Ideas for book title

Yes, it was. Other than Nedra's also extremely odd comment about JBR being "only a little bit molested", I don't recall reading anywhere that she (OR her husband) ever said another word about their grand-daughter or her murder.
That comment is what made me believe that a "little bit of molestation" was par for the course in that family and nothing to get too excited about.

Kinda like being a little bit pregnant. Either you are pregnant or you are not. Either someone was molested...or they weren't. There are no in betweens with either of these.

Nedra and her husband (his name escapes me) should have been all over the news media...asking for help in finding their grand daughter's murder. Why weren't they? Now THAT is the 10 million dollar question.
Kinda like being a little bit pregnant. Either you are pregnant or you are not. Either someone was molested...or they weren't. There are no in betweens with either of these.

Unless you're trying to justify something...

Nedra and her husband (his name escapes me) should have been all over the news media...asking for help in finding their grand daughter's murder. Why weren't they? Now THAT is the 10 million dollar question.

His name is Don Paugh, and he's still alive, last I knew.
His name is Don Paugh, and he's still alive, last I knew.

YEP..that's it! (I am terrible with names!) No, I don't remember seeing his gravestone in the picture with Nedra's, Patsy's, JB's and the old gizzard must still be living. Someone needs to interview that man.
YEP..that's it! (I am terrible with names!) No, I don't remember seeing his gravestone in the picture with Nedra's, Patsy's, JB's and the old gizzard must still be living. Someone needs to interview that man.

Interview or interrogate?
YEP..that's it! (I am terrible with names!) No, I don't remember seeing his gravestone in the picture with Nedra's, Patsy's, JB's and the old gizzard must still be living. Someone needs to interview that man.

The Don remarried ,he is still living in Atlanta,there is a lot to learn about his life (time)in Boulder just before JB died , many Q's not answered.
Interview or interrogate?

LOL..yep, interrogate. I knew that interview was not the right was pretty late when I posted that. Yes, he needs to be interrogated....old or not. Shine a light in his face for hours, deny him food and water...or bathroom trips...and he might just sing like a canary. Or maybe not...hey, it would be worth a try.
The Don remarried ,he is still living in Atlanta,there is a lot to learn about his life (time)in Boulder just before JB died , many Q's not answered.

Hmmmm..that sounds VERRRYYY interesting. I do believe that JB was being molested by somebody...but, I don't think that it was John. Just call it my woman's intuition. I have always suspected Grand - Paugh, as he is referred to over at FFJ. LOL

The fact that he nor Nedra ever came forward seeking info from the public regarding their six year old grand-daughter's murder...speaks volumes to me. I believe that they knew something. Maybe Patsy even confided in them or something....but, something is definately rotten in Denmark, as they say.
The Don remarried ,he is still living in Atlanta,there is a lot to learn about his life (time)in Boulder just before JB died , many Q's not answered.

Sure his lfe goes on..... but how much did he plead for JonBenets murderer to turn themselves in. None that I know of .
Sure his lfe goes on..... but how much did he plead for JonBenets murderer to turn themselves in. None that I know of .

And the only two reasons for him or Nedra not to publicly ask for help in finding JB's ...

1. They already KNEW who the killer was.
2. They didn't care about her, or finding her killer...because maybe there was some molestation going on and she was silenced forever.
3. All of the above
And the only two reasons for him or Nedra not to publicly ask for help in finding JB's ...

1. They already KNEW who the killer was.
2. They didn't care about her, or finding her killer...because maybe there was some molestation going on and she was silenced forever.
3. All of the above

Yes I have always been suspicious of his leaving that day myself. Would Lizzard toung have protected him all these years though. Hey does anyone have a picture of Grand Paugh at the funerals of JonBenet or Patsy?
LOL..yep, interrogate. I knew that interview was not the right was pretty late when I posted that. Yes, he needs to be interrogated....old or not. Shine a light in his face for hours, deny him food and water...or bathroom trips...and he might just sing like a canary. Or maybe not...hey, it would be worth a try.

It would sure make me feel better.
JBR's funeral was in Atlanta, where the Paugh's lived. I think it would have been news at the time if they had not been at the funeral.

My hinky-meter always goes off when Grandma & Grandpa P are discussed. Their behavior during and after this horrible thing that happened to their granddaughter always made me suspicious. Nedra was as dismissive of JBR as was PR, as soon as she became an EX-child beauty queen. It was as if because the chance to be Miss America was gone, so what's the point?
And the only two reasons for him or Nedra not to publicly ask for help in finding JB's ...

1. They already KNEW who the killer was.
2. They didn't care about her, or finding her killer...because maybe there was some molestation going on and she was silenced forever.
3. All of the above

amen.I know my kids' gparents would be screaming off the rooftops,pleading w the public to help to find the killer,had it been any of their gkids.Even if it was 20 yrs later,they still would be doing the same thing,till the day they died.
silence is deafening!
amen.I know my kids' gparents would be screaming off the rooftops,pleading w the public to help to find the killer,had it been any of their gkids.Even if it was 20 yrs later,they still would be doing the same thing,till the day they died.
silence is deafening!

I am a grandma too and I would leave no stone unturned Not one
I am a grandma too and I would leave no stone unturned Not one

me either.
how is your gdaughter btw? my daughter is now officially off to college...I am so sad and yet so happy for her at the same time!
I know of one poster (not here) whose grandchildren were murdered. She was at the police station so much she was like furniture!
me either.
how is your gdaughter btw? my daughter is now officially off to college...I am so sad and yet so happy for her at the same time!

She is doing good I am sure I will have a report on college shortly so far its all been Do you know what that cost Her parents are numb!!
The other grandaughter... well She is a beauty and had her first romance. Yes we were at dinner and they sat another couple next to our table that put the two high chairs close. They smiled and it was the cutest thing Wnen they left they held their little boy up and he kissed her it was so cute we were all in tears. And They were saying bye bye and waving... An being a grandma.... that is so special.
She is doing good I am sure I will have a report on college shortly so far its all been Do you know what that cost Her parents are numb!!

yes,I'm going to be eating bologna sandwiches for dinner here shortly and making my own toothpaste.(anybody have a recipe? lol).If not now then for sure when my son starts next year;they're close in age and college-wise,that puts a real dent in the budget!
Glad to hear she's doing well. :)

The other grandaughter... well She is a beauty and had her first romance. Yes we were at dinner and they sat another couple next to our table that put the two high chairs close. They smiled and it was the cutest thing Wnen they left they held their little boy up and he kissed her it was so cute we were all in tears. And They were saying bye bye and waving... An being a grandma.... that is so special.
how cute !!
I know of one poster (not here) whose grandchildren were murdered. She was at the police station so much she was like furniture!
I would be too,heck if I was too old to walk n in a wheelchair,I'd still be camped out there!

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