone to pick up the children later in the day, FRIEND OF MADDI KINGSBURY

From the article, family describes how AF would hover over her.

The photo above, I get that eerie impression. It doesn't require two people to drop off children at daycare. I suspect he was hovering. Purposefully. They were probably deep into an argument already and his control, evident. She looks forced. Working hard not to convey anything that would make him madder.

Really hard to see that photo of her, knowing what was to come. "If I can't have you..."

Wish we could reach into that frame and pull her to safety.

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Adam Fravel is seen on surveillance video returning to the daycare center alone to pick up the children later in the day
My first thought seeing this picture - “the dog knows!”
But really, how insane to think AF just went about his day as previously scheduled after committing such a heinous act. Unimaginable.
My first thought seeing this picture - “the dog knows!”
But really, how insane to think AF just went about his day as previously scheduled after committing such a heinous act. Unimaginable.
Same. Exact. Thought.

Dog did know. Dogs smell death, stress, copper...

Absolutely dastardly man.

Watched the 48 Hours episode last night- really good with a great timeline and synopsis of the publicly-known information.

AF’s family really surprised me with how far they’ve dug in their heels re: his innocence. I do wonder why it’s his siblings talking and no word from his parents. Perhaps they didn’t want to be on camera, but I wonder if they aren’t quite as convinced of his innocence as his siblings.

One question, maybe you all know the answer or have thoughts- the cause of death on Maddi’s death cert was stated as “homicidal violence”. Is it common or at least not uncommon to not have a direct COD ? Homicidal violence seems very broad, but maybe it wasn’t possible to determine exact cause, based on the state of the remains?
That part worried me in terms of the upcoming trial, but maybe it is information investigators didn’t want released until trial to protect the case… although, is that allowed? (To not release specific COD at request of prosecutor/DA?)
His sister really irked me when she said Adam let Maddie finish college. Let her?? Maddie seemed very motivated to get an education and a good job despite having very young children.
Did Adam work? I know they said Maddie was the breadwinner but what did Adam do?
His sister really irked me when she said Adam let Maddie finish college. Let her?? Maddie seemed very motivated to get an education and a good job despite having very young children.
Did Adam work? I know they said Maddie was the breadwinner but what did Adam do?
I’m not sure what he did, his sister said he worked “up until covid” which is when she (sister) implied AF lost or quit his job. I remember earlier on in the case there was the discussion of whether or not he had any job, and that was a potential motive discussed because if she left him, he wouldn’t have any source of income.
APR 29, 2024
He is scheduled to appear for an omnibus hearing at 9:00 a.m. on April 30, in Winona County Court.

APR 30, 2024
This will be the third contested omnibus hearing for Adam Fravel.

This court appearance is in regards to a change of venue.

Fravel’s defense team has made a pre-trial motion to move the jury trial out of Winona County for it to be fair.
I’m not sure what he did, his sister said he worked “up until covid” which is when she (sister) implied AF lost or quit his job. I remember earlier on in the case there was the discussion of whether or not he had any job, and that was a potential motive discussed because if she left him, he wouldn’t have any source of income.
His LinkedIn which ends in April 2020:

APR 30, 2024

Tuesday’s contested omnibus hearing centered around Fravel’s defense team motioning to move the jury trial out of Winona County for it to be fair. The judge overseeing the case, Judge Nancy Buytendorp, has not ruled on any of Fravel’s pre-trial motions but said Tuesday all motions will be ruled on in June.


To drive home their point, the defense conducted a public opinion survey over the phone to 100 Winona County residents. Adams testified the survey has a 90% confidence rate. The survey asked things like if they had seen, heard or read any news coverage on the case. It also provided background on the case and Fravel’s charges. The survey determined there is a high level of awareness and degree of opinion.


Additionally, the defense submitted news coverage of Kingsbury’s case, singling out KTTC. In a previously filed motion, 59 KTTC articles were listed.

“Will be good with whatever decision the judge makes, I think. So, but not a lot to add today, not a lot was done. We were happy to be here,” Kingsbury’s mom Krista Naber said.

APR 30, 2024
The defense also called Winona Mayor Scott Sherman who confirmed that much of the city participated in searches for Kingsbury. Ben Klinger, Emergency Management Coordinator for the County Sheriff’s Department spoke on social media posts about the search which referenced domestic violence and domestic abuse. Madeline’s friends, addressing it after court.

Fravel appeared in court wearing an orange jump suit and glasses. He remains in jail on a $3 million bond without conditions and a $2 million bond with conditions.

Future court dates in this case include:

- May 17th: deadline for defense to submit its brief
- May 31: deadline for state to submit its brief
- June 7th: opportunity for rebuttal
- June 10: court takes arguments under advisement
One hundred people were included in the survey. They were selected to represent the demographics of the county in areas such as location, age and gender.

Of those included in the survey, 89 of them had read, seen or heard a news story about the disappearance of Kingsbury.

Sixty-six of those 89 people said they had formed an opinion, based on the news they had seen, about who was responsible for Kingsbury's death.
Only one of those 66 people did not believe that Fravel caused Kingsbury's death.

The surveyors asked the 89 people who had seen, heard or read a news story about Kingsbury if they or a family member participated in a search or a community event held in honor of Kingsbury.

Nineteen people said they or a family member had participated in a search, while 11 said they or a family member had attended a community event in honor of Kingsbury.

Winona Mayor Scott Sherman took the stand to discuss his involvement in the searches for Kingsbury.

He said most of the people he met on the searches were from outside of Winona County. He recalled speaking to about 16 people and only one of them, he said, was a resident of the county
MAY 17, 2024
Prosecutors in the case against Adam Fravel, who is accused of killing of Winona mother Madeline Kingsbury, filed an opposition to Fravel’s motion to exclude a police interrogation from April 2, 2023.

In January, Fravel filed a motion to exclude the statements he made during an interview just three days after Kingsbury disappeared — claiming that officers never read him a Miranda statement.


The prosecution argued in their response to Fravel that the police department was “simply a place for them to meet” where they could have a more private conversation.

Fravel voluntarily provided the officers with answers to their questions, and it was the officers, not Fravel, that ended the conversation on April 2, 2023, according to the prosecution.

MAY 17, 2024
Prosecutors in the case against Adam Fravel, who is accused of killing of Winona mother Madeline Kingsbury, filed an opposition to Fravel’s motion to exclude a police interrogation from April 2, 2023.

In January, Fravel filed a motion to exclude the statements he made during an interview just three days after Kingsbury disappeared — claiming that officers never read him a Miranda statement.


The prosecution argued in their response to Fravel that the police department was “simply a place for them to meet” where they could have a more private conversation.

Fravel voluntarily provided the officers with answers to their questions, and it was the officers, not Fravel, that ended the conversation on April 2, 2023, according to the prosecution.


a tad weird that you just posted this...
A new missing person case just popped up in NH... and Maddie Kinsbury just popped right into my mind.
off topic I know. Mia Feck.
MAY 29, 2024
A public candlelight vigil for Madeline Kingsbury will be held in Levee Park Saturday.

The event's description on Facebook says it is a vigil in honor of Madeline's birthday but will also feature resources for domestic violence.

MAY 30, 2024
In honor of her June 1 birthday, family and friends are looking to breaking the silence on domestic violence.

This Saturday, the Winona community is invited to gather a Levee Park to honor Madeline with a candlelight vigil at 7:30 p.m.

The Advocacy Center of Winona, Bluff Country Family Resources, Hope Coalition and the Women’s Shelter will be joining forces to break the silence.
MAY 29, 2024

In January, Fravel's attorneys filed motions to dismiss the case and move the trial out of Winona County. In briefings filed on Wednesday, the prosecution laid out their arguments against moving the trial to another venue.

According to the briefing filed by the prosecution, Fravel's legal team commissioned a survey that showed the vast majority of Winona County residents (89%) were aware of the case and, of that group, 74% had "formed an opinion that [Fravel] caused the death of Madeline Kingsbury."


"A fair trial does not mean jurors must be ‘totally ignorant of the facts and issues involved’ in an important criminal case,'" writes the prosecution, citing precedent.

Under that reading, prosecutors say the survey doesn't show that future jurors will be prejudiced in their deliberations or what knowledge of the case they have.


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