Educator Gets Suspension For Calling Kids "Trailer Trash"

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White Rain

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Jan 3, 2007
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MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. — Calling students "trailer trash" for bad behavior is an offense, but in Marshall County, it merits only a one-day suspension, not two.
That's the ruling from the Board of Education, which voted Tuesday to override an earlier penalty for John Marshall High School adviser Nicole Shipman. The board says Shipman should be reimbursed for the extra day she was off.
Last month, Shipman handed a memo to some unruly students, warning that if they insisted on acting like trailer trash, that's how she would treat them.
That broke the board's Employee Code of Conduct rules.
MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. — Calling students "trailer trash" for bad behavior is an offense, but in Marshall County, it merits only a one-day suspension, not two.
That's the ruling from the Board of Education, which voted Tuesday to override an earlier penalty for John Marshall High School adviser Nicole Shipman. The board says Shipman should be reimbursed for the extra day she was off.
Last month, Shipman handed a memo to some unruly students, warning that if they insisted on acting like trailer trash, that's how she would treat them.
That broke the board's Employee Code of Conduct rules.
Some people have no class. It is rude to use this kind of sarcasm to young children.:mad:
I grew up poor while younger, although we were upper middle-class as I aged.
This is one of my MOST hated phrases. :furious:
All poor people or people who live in trailers are NOT trash. :furious:
I've seen people live in $200,000 homes that I could call TRASH!
I grew up poor while younger, although we were upper middle-class as I aged.
This is one of my MOST hated phrases. :furious:
All poor people or people who live in trailers are NOT trash. :furious:
I've seen people live in $200,000 homes that I could call TRASH!

:clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Thank you EnglishL...this is a subject SO dear to my heart....
It hurts me so much to hear anyone referred to as this...
When I was small we lived in a best friend and I signed up for softball in 3rd grade...her parents were the they came by every "players" home....
I lived in a 2 bedroom dilapidated trailer, she lived in a 3 bedroom brick house.
Even though I hate my dad to this day, he ALWAYS provided for me...even though we were poor I was an only child and ALWAYS got what I wanted...
I remember 2 instances....
#1 I saw a strawberry shortcake bike at a store called TG@Y.....went home, told dad about it, got it THAT day....
#2 I wanted a trampoline, told my daddy and I got it THAT weekend....
Anyway I hate the freaking "trailer trash" crap....
And as per this link, EVEN IF the kids were "trailer trash" is that something to make fun of? Can these kids help it? NO!!!!
Oh what I wouldn't give to give this B*tch a piece of mind!!!!!!!!!
While I understand how being called trailer trash would be insulting, I can't believe a teacher was suspended over this. 1) The teacher didn't call the kid trailer trash; the teacher said the child was "acting like" trailer trash. In my mind, that's a lot different than calling somebody a name. I am totally against calling people names. For instance, I would never, ever call my kid a brat, but if she was acting like one I'd say so.

2) Are we raising our kids with such kid gloves now that something said in a heated moment in a classroom warrants a suspension of a teacher? One of the best teachers at my school says a phrase constantly that I find offensive ("This is so gay"); what if she were suspended every time she said it? Not only does the school have to pay for a sub, the students miss out on quality education.

If the student was offended, the teacher should have apologized (I would expect no less from a student who said something offensive). But suspension? Give me a break.
Adults are suppose to be setting the example for the children to learn by. It continuously irritates me to hear stuff like this. I would have been very upset if this was my daughter being told this. Children learn by example and you have authority figures spouting off like this and then we wonder why children today are the way they are.
While I understand how being called trailer trash would be insulting, I can't believe a teacher was suspended over this. 1) The teacher didn't call the kid trailer trash; the teacher said the child was "acting like" trailer trash. In my mind, that's a lot different than calling somebody a name. I am totally against calling people names. For instance, I would never, ever call my kid a brat, but if she was acting like one I'd say so.

2) Are we raising our kids with such kid gloves now that something said in a heated moment in a classroom warrants a suspension of a teacher? One of the best teachers at my school says a phrase constantly that I find offensive ("This is so gay"); what if she were suspended every time she said it? Not only does the school have to pay for a sub, the students miss out on quality education.

If the student was offended, the teacher should have apologized (I would expect no less from a student who said something offensive). But suspension? Give me a break.

You can't believe a teacher would be suspended over this? Obviously you didn't grow up in a trailer/trailer park...and know how much this might hurt...just because someone grew up in a t/p DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLZ tell me WHAT is the difference in BEING trailer/trash and ACTING LIKE IT?
And kid gloves? Like I said, you never grew up in a trailer park....Yeah we feel "so bad" for growing up poor/ AND considered trash...we really NEED to be told this by a TEACHER....SOMEONE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO LOOK UP TOO!!!!!!!!!!
We REALLY need to be told time and again how "different" we are!
"Suspension...give me a break?"....ugh you make me sick...I don't give a flying flip if I am given a time-out OR a permanent suspension...from this site...YOU DISGUST ME...GROW UP IN A TRAILER PARK AND THEN COME AND TELL ME HOW MUCH THIS DOESN'T HURT/MAKE A KID FEEL LIKE CRAP!!!!!!!
I DON"T CARE IF I AM KICKED OFF THIS SITE...If I am, I will miss MOST of you...goodbye...but this post just struck me to the core and I will NEVER apologize for what I've said.
the idea that saying you are acting like something is some how different than saying you are something i can not agree with. for example someone says "your mom acts like a *advertiser censored*" although they did not actually say your mother is a *advertiser censored* it means the same thing.
Thank you White Rain:clap: I did not have the guts to put it out there like that.
Thank you White Rain:clap: I did not have the guts to put it out there like that.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe if I didn't grow up in a t/p I WOULDN'T have the guts to say this....
but I did and I do!
Just how does a teacher treat trailer trash? I wonder if this is a snooty high fallutin school district or a poorer racially mixed bunch of kids? To send out an insulting and threatening memo saying she's going to treat them a certain angry way is way more trashier than any unruly high school student. The lady is only an adviser not the Queen of England. Wonder what the kids did to set her off, the poor stressed out thing.
Let me start by saying that I am a teacher. I'm appalled at what that so-called teacher wrote in the memo. What is she actually teaching? That it's OK to treat people in a certain way because of where they live? How they behave? Believe me, I've had some kids who were little hellions but it's my job to treat them with all the respect that being a student in our school demands. School is supposed to be a safe place. There are much more effective ways of classroom management than belittling and humiliating.
You can't believe a teacher would be suspended over this? Obviously you didn't grow up in a trailer/trailer park...and know how much this might hurt...just because someone grew up in a t/p DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLZ tell me WHAT is the difference in BEING trailer/trash and ACTING LIKE IT?
And kid gloves? Like I said, you never grew up in a trailer park....Yeah we feel "so bad" for growing up poor/ AND considered trash...we really NEED to be told this by a TEACHER....SOMEONE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO LOOK UP TOO!!!!!!!!!!
We REALLY need to be told time and again how "different" we are!
"Suspension...give me a break?"....ugh you make me sick...I don't give a flying flip if I am given a time-out OR a permanent suspension...from this site...YOU DISGUST ME...GROW UP IN A TRAILER PARK AND THEN COME AND TELL ME HOW MUCH THIS DOESN'T HURT/MAKE A KID FEEL LIKE CRAP!!!!!!!
I DON"T CARE IF I AM KICKED OFF THIS SITE...If I am, I will miss MOST of you...goodbye...but this post just struck me to the core and I will NEVER apologize for what I've said.


Purposely trying to hurt the child by calling them that name and the humiliation they might feel from it is horrible and *IT* should have received much more suspension than they did since that kid will never forget it and neither will the classmates. You cant get much lower than picking on an innocent little kid. The teacher needs to be pulled if you ask me, picking on a kid argh, she needs to grow up! I HATE the term trailer trash. I didnt grow up in a trailer but my niece and nephew do and their home is much nicer than other houses and apartments I have seen.
Yes, children look up to adults, especially authority figures like teachers, to know how to act. That's why this bothers me. Take the opportunity for a teachable moment here -- one about sensitivity for the teacher and one about better ways to deal with stress for the students (the teacher dealt poorly with her stress; ask how she could have done better). Yes, what she did was bad and wrong. But suspension is not the answer to this. It wasn't a problem with her teaching. There was no violence or other physical inappropriate contact with students. She didn't cuss the students out or threaten them. She made a poor choice of words. Suspension seems harsh to me. How would the situation have been dealt with had it been a student? Certainly not suspension. More probably, the student would have been reprimanded and, depending on the child's age, given some teaching on sensitivity. Now all that will happen is the teacher and students will resent each other, whereas both parties could have learned from the incident.
mr e- the difference there is another kid is a whole different ball park than someone who is an adult. You almost expect kids to be idiots and spew this out at times but she is an adult and if she doesnt know how to control her tongue than she shouldnt be in such a stressful job.

Its sad when we consider in this day and age- well, she didnt beat them or try and have sex with them so its alright. To me if she was physical either violent or sexual behavior suspension for a day would not enter into the equation for me- Suspended and never be able to teach again would fit that for me.
Honestly, it makes me scared to be a teacher that if I slip up just once and say something offensive, everybody will want me fired. It kind of makes sense that there are so many teachers who do terrible things like sleep with their students. No one in their right mind would want to be a teacher, so who's left?

Purposely trying to hurt the child by calling them that name and the humiliation they might feel from it is horrible and *IT* should have received much more suspension than they did since that kid will never forget it and neither will the classmates. You cant get much lower than picking on an innocent little kid. The teacher needs to be pulled if you ask me, picking on a kid argh, she needs to grow up! I HATE the term trailer trash. I didnt grow up in a trailer but my niece and nephew do and their home is much nicer than other houses and apartments I have seen.

:clap: BRAVO AUTUMN BRAVO:woohoo:
Imagine if he had said they were acting 'ghetto'. He'd have been fired and imagine the fallout.

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