Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #90

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When all the forensic results are completed, if they show that Caylee was in the trunk of the car and that she was deceased, Casey won't be able to blame anyone else. She called Tony and he picked her up. From the reports, she told him something was wrong with the car and that her father was going to pick it up later. The car was later towed to an impound yard, where George picked it up. So Casey was the last person to drive the car before it was abandoned at the check-cashing store.

I think if the forensic results are conclusive that Caylee is deceased and was in the trunk of the car, it will be very difficult for Casey to claim that someone else caused Caylee's death.
ITA - sure does look that way. But with the new info tonight - the roommate and possibly Tony - if they can place Casey with them on the night of the 15th - that leaves Cindy being the last person "documented" with Caylee alive. George says he saw them at the house on the 16th - but that is heresay. This is going to get alot more interesting before it is over.

BTW I wonder if the kidnappers that George is watching read on here - we know they are watching George.
I think if you made that call here they would refer you to CPS/DSHS to file a report there. Whether they would track her down, maybe, but considering the workload and complaints it would priortized against I still think it is unlikely.

Sad but true
I think if you made that call here they would refer you to CPS/DSHS to file a report there. Whether they would track her down, maybe, but considering the workload and complaints it would priortized against I still think it is unlikely.
CPS has 72 hours to check every call. That's the law. I live in South Florida (huge population) just like Orlando and they manage to get that check done. They do. It's afterwards that the poor children start falling through the cracks. But that initial call - oh yea - they check and they check fast.
This is coming strictly from the perspective of having spent several years around someone that I now believe has anti-social personality disorder in my not so distant past.
I could never challenge one of his lies. It caused the worst verbal and or physical blow-ups. This to me was Casey saying "How dare you discredit me on TV." The one I knew got extremely angry when he was exposed. If they ever contradict her or expose her, it will not be pretty. It's more of the same manipulation, just the ugly side of it.

It's true of the 27yo single mother in my family as well. Her mother calls her bi-polar, and tries to deny that there is anything seriously wrong with her, to the extent that they will give her credit for things she hasn't accomplished. Parents of compulsive liars are ashamed and frustrated that despite all their years being good and nuturing parents, they must admit that they have a sociopath capable of physical harm in their home.

This ex-sister-in-law of mine is 27 and still living at home. She has one 3yo illegitimate daughter and is now pregnant with an illegitimate son due in December. I watched in horror last year as this spoiled sociopath grabbed her mother (my mother-in-law) by the hair and started punching her in the face for telling her crazy daughter that she was taking away the family car keys from her for having driven drunk that night. It took me, my father-in-law and this crazy psycho's "man-of-the-hour" to get her off of my mother-in-law. The cops were called and I listened as my in-laws told the police that my SIL has a history of doing this and they feel they can't keep her out of their home because she will either neglect their grandchildren to spite them, or she will burn their house down to hurt them.

I'm not kidding. And I'm only sharing because some people can't relate to what it's like to be put in the middle of the love for your grandchildren and the fear of a sick child you've raised - and can't stop loving.

My in-laws are devout Christian's. You would never know this problem exists in their home until you got close enough into the family to see it yourself. My ex-husband (the psycho's brother) just like Lee, is pissed and ashamed to admit he has a sister. I was angry with him for not telling me about her when we were dating. I felt decieved of the choice to decide if I wanted to be related to such a family. I really hate my SIL, and I hate that her sweet parents ultimately give her whatever she wants just to appease her tantrums. When my SIL is happy and content (read: spoiled) she behaves almost like a normal person. It's only when you tell her no, and deny her what she feels ENTITLED to (ie her parents house, cars and money) that you see the devil in her. And I have no doubt that she would go so far as to kill her parents if she felt they were rejecting her. I'm glad I live thousands of miles away from her.

To say it's absurd to believe a 22yo can not control the actions (through emotions) of their family is to say one has no experience in dealing with a personality disorder in their home. I would never have imagined it myself, as I am a "normal parent" raising "normal, balanced children" with rules and expectations. But the reason I am personally tied to this case above all others is because I can relate to how Casey's sick mind works - she is living out my in-laws worst fears, and I need to see how it plays out. I fear for my in-laws and I fear for my little niece and nephew.

Thanks for hearing me out if you've read this far. It was good to finally find a place to talk about it.
None of these actions are illegal

I think that we are missing the Swags original comment. He said (correct me if I am wrong Swag) basically that he would not have dealt with all the runaround that Casey was giving about Caylee. I think his point is that Cindy didn't try to find Caylee and Casey. Not that she didn't call the police. Lee had Tony's phone number and Casey had other friends. She could have enlisted their help.
They could have reported the car stolen if it is registered in their name.
I think that we are missing the Swags original comment. He said (correct me if I am wrong Swag) basically that he would not have dealt with all the runaround that Casey was giving about Caylee. I think his point is that Cindy didn't try to find Caylee and Casey. Not that she didn't call the police. Lee had Tony's phone number and Casey had other friends. She could have enlisted their help.
Exactly! If Cindy is this loving grandma (and it seems they were a decent middle class family) why did she wait over a month to at least speak to Caylee? She didn't have to "see" her - just make sure that she was ok. Hell, she could have talked to Lee - he knew Casey and the situation - he could have tracked her down to make sure the kid was being cared for. If she is this loving, caring mother (Cindy) why didn't she do something - why wait a month until the "death car" comes back to her through an impound lot?
~respectfully snipped to shorten the post~

Thanks for hearing me out if you've read this far. It was good to finally find a place to talk about it.

I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Fortunately for me, I was able to put 4 states and some legal paperwork between myself and the psycho I knew.
If you take any "one" action that has come from the GP's and look at it, it can explained/reasoned away. But when you put them all together is paints an very different picture. What got me from the get go was GP picking that car up, driving it home, CLEANING IT OUT - with that smell. He knew that smell - he admits to the smell. He should have never drove that car off the impound lot and he knows this. The minute he sat down inside and took a big whiff - should have been outta there in a heartbeat grabbing for the cell phone. How would he have know that something HADN'T HAPPENED TO BOTH CASEY AND CAYLEE? He had no proof that SHE abandoned it. It never added up for from that moment on.

I have to agree 100%!! And things just don't seem to add up from that point on for me.
ITA - sure does look that way. But with the new info tonight - the roommate and possibly Tony - if they can place Casey with them on the night of the 15th - that leaves Cindy being the last person "documented" with Caylee alive. George says he saw them at the house on the 16th - but that is heresay. This is going to get alot more interesting before it is over.

BTW I wonder if the kidnappers that George is watching read on here - we know they are watching George.
Roomate said Cindy showed up at apartment he shared w/Tony to pick up Casey. Not sure of exact time/date -- but this is just prior to 911 calls. Says he saw Casey from late May thru June -- with Casey staying at the apartment regularly starting on June 16. He says he doesn't remember if he saw her on the morning of June 16 but he confirmed seeing Casey late on Father's Day. He says he saw her at the club on Friday nights in June, specifically June 6 and June 20. He says he has met Caylee numerous times and states that he saw the child after June 9th -- but before June 15. He says he is surprised and upset with the lies, and he seems to indicate that Tony shares in his feelings.
CPS has 72 hours to check every call. That's the law. I live in South Florida (huge population) just like Orlando and they manage to get that check done. They do. It's afterwards that the poor children start falling through the cracks. But that initial call - oh yea - they check and they check fast.

I get that, but please...just tell me where they would look?

She wasn't employed where her folks thought she was, so Universal couldn't help LE find her...

Her parents didn't know her "new" friends, so they couldn't look them up and ask where Casey was living..

They found Amy by fluke because her resume (iirc) was left in the car when impounded...

Amy led her parents to where Casey was living.

Had that paperwork not been in the towed car Cindy and George may not know where Casey is tonight...

I'm not trying to start an argument here.
You keep insisting LE should/could/would do a wellness check.

I just want to know at what address?

Even triangulating her phone calls to her parents wouldn't help.
You need a court order to get those...

Is it just me or do you not see how impossible it would have been to send LE to check on them? :)
It's true of the 27yo single mother in my family as well. Her mother calls her bi-polar, and try to deny that there is anything seriously wrong with her, to the extent that they will give her credit for things she hasn't accomplished. Parents of compulsive liars are ashamed and frustrated that despite all their years being good and nuturing parents, they must admit that they have a sociopath capable of physical harm in their home.

This es-sister-in-law of mine is 27 and still living at home. She one 3yo illegitimate daughter and is no pregnant with an illigitimate son due in December. I watched in horror last year as this spoiled sociopath grabbed her mother (my mother-in-law) by the hair and started punching her in the face for telling her crazy daughter that she was taking away the family car keys from her for having driven drunk that night. It took me, my father-in-law and this crazy psycho "man-of-the-hour" to get her off of my mother-in-law. The cops were called and I listened as my in-laws told the police that my SIL has a history of doing this and they feel they can't keep her out of their home because she will either neglect their grandchildren to spite them, or she will burn their house down to hurt them.

I'm not kidding. And I'm only sharing because some people can't relate to hat it's like to be held put in the middle of the love for your grandchildren and the fear of a sick child you've raised - and can't stop loving.

My in-laws are devout Christian's. You would never know this problem exists in their home until you got close enough into the family to see it yourself. My ex-husband (the psycho's brother) just like Lee, is pissed and ashamed to admit he has a sister. I was angry with him for not telling me about her when we were dating. I felt decieved of the choice to decide if I wanted to be related to such a family. I really hate my SIL, and I hate that her sweet parents ultimately give her whatever she wants just to appease her tantrums. When my SIL is happy and content (read: spoiled) she behaves almost like a normal person. It's only when you tell her no, and deny her what she feels ENTITLED to (ie her parents house, cars and money) that you see the devil in her. And I have no doubt that she would go so far as to kill her parents if she felt they were rejecting her. I'm glad I live thousands of miles away from her.

To say it's absurd to believe a 22yo can not control the actions (through emotions) of their family is to say one has no experience in dealing with a personality disorder in their home. I would never have imagined it myself, as I am a "normal parent" raising "normal, balanced children" with rules and expectations. But the reason I am personally tied to this case above all others is because I can relate to how Casey's sick mind works - she is living out my in-laws worst fears, and I need to see how it plays out. I fear for my in-laws and I fear for my little niece and nephew.

Thanks for hearing me out if you've read this far. It was good to finally find a place to talk about it.

JMO. I find myself rather shocked that you point out that a child is illegitimate(born of parents who are not married to each other; born out of wedlock). I have only heard a person point things out like this about a child when they have felt themselves better than others. And I am compelled to ask if your husband knows you would have thought less of him because of his family. I am sorry but being a parent of 2 "illegitimate children" I am at aw as to your way of expressing things. Illegitimate is not a kind definition ( 1. born of parents who are not married to each other; born out of wedlock: an illegitimate child.
2. not legitimate; not sanctioned by law or custom.
3. unlawful; illegal: an illegitimate action.
4. irregular; not in good usage.
5. Logic. not in accordance with the principles of valid inference.
6. Obsolete. (formerly, in London) a. of or pertaining to stage plays in which musical numbers were inserted because of laws that gave only a few theaters the exclusive right to produce straight dramas.
b. acting in or producing such productions.

–noun 7. a person recognized or looked upon as illegitimate.
–verb (used with object) 8. to declare illegitimate.)
My children are of great use!
This makes George's account highly suspect doesn't it? It also makes Cindy the last person we can verify seen with Caylee.

Didn't Cindy also talk about hearing BOTH of them through the wall and Caylee sleeping with Casey that night? (I think that was on Greta when OTR was there doing the tour of the rooms?)

Also that would mean George's sudden recollection of the girls leaving that day interesting that there was no mention of any interaction in the morning, etc. If Casey wasn't there all night, it seems likely G/C would have had to do something with her in the morning, etc.
Ask Lee = he partied with Casey - he had Tony's phone number. He could have "checked up" on them.
Sounds like Casey slipped out of her parents house for a booty call and then went back sometime in the a.m.

How can he remember so many other things clearly, but he can't recall if Casey was there that morning?
And why didn't he speak with his friend and "business partner" from July 1 when he moved out until July 15 when the story broke? Why was he no longer a dj at Fusian after June?

Maybe because she wasn't in HIS bedroom, but his roommate's and the door was closed?!

Regarding the next couple of questions, I don't know and don't care. Unless he's been named as a suspect, his "bizness" as they say, is NONE OF OURS.
QUOTE: And why didn't he speak with his friend and "business partner" from July 1 when he moved out until July 15 when the story broke? Why was he no longer a dj at Fusian after June? :QUOTE

I have to say I thought about that as well. It is stated somewhere (I think maybe in the charging doc - but I could be wrong) That Casey spent with 4th of July with Tony AND his roommate - cooked dinner for BOTH of them. I found it odd that he said July 1 as well
I wish the reporters would ask Cindy and George why they didn't answer Casey's calls on the 16th and 18th.

Omigosh...if she was as much a pathological liar and needy, personality-disordered-******* as someone in my family, it would be "standard procedure" to ignore their incessant phone calls. Really!
The phone calls IMO weren't a "flurry" - she calls each number - mom cell, home, dad cell twice. I know when my high schooler doesn't answer her phone and it goes to voicemail - I call and I call and I call and I call - lol. She knows she better answer it. Plus Cindy said the other night if something was wrong with Caylee, Casey would always come to her because she is a nurse. Why didn't she at least answer - something could have been wrong with Caylee. I would like to know why those calls weren't answered as well.
The phone calls IMO weren't a "flurry" - she calls each number - mom cell, home, dad cell twice. I know when my high schooler doesn't answer her phone and it goes to voicemail - I call and I call and I call and I call - lol. She knows she better answer it. Plus Cindy said the other night if something was wrong with Caylee, Casey would always come to her because she is a nurse. Why didn't she at least answer - something could have been wrong with Caylee. I would like to know why those calls weren't answered as well.

I don't find the calls that surprising either. I know myself to make those kind of calls all the time.
Omigosh...if she was as much a pathological liar and needy, personality-disordered-******* as someone in my family, it would be "standard procedure" to ignore their incessant phone calls. Really!

Yes, you reasonably normal people Anita, they would avoid those calls--but IMO this family is quite dysfunctional, obviously havent had Casey be held responsible for many things in her life (Caylee included), and I do think her parents were ignoring her calls because they were maybe trying to put a shock to her system to straighten up her act--or wouldnt speak to her due the whatever the "blow up' was.....
I am not from a 'normal' family either, lol, I am not throwing stones....I just get the impression that Casey has been pulling stunts all her life, and her parents have never made her take responsibility for her actions.
I think the GP's are in a complete state of denial, and have been for years.
again, just my opinion....
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