Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #125

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He finally said hospital the other night. He also said to "deposit" Caylee. He butchers words and peoples names including Casey=Stacy, Caylee=IT, and ZG=Zanoooda Zaddada Zeneeda Hernandeez Fernandeez Gonzalies.

Imo, it's just a weird pattern of careless speaking.

That was so funny......his take on the ZG names is a hoot....say them all together really fast:waitasec:
This is a terrific question. Just sayin :)

I've wondered about this, too. First of all, the only person who has said it was in the car was Cindy. Secondly, if it was in the car, and Casey had just cashed a check of Amy's, maybe she used some info off the resume for getting the check cashed?
I still have a problem believing that Cindy couldn't locate Casey until she found something in her car. Lee had partied with many of these folks, and it looks like more than a few of them had been in the Anthony home partying, at least that's what I think I see in various pictures. Plus, Casey's myspace could have been a valuable reference for tracking down Casey through any number of friends at any point in time.
What is his problem? He came off looking like a nut case. Jamie Colby was nice to him at first. He is just another crazy in a crazy case.

Personally, I think he is a poor excuse for a "spokesperson".

I have no clue what is wrong with him. He did say a couple of days ago on TV that Casey was talking with her parents. I believe this was a telephone conversation with Fox.
Yea, I've figured out how they do it. Got a real good lesson on "triangluation" the other night from a friend and how they draw the concentric circles around the towers and where those circles intersect is the location. I'm just wondering if LP is not so concerned about where CA was with the pings but where the "fab 5" WERE NOT?

The only problem with is some carriers, like AT&T, don't triangulate completely this way. It's the new GSM network and chips in the phone that allow for it to function differently than is generally specified.
did anyone catch the family spokesman on fox news a couple minutes ago?
YES! I can't get over what a jerk he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wants the public to be out searching for Caylee, but did not mention the family out looking. Also said Casey WAS NOT talking to parents. etc.............
This is true - however I get the feeling (and yeah it's only my gut) telling me he WANTS to talk to those fab 5.

YES! Apparently, Baez has not been able to talk to the fab 5. They are very likely witnesses for prosecutor. They can verifty that Casey was without Caylee and going on like nothing was amiss... for the child neglect charge. The fab 5 have not been in the media. Leonard is trying to draw them out. Baez needs to discredit those witnesses if at all possible.
I have been thinking about how some of the pictures of the activities Casey were involved with look really on the edge to me. They almost look like sexual activities where anything goes.

It's scary to think about the kind of men who go to those parties. Like the ones in the pictures where Casey is dressed in a flag. Lots of semi nudity, lots of private parts being shown.

Although they are consenting adults, what about Caylee? It seems that if anything goes, their may have been some real perverts there also.

She travels in circles on the fringe. IMHO. My mother used to have a saying "When you lay down with "dogs" you come up with fleas"

Maybe this type of activity lead to Caylee being taken or killed. Just a thought. :waitasec:
Isn't that the truth!!!

LP is not going to admit what he really has up his sleeve. He is a BH, and is well versed in tracking the most heinous criminals. He can say whatever he wants to media, and he seems to be doing that, and getting a big kick out of their frenzied reactions. He could be saying, we are searching for a kidnapped child, but in reality, it may all just be a mind game to get the right players to talk. He may be a character, but he's no dummy.


I agree............he is very successful in tracking the "best" hiders in the world and if I were involved in this at all, I would be RUNNING, not walking to LE to get him off my back. People who are involved would be very stupid at this point to hold back anything as they will be put under suspicion by Casey's attorney in hopes of getting her out of trouble.
It just hit me...IF she did steal a check from great-grandparent's and IF one check was made out for an even $354, the price range could have been for some sort of medication for someone with no health insurance.

Just heard someone at the pharmacy a few days ago, elderly gentleman having to pay $450 or so for ONE of his medications that wasn't covered on insurance..

Just a thought imho, in no way gospel :p
Sorry but I missed the family spokesperson today....he said that Casey is NOT speaking to her parents?
That was so funny......his take on the ZG names is a hoot....say them all together really fast:waitasec:

It really cracks me up big time. My father in law was just like that. He wasn't speaking in cody or anything. Although we used to joke we needed a decorder ring to figure out what he was talking about sometimes.
If you would go back into last nights loooong would see they could not. Pings are relative to a specific phone ONLY. (Wait...I thought you were there?)

That's what I was saying all along. I was merely asking for corroboration, given how contested the topic was. Weren't you one of the posters that were certain that anybody's cell phone records were available for sale? And that Padilla could legally and easily get anybody's cell phone records simply because of his employment status?

I don't mind your eagerness to pick at anything I post. And based on the totality of all your posts addressed to me in the last 24 hours, I wonder whether this case discussion is nothing more than a pretext for you to challenge me. But I don't mind either way... honestly. Reasoned conflict often makes for interesting discussion. But you should bother to read my post before challenging them.
The only problem with is some carriers, like AT&T, don't triangulate completely this way. It's the new GSM network and chips in the phone that allow for it to function differently than is generally specified.

The GPS system which is in most new phones (blackjack) will pinpoint the location directly and does not require pings.
YES! Apparently, Baez has not been able to talk to the fab 5. They are very likely witnesses for prosecutor. They can verifty that Casey was without Caylee and going on like nothing was amiss... for the child neglect charge. The fab 5 have not been in the media. Leonard is trying to draw them out. Baez needs to discredit those witnesses if at all possible.

That is a good point. He needs to get their names thrown out there so people will rip their character to shreads. It is so obvious to me LP and JB are in bed together.
Sorry but I missed the family spokesperson today....he said that Casey is NOT speaking to her parents?

PattyG is in the process of uploading it. He went off on the media for "spinning" everything. When Jamie pointed out that the news was from a reputable source he continued to go off on the media. He has little self-control like all the other players in this mess. IMHO
I agree or it is the code that Casey and her friends used for a certain location. My son and his friends use the term Freemanland as the name of their party hangout.
The more I hear it, I too believe it could be a coded message he's sending.
This is true - however I get the feeling (and yeah it's only my gut) telling me he WANTS to talk to those fab 5.
Well SURE HE DOES. But like you said, and he (LP) knows - if he were to just walk right up them well it would be a "feet do your duty" moment. So, by playing this ace last night - he let them know he is interested. I really believe LP orchestrated last night's media. I think it was strategically timed - with GP’s being out of the house (and the area as well). He (LP) did not share this with anyone BUT his team. His TEAM had that all laid out last night. They wanted to see the “traffic” pick up on the internet and have Casey alone (except with the female BH) to intercept and respond to that “traffic”. IMO there WAS a lot of traffic last night - which could be why the church visit was cancelled - the whole world knows where she was going today. I don’t think Miss Casey cancelled it - I think she was told she wasn’t going and that came from the security team.

Or - if CA is NOT allowed internet access - ANy of the security team COULD HAVE been online "posing" as Casey to intercept and response to this traffic.
I don't know why but for one don't "feel" a great deal of respect for Leonard...he may be the big man bounty hunter but if all these bounty hunters were so great, they would be helping LE catch criminals everyday.
I place my bet with LE....they are smart guys too and they don't make the big bucks and get the celebrity some of these other guys do. And most of them are the opposite of Leonard and they like--they admit it when they don't have all the answers.
The GPS system which is in most new phones (blackjack) will pinpoint the location directly and does not require pings.

Depends on the area, I think. AT&T isn't complete with the Edge network in all locations, and given what we see expressed as "pings", Orlando may be one of them that hasn't been converted yet?
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