GUILTY FL - Shaloh Joseph, 17 mos, beaten to death, Lauderhill, 4 Jan 2008


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Aug 14, 2007
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He is the same age as Lionel Tate was when Lionel murdered the 6 year old girl here in South Florida.

I don't remember if Lionel was originally charged as a juvenile.

Please note how the mother wants her son home, as he has never been violent before and is scared of the police.

I'm sorry, but I don't feel sorry for this kid or his mother at all. He should not have been left in charge of these kids, I blame his mother for that, but a 12 year old knows that if you beat a baby in the head with a baseball bat, you can do damage or kill them.

Prayers to little Shaloh's family. May she rest in peace.
I believe Lionel is out now...and the statement regarding violence is a little naive...
Of course he's afraid since he's only twelve years old, but at least the police won't beat him in the head with an object and kill him. Something's not right with the kid or he'd have been able to control his impulses and would know that he'd hurt the baby. I don't see how the mother can expect them to just let him go. least the police won't beat him in the head with an object and kill him.....

We hope this will be the case, but it has been known to happen to folks in LE's custody. What a heartbreaking story. It's hard to know what to think.

A 12-year-old should have better impulse control, but I can see an immature boy this age not being able to handle a toddler. I would like to learn more. My prayers for this family. If I were the mother of a 12-year-old boy who had done this, I'd want him to come home too!
Well, with all due respect, most 12 year old boys do not pick up bats and hit toddlers...they might yell, curse, or slap a child, but picking up the bat and swinging...This is more than just impulsive or frustrated childish behavior.

Whatever the mother says may or may not be true. The capacity of many parents to be in denial about their children--for many reasons--is always beyond me.
From the article: Judge Martin Dishowitz found enough reason on Sunday to keep the boy locked up despite the his family's plea to release him. In court, the boy's family argued that he has no previous history of violence or criminal record.
''He's not a violent kid,'' his mother said. ``He's afraid of the police.''

By that rationale, everyone should get one free murder. Does it really matter if he's never been violent before? He killed someone!
From the article: Judge Martin Dishowitz found enough reason on Sunday to keep the boy locked up despite the his family's plea to release him. In court, the boy's family argued that he has no previous history of violence or criminal record.
''He's not a violent kid,'' his mother said. ``He's afraid of the police.''

By that rationale, everyone should get one free murder. Does it really matter if he's never been violent before? He killed someone!


He is a violent kid. He killed a small child. Whether or not he can be rehabilitated is another story, but he is a violent kid now, and that is all that matters.

If he had killed another kid during a fight or bullying episode, that might be different.

But a little child?

He needs to stay locked up so all involved--including his mother--understand what this boy is, and how serious this is.
Amen to that Texana.

He is a violent kid. He killed a small child. Whether or not he can be rehabilitated is another story, but he is a violent kid now, and that is all that matters.

If he had killed another kid during a fight or bullying episode, that might be different.

But a little child?

He needs to stay locked up so all involved--including his mother--understand what this boy is, and how serious this is.

He committed a angry, violent crime age 12.
A violent deadly crime against a toddler.
He needs to be locked up and charged with murder.
Someone with that type of anger may never be rehabilitated.
We hope this will be the case, but it has been known to happen to folks in LE's custody. What a heartbreaking story. It's hard to know what to think.

A 12-year-old should have better impulse control, but I can see an immature boy this age not being able to handle a toddler. I would like to learn more. My prayers for this family. If I were the mother of a 12-year-old boy who had done this, I'd want him to come home too!

The poor woman probably hardly knows what to do. Maybe she was expecting bail or something. She's lost her little girl and now losing her son. Her whole life just fell apart and I can only imagine how the ten year old feels.
He committed a angry, violent crime age 12.
A violent deadly crime against a toddler.
He needs to be locked up and charged with murder.
Someone with that type of anger may never be rehabilitated.

It's sad though because he will get out some day and we all know how little rehabilitation actually takes place in prisons. Even Prisons for youths

He will be locked away with other murderers and offered little to no actual help dealing with the issues that caused him to act this way in the first place-then he will be released back into society! Scarey!

He is a violent kid. He killed a small child. Whether or not he can be rehabilitated is another story, but he is a violent kid now, and that is all that matters.

If he had killed another kid during a fight or bullying episode, that might be different.

But a little child?

He needs to stay locked up so all involved--including his mother--understand what this boy is, and how serious this is.

Exactly! Yeah, Duh he's afraid of the police, with good reason!:doh:
I can understand the mother's pain but that little boy is right where he should be. He got that upset because he couldn't hear the tv? What would he do over something really important! He is old enough to know that he would harm that baby girl. I'm wondering if that was his sister? The article said he was left with his 10 yr old brother and a 17 month old girl. Sounds like she might not have been his sister.
Whoever put this horrible "child" in charge of those little kids should be arrested also.
The mother makes me wanna vomit. She raised a monster. She should never get custody of that monster back..ever. If there are more kids in her household they should be removed until they can figure out all this mess.
He is 12? I don't care. Life sentence.
12 is well old enough to know this is not something thats okay to do to a small child. I think authorities should come down hard on this guy.
I believe Lionel is out now...and the statement regarding violence is a little naive...
No Lionel is back in jail. He was freed but got into trouble and broke probation. I believe Lionel's mother caused some of that problem also. Remember she was supposed to be watching the 6 year old girl and left her 12 year old son and the little girl alone while she went to sleep.

This case now is another parent leaving a 12 year old to watch a baby this time without any adult supervision. At 12 a child knows hitting anyone with a baseball bat is wrong. He should be charged and kept out of society in my opinion.
From the article: Judge Martin Dishowitz found enough reason on Sunday to keep the boy locked up despite the his family's plea to release him. In court, the boy's family argued that he has no previous history of violence or criminal record.
''He's not a violent kid,'' his mother said. ``He's afraid of the police.''

By that rationale, everyone should get one free murder. Does it really matter if he's never been violent before? He killed someone!
His never being violent is just his mother's opinion and her definition of violent may be different then others. I would want to hear from his teachers and other children. He may bully others that is unknown at this time. My feeling is he needs to be just where he is. He should not go home to someone who allowed him to babysit a toddler.

If there is any chance to turn this child around if would not be in his home.
I can understand the mother's pain but that little boy is right where he should be. He got that upset because he couldn't hear the tv? What would he do over something really important! He is old enough to know that he would harm that baby girl. I'm wondering if that was his sister? The article said he was left with his 10 yr old brother and a 17 month old girl. Sounds like she might not have been his sister.

I agree he is old enough to know better, I have a 10 yr. old grandson who knows better than to hit someone with a bat. I"ll bet this wasn't the first time he's hurt someone, think LE should talk to his brother. I don't think the little girl was his sister either. What in the world was the mother thinking leaving a 12 yr. old in charge of a 10 yr. & a toddler, never mind she wasn't!
I wonder if the boy had to babysit all during the Christmas holidays while the adults worked. The article doesn't say if the babysitting was all day long or just a little while.

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